Maloofs Remain Stubborn


The Game Thread Dude

The Los Angeles Times reported minutes ago that NBA officials say they expect the Kings to remain in Sacramento next year.

Team co-owner Gavin Maloof immediately disagreed, saying he and his brothers haven't made up their mind yet.

"That is not what we are saying," Maloof said. "We haven't said what we are going to say. We'll let you know when we know."

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At this point it's kind of like a captain staying on a sinking ship.
He and his brothers haven't made up their mind yet?

Uhhh. what did George come out and say at the meetings last week? That they were going to file?

Can you believe ANYTHING they say ever?


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
It sounds like Stern was making their minds up for them, probably to save them the embarrassment of losing a vote (or getting shot down in committee). Read the tea leaves fellas.


Hall of Famer

At this point it's kind of like a captain staying on a sinking ship.
In the Maloofs defense, they have always said that they are looking for advice from the NBA and are exploring possibilities. They have never said where they want to be. George flipped off an angry comment but I don't hold people to what they say in anger. If I did, I'd be divorced. :)

I know you can read between the lines and come up with an answer but it is far more easy to stay, it gives them the most status, and it might just make them more money. They haven't officially burned any bridges which may be the most intelligent thing they have done recently.


Hall of Famer
Whatever. I don't read much into this. I expect the Maloofs to make a statement on or before march 2nd, after everything has been digested, just like any politician or ceo would do. I don't expect them to publicly say yes or no to every damn reporter who calls them or sticks a mic in their face.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Whatever. I don't read much into this. I expect the Maloofs to make a statement on or before march 2nd, after everything has been digested, just like any politician or ceo would do. I don't expect them to publicly say yes or no to every damn reporter who calls them or sticks a mic in their face.
Yeah, that's probably what they will do, which again is just another in a long line of bad PR by the family. They need to get out in front and say how happy they are that things have developed so rapidly and that they are looking forward to working with the city and the new partnerships KJ is bringing in. And they needed to say that before the NBA basically came out and publicly said this is what's likely to happen. Even if they plan on filing.

Why? Because if the arena plans move forward they aren't going to have a leg to stand on in asking for this and that from the city because they already showed they had a crap deal in Anaheim. No parking, minimum % from suites and boxes, no operational control. They are going to get some of that back in Sac, the question is how much. And if they come off as unwilling to work with anyone and the arena moves forward the NBA will pressure them to take the same lame deal they got in Anaheim in the new arena or sell the team.


Northernmost Kings Fan
At some point though, if the Kings end up staying, the Maloofs need to acknowledge the huge contributions that the local businesses and others have been making to keep the team in Sac. It really helps the Maloofs tremendously if they stay and right now their demeanor is sour grapes.
get outta here :) skateboard tycoons?
Are you joking or do you really not know that they host skateboarding events?

Btw, read in the other thread about how NBA execs think they'll stay in sac next year. Great news. I wouldn't read too much into what they say when asked about the situation. Like Rainmaker said, you can't expect them to give everyone some type of answer when they call them up.

Also, KJ did great in buying another year. But the arena is the biggest fight. And they're gonna have to work 10 X's harder than they did to get another year in sac.
I'm blown away with how quickly these tool bags have turned their backs on this city.

Not only do I hope the sell, I hope they go broke paying off all the loans they've taken out over the years.
I bet you loved these "tool bags" 5-10 years ago. Maybe you benifitted off some of the charities they donated to the city(who knows). Some of you need to chill. Too much hate going around. There's more to life than basketball.
I bet you loved these "tool bags" 5-10 years ago. Maybe you benifitted off some of the charities they donated to the city(who knows). Some of you need to chill. Too much hate going around. There's more to life than basketball.
So what? That was then this is now. Now that they've shown their true colors folks aren't going to feel the same about them. As for the charity stuff, I keep seeing that come up. It's really a separate issue. Yeah they gave a lot to charity, but don't all owners? That's sort of part of the job description. Nothing to pat them on the back for. Besides, 17 million spread out over a decade is chicken scratch to them. The number sounds impressive but it's not like giving 17 million required them to sacrifice their quality of life. They didn't even miss it.
I bet you loved these "tool bags" 5-10 years ago. Maybe you benifitted off some of the charities they donated to the city(who knows). Some of you need to chill. Too much hate going around. There's more to life than basketball.

Exactly. The sun rises every morning whether the kings are here or not. On the statement made by the maloofs, I would expect them to say that. They save face in Anaheim by saying this. This comment puts them on the fence still and not burning a bridge on either side. So if they are able to go to Anaheim, it didnt look like they really wanted to stay. You dont burn bridges with your comments. As Donald Trump says, its not personal, its just business. They werent getting the type of money they wanted up here, so they started looking at Anaheim. They were willing to give them what they wanted. Now that sac is stepping up to the plate, it creates options for them.
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I don't hate or love the Maloofs, although they saved us from losing the team ten years ago. I just hope the fans don't dump all over the Maloofs after this. If they stay, they are the owners of our team. I don't want to slam them and make enemies of them. We need to get some sort of reconcilitation going among all parties and be able to work with them toward a new arena. We need the Maloofs to happily join in that effort, not be feeling antagonized and hated. That is a waste of energy and won't do our cause any good.

If we get that extra year, our energies need to be on really supporting our team and getting an arena built. I see no benefit to wasting time and energy holding grudges. In reality, this team in Sacramento matters to me, not who owns them.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I agree Kenna, but the Maloofs need to at least act like they are happy about the recent developments to make this work. They have more than the team at stake here, the synergy between Kings fans and their other ventures was a key to their success in the early part of the past decade.
So what? That was then this is now. Now that they've shown their true colors folks aren't going to feel the same about them. As for the charity stuff, I keep seeing that come up. It's really a separate issue. Yeah they gave a lot to charity, but don't all owners? That's sort of part of the job description. Nothing to pat them on the back for. Besides, 17 million spread out over a decade is chicken scratch to them. The number sounds impressive but it's not like giving 17 million required them to sacrifice their quality of life. They didn't even miss it.

Also, I guarantee you all of it was tax deductible, and that they took full advantage of that.

Still... better than not doing anything at all, no?
I agree Kenna, but the Maloofs need to at least act like they are happy about the recent developments to make this work. They have more than the team at stake here, the synergy between Kings fans and their other ventures was a key to their success in the early part of the past decade.
I'll probably get killed for this, but I feel a little sorry for these guys. The recession has obviously hit the family very hard. Whether its their own fault or not can't take the sting out of the comedown in status that has to represent.

I took the above statement as a very emotional one. That's one of their problems saying emotional things to reporters, when a measured response would be far better, or even no response at all. I read the statement as the hurt feelings of a guy who has lost control of the decision-making process to some extent and the reaction is to point out, "Hey, we own the team, we're the ones that decide, not anybody else." Crunched between bigger players like Samueli abd Burkle probably made them feel a little small potatoes, too.

If I wished for anything, its that these Peter Pan boys would grow-up a little. Their tendancy to be all gaga over celebrity and Hollywood is a little sad in men their age. Inheriting wealth isn't always the best thing for cultivating responsibility and maturity. Although they had to step in take over at very young ages. Sort of missed out on their wild oats years. I think they've been trying to make up for that for a while now.

I'll wait and see how they act after a decision is made. I'm sure they'll spin it to make it seem like they decided it was best to stay and they look forward to working with the local leaders in getting a new arena, the fans are so great etc., etc., etc. ;)
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So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I tend to agree, and again they need to get a PR firm or a "person" or just some kind of public filter to save them from these gaffes. I'm sympathetic to them to some small extent but so much of it could be controlled if they would just try a little more diplomacy from time to time.
I have thought for a long time they really need a better PR person. Unfortunately, I'm not sure a PR person could prevent their little emotional, off-the-cuff statements. They just speak without really thinking about how it may sound. It would likely be a frustrating job working as their PR person.
I don't hate or love the Maloofs, although they saved us from losing the team ten years ago. I just hope the fans don't dump all over the Maloofs after this. If they stay, they are the owners of our team. I don't want to slam them and make enemies of them. We need to get some sort of reconcilitation going among all parties and be able to work with them toward a new arena. We need the Maloofs to happily join in that effort, not be feeling antagonized and hated. That is a waste of energy and won't do our cause any good.

If we get that extra year, our energies need to be on really supporting our team and getting an arena built. I see no benefit to wasting time and energy holding grudges. In reality, this team in Sacramento matters to me, not who owns them.
Extremely well said. The Maloofs saved Kings from moving in 1997-98 when they bailed out Thomas who was bailed out by the city with the loan. I have been heaping scorn on City Hall for the past few years but now see them as our last best hope in the person of our leader, the current mayor. The Maloofs have make a few goofs here and there but it's the city that dropped the ball by never developing A PLAN for a new arena. Now they get one last chance. If they fail who is to blame then? If they succeed, who gets the credit? It doesn't matter because we as fans would have played a big part in getting it done - FINALLY!
Yep, I won't care who gets creidt for getting an arena done. The only important part would be getting it done. If we survive this move threat, the real work begins. Go Kings, go Sacramento!
Extremely well said. The Maloofs saved Kings from moving in 1997-98 when they bailed out Thomas who was bailed out by the city with the loan. I have been heaping scorn on City Hall for the past few years but now see them as our last best hope in the person of our leader, the current mayor. The Maloofs have make a few goofs here and there but it's the city that dropped the ball by never developing A PLAN for a new arena. Now they get one last chance. If they fail who is to blame then? If they succeed, who gets the credit? It doesn't matter because we as fans would have played a big part in getting it done - FINALLY!
No they did not. The loan to Thomas saved the team. It guaranteed they had to stay 10 years.
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I don't want them to file, sell or move. I think the Maloofs actually forced the cities hand and are making them finally build them arena. I never blamed them because they've been playing in a sh!t hole for years and the franchise deserves better. The fact that they said that they haven't made up they're minds is great and that they seem excited for what KJ is doing and I think they see this as a push for the arena, FINALLY.

Stay on the Maloofs side of this, this is a business decision and in the end they'll realize that moving is not what the team needs but if it takes a MOVE like this to wake up the city then so be it. I've been a fan forever (80's hurt me but I lived) and for this team to get a new arena would feel like a new beginning (as it would in Anaheim).

Time to look at the bright side of this. If they don't move, finally get the ARENA pushed through and stay for a LONG time then you have to stick with the Maloofs, so lighten up a bit, there good guys doing what they feel is good for their business.

Now we wait and see, hopefully Bennett does a SONICS and gives them a year to get an arena deal in place.