[Game] Kings/Lakers game thread

How is comparing him to Dennis Scott a downgrade? I've watched the NBA for many years, son, and Dennis Scott was a damn fine player. Watch ESPN classic, young buck.
Right, because you know how old I am. It is a slight at Marcus Thornton because Marcus Thornton can create his own shot unlike D3. D3 was an excellent player for the Magic but was a great spot up shooter and a decent defender. If he ever had to put the ball on the floor, you won on defense already.
How is comparing him to Dennis Scott a downgrade? I've watched the NBA for many years, son, and Dennis Scott was a damn fine player. Watch ESPN classic, young buck.
C'mon man! You can't just come in here and start doing some ad hominem. you don't just bash on someone by putting them down because of their age. This post just shows your immaturity and a cop-out, imo. Instead of arguing normally, you have to bring in his age to bash them down.
Yes. Kings win, Kings win. The game was played a bit sloppy by both teams. It'll take a couple of weeks for the players to start gellling. Lakers got lazy late in the fourth. What was that? Like four straight possessions by the Kings at their end of the court. LOL. Kings missed something like 14 FTs. Marcus was sensational. Jimmer made some mistakes but its expected. Afterall it was his first regular season NBA game. The black unis looked awesome. Go Kings.


Hall of Famer
Jimmer +8.

Tyreke -1.

If you ever want to know what the most important stat is, there you go.

Look for that one in the boxscore.

That's only if you want to win, though.
dude I have seen your crap on the last few days. I like Jimmer. But your being insane. by your opinion of the +/- stat Travis Outlaw is better than Thorton, Tyreke, Jimmer, Salmons, and Hickson. Seriously nobody here is against Jimmer but your making it this contest vs. Tyreke Its the kids fist NBA game and you want him winning league MVP. he was 3-8 hesitant and had 3 TO Tyreke 0 TO which i bring that up becuase that was your knock on Evans at one point. Anyway chill out Jimmer may become a great player in this league but right now he can't touch what Tyreke brings. People on this board are laughing at you. Your Basketball IQ looks to be in the - catagory in the +/-. just sit back and think about what you are typing before you do. Right now there is a petition going around via private msg to ban you for sheer lunacy.
dude I have seen your crap on the last few days. I like Jimmer. But your being insane. by your opinion of the +/- stat Travis Outlaw is better than Thorton, Tyreke, Jimmer, Salmons, and Hickson. Seriously nobody here is against Jimmer but your making it this contest vs. Tyreke Its the kids fist NBA game and you want him winning league MVP. he was 3-8 hesitant and had 3 TO Tyreke 0 TO which i bring that up becuase that was your knock on Evans at one point. Anyway chill out Jimmer may become a great player in this league but right now he can't touch what Tyreke brings. People on this board are laughing at you. Your Basketball IQ looks to be in the - catagory in the +/-. just sit back and think about what you are typing before you do. Right now there is a petition going around via private msg to ban you for sheer lunacy.
If I am banned for stating my opinion, so be it. lol @ a petition. Grow up, little guy. Life is full of much tougher challenges.
I'm so happy, what a beautiful win.

Proud of Jimmer, he played terrific.
Anyone who watched the game could of noticed his smart actions and great passes.
Kinda surprised me tough that he didn't take any 3p shot, but i'm not worried, he just needs a little bit more confidence and then I bet he will start shooting more and getting more buckets.

WOW DMC is such a hussler!!! Never gives up, and even though he is a young player, he truly is an example to many others..

Now off to the laker forum to have a few laughs..


Hall of Famer
Me thinks he didn't realize it was a joke. sense of humor about the same level of basketball IQ. little man? I like that lol. ME JWILL55 ME BIG STRONG MAN JIMMER THE BEST haha. I saw you call another guy son and young buck. Got a complex do we?
Do people expect Garcia and Greene to get playing time tomorrow night? Did Westphal DNP them as strategy or because he thinks that they are that much worse than the other options?