A decision has been made


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Would a Maloof go on Grant's show right after announcing they were filing? Something tells me they wouldn't have the stomach for that.
Yeah, that wouldn't seem to make a lot of sense. Then again I think the Maloofs have shown themselves to be rather tone deaf when it comes to public relations.

I could honestly see them thinking it's a good idea to say goodbye, thank the fans and explain why they "had" to move.
Yeah, that wouldn't seem to make a lot of sense. Then again I think the Maloofs have shown themselves to be rather tone deaf when it comes to public relations.

I could honestly see them thinking it's a good idea to say goodbye, thank the fans and explain why they "had" to move.
It just seems to me that if they cared at all about that angle, they wouldn't have been so quiet these last few months. Why would they all of a sudden feel the need to "justify" the move to fans when they've pretty much acted like we don't even exist since February?
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Haha. Why the nervousness guys? From watching the video I couldn't really pick up on their decision. At first I thought they were filing for sure, by the way they were talking, but then their last couple of words made me think otherwise. Personally, I don't think they will file. Considering their "behind the back" actions and behavior, with everything related to the move to anaheim, if they were going to file i don't feel like they would make such a big fuss of it. They would probably just file quietly on monday at 2PM if they were planning on doing so.
I don't want to spend the time breaking down the video bit by bit but when he says " there", it felt like he was kind of letting them (Anaheim) down softly. Also a tinge of regret when he talks about them, he also sighs right after talking about the city council of Anaheim. His mood immediately changes as he begins to talk about the fans in Sac and their existing sponsers and even lets out a little laugh at the end. I'm not an expert at reading people but my guess is that wasn't a man ready to break hearts in Sacramento tomorrow.
After watching the vid, I think they are staying and they'll spin it something to the effect of "we love Sacramento, we love the effort of KJ, the council, and the fans...and eventhough Anaheim would be fantastic...we just gotta give it one last shot here and see if we can get us...I mean...the city, a world class venue built. (ASAP)" Let the face-saving begin...


Give blood and save a life!
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I don't know. He's pointing out how both Sac and Anaheim have put effort out into wanting them to be there. I didn't get the impending doom feeling others have expressed. If they don't file, they upset Anaheim and Samueli. If they do, they upset Sac and the loyal fans they have had. And we all know they are hurting for money whether they file and take on more loans or stay and have (probably) less income. I can get why it has been difficult for them.

And that doesn't even touch the (probable longshot) of do they consider selling if they don't have the votes and don't think they can afford to stay.

That said, like most here, I wish they would just come out and say something and get it over with. While I appreciate what they have done in the past, The last 6 months or so have not been their shining moments as owners.

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
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I wonder if this is part of their plan to sue the NBA for not allowing them to move? You don't have a complaint unless you are rejected. I think the whole idea of going against the NBA's recommendation is bad for just about everyone. If they file for relocation, it's bad news. It means:

* They are putting it on NBA to make the decision.
* That there is likely no scenario where the Maloofs will own the Kings in Sacramento.
* They still think there is a chance they will be allowed to move.

None of those sound very good for us. It basically means the only way Sacramento has a team next season is if the NBA rejects their move and forces them to sell the team. Is Stern ready to go to there?
I think this pretty much hits it on the head. I see the Maloofs filing for relocation, and effectively daring the NBA to turn down the request. Presuming the NBA does this, they then turn back and file an anti-trust lawsuit.

However, I don't think that it will get as far as the NBA forcing the Maloofs to sell the team, at least not by next year. If there's a lawsuit, there's probably basketball in Sacramento next year while things get sorted out in the courts.

I also think a lawsuit is a bad move for the Maloofs, because even if they win, they lose. You can't have it both ways - you can't use the courts to break a single entity (the NBA) into a group of entities (individual teams) and then also hope to have the court force those individual teams to do business with you. David Stern is not a man to be messed with. If the Maloofs file an anti-trust lawsuit and lose, they'll be effectively forced to sell. But if they win, they'll have nobody to play games against. Lose-lose scenario.

And still, I see the Maloofs doing it. Sad, really.
I think this pretty much hits it on the head. I see the Maloofs filing for relocation, and effectively daring the NBA to turn down the request. Presuming the NBA does this, they then turn back and file an anti-trust lawsuit.

However, I don't think that it will get as far as the NBA forcing the Maloofs to sell the team, at least not by next year. If there's a lawsuit, there's probably basketball in Sacramento next year while things get sorted out in the courts.

I also think a lawsuit is a bad move for the Maloofs, because even if they win, they lose. You can't have it both ways - you can't use the courts to break a single entity (the NBA) into a group of entities (individual teams) and then also hope to have the court force those individual teams to do business with you. David Stern is not a man to be messed with. If the Maloofs file an anti-trust lawsuit and lose, they'll be effectively forced to sell. But if they win, they'll have nobody to play games against. Lose-lose scenario.

And still, I see the Maloofs doing it. Sad, really.
letting go

I am a granma and I am a die hard kings fan. I love the kings, but I am so tired of this whole thing that I would rather the Maloof's leave.and leave the kings here but that's not going to happen.If the Maloofs are forced to stay they will make it very hard on sac. to get anything done concerning the arena.I would rather wait a few more years when we get a new arena and start fresh with a new team than put up with the Maloof's for one more year. Love you kings. I'm very sad about this whole thing.
I am a granma and I am a die hard kings fan. I love the kings, but I am so tired of this whole thing that I would rather the Maloof's leave.and leave the kings here but that's not going to happen.If the Maloofs are forced to stay they will make it very hard on sac. to get anything done concerning the arena.I would rather wait a few more years when we get a new arena and start fresh with a new team than put up with the Maloof's for one more year. Love you kings. I'm very sad about this whole thing.
I wouldn't worry too much about the Maloofs sabotaging arena efforts next year. If they stay, Stern will be keeping an eye on them. the Maloofs are expendable as far as the NBA is concerned. If the Maloofs try and throw a wrench into things in Sacramento, they'd only be digging their hole deeper than it already is.

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
Yahoo is reporting they are staying another year.
I think Yahoo is just repeating the CSN Bay Area release with the funny language that says the NBA has told the Maloofs to expect that the Kings will remain in Sacramento for another year. That language, if taken literally, does point toward the Maloofs filing, in my opinion. Two hours left until we know.
Wow, although it's the worst possible conclusion that they could come up with, I have no doubt that they will file for relocation based on what George said.

At the end of the segment, he talks about how great the Sacramento fans are and mentions something about the sponsors but then immediately says "we think we got it figured out THOUGH". Unless he's stupider than we think and really has no handle of the English language, he wouldn't use the word "though" after praising Sacramento if he wasn't going to come to a negative conclusion about Sacramento's fate.

If he were coming to a positive conclusion about Sacramento, he wouldn't say "we think we got it figured out THOUGH" but rather "fans are great......sponsors are up...SO we think we have it figured out"

Even worse, they are pulling a Lebron of sorts. Allowing a Sacramento reporter to break the news that a decision has been made just drags us through this garbage all the more.
Ahh shucks, does anyone know how this meal tastes?:p