Board of Gov Meeting Updates

Could the Kings have refiled today if they had the support or is this just a preliminary hearing type thing?

I guess it would be bad news IF they refile because they will not try to unless they have the votes right?
The meetings continue tomorrow. If I recall correctly, today they presented to the financial committee or something like that.
Some tidbits from the chat with current and former Kings beat writers: Sam Amick, Jason Jones and Marty MacNeal

Was told by a Kings minority owner last night that $75 million is a figure some thing might happen on the relo fee. Get it up to $100, and Maloofs might have to stay.

There was something a few weeks back about them saying they wouldn't go if the fee was over 50 million. Anyone else remember that?
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The Maloofs don't want to sell. That's not news. And I do kind of doubt that they're going to sell, either out of financial necessity or league mandate. It's clear they don't even want a franchise swap - again, I think they'd need a league mandate for that sort of thing to happen. But, in my mind at least, what Burkle coming on the scene does is this: by saying "Hey, I'd totally love to run a franchise in Sacramento, I think it's completely viable!" he makes the Maloof complaint of "We have to move because we can't make enough money to stay afloat in Sacramento!" look silly. If you take away the "we can't stay afloat" argument, and you pair it with their "we want to move into a 2-team market where our team value will skyrocket" request, the BOG is likely to think twice about allowing the move. That can only help us.
Well stated. This is the net positive effect. The war right now is to do anything possible to deep six their efforts to move. Whether through changing other owners minds and votes about Sacramento or making the relocation fee too costly to manage. It's all about keeping the team here longer so that we can produce an approved plan to build a new arena. The Maloofs would have either stay or sell the team. Today I think they did some good on the votes. We'll have to let Jerry Buss go to work on making the fee as high as possible. The battle is now - over the next 72 hours. The Maloofs are feeling out votes and relo numbers. They won't file unless they are very confident that both will go their way.
You got to believe Buss and Sterling are going to demand (though probably wont get it) at least that much each
Is that going to be possible? There's a bit of ambiguity about the nature of those relocation fees. Are both orgs able to demand individual payouts, or is it a single fee determined by the BOG and distributed to all teams in the league?
Well stated. This is the net positive effect. The war right now is to do anything possible to deep six their efforts to move. Whether through changing other owners minds and votes about Sacramento or making the relocation fee too costly to manage. It's all about keeping the team here longer so that we can produce an approved plan to build a new arena. The Maloofs would have either stay or sell the team. Today I think they did some good on the votes. We'll have to let Jerry Buss go to work on making the fee as high as possible. The battle is now - over the next 72 hours. The Maloofs are feeling out votes and relo numbers. They won't file unless they are very confident that both will go their way.
Well, they presented second, after Anaheim touted their city. Its not a surprise that the owners, having all of that fresh in their minds were receptive. KJ--along with representatives from the ICON group and the Burkle ownership group, presented last. It is my hope--blind faith--that KJ being star he is, came through in the clutch and gave the committee at the very least something to think about.
Well, they presented second, after Anaheim touted their city. Its not a surprise that the owners, having all of that fresh in their minds were receptive. KJ--along with representatives from the ICON group and the Burkle ownership group, presented last. It is my hope--blind faith--that KJ being star he is, came through in the clutch and gave the committee at the very least something to think about.
Yeah...I think he MORE than did that soon as he dropped the Ron Burkle bombshell...I think everyone in the room kind of went 'OH S%#&!' In fact, I think it was Amick that tweeted he saw Stern lean over to one of his constituents and whisper 'They've got BURKLE?!?' Yeah...I think Sacramento is back on the NBA map, and I think EVERY owner that is voting will think long and hard about this. The fact that Burkle is associated with Sacramento now tells the commish and the rest of the owners that Sacramento CAN compete with the big boys! I do believe that the Brothers Maloof are a little flustered right now!
Yeah...I think he MORE than did that soon as he dropped the Ron Burkle bombshell...I think everyone in the room kind of went 'OH S%#&!' In fact, I think it was Amick that tweeted he saw Stern lean over to one of his constituents and whisper 'They've got BURKLE?!?' Yeah...I think Sacramento is back on the NBA map, and I think EVERY owner that is voting will think long and hard about this. The fact that Burkle is associated with Sacramento now tells the commish and the rest of the owners that Sacramento CAN compete with the big boys! I do believe that the Brothers Maloof are a little flustered right now!
Which is needless. If they'd wise up and play ball they could have their cake and eat it too. Stay in Sacramento in a market they control and have the added help of new investors.
Is that going to be possible? There's a bit of ambiguity about the nature of those relocation fees. Are both orgs able to demand individual payouts, or is it a single fee determined by the BOG and distributed to all teams in the league?
I have read/heard both.

I have read that there are and there are not territorial fee's, but I think its the Board of Governors who set the fee. Either way, the two LA owners will be making noise. However, you have got to believe Stern is going to have his say in all of it.
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[/b] Which is needless. If they'd wise up and play ball they could have their cake and eat it too. Stay in Sacramento in a market they control and have the added help of new investors.
Yup...they've got a lot of explainin' to do to the BOG's over the next 3 days...because everything they were trying to portray about Anaheim being better than Sacramento just got shot down by about 5 patriot missiles! You've got 4 players at the table playing high stakes hold em' right now...the Maloofs, Anaheim, BOG's and KJ...Stern is the dealer. KJ was dealt 2 aces, and turned over the ace of spades when he played the Burkle card. Keep it comin' mayor, you're playing great!!!!
How did the kings presentation fair?? I want The kings to Stay in Sacramento SO BAD... the fanbase and the people I met on this board are amazing really...
How did the kings presentation fair?? I want The kings to Stay in Sacramento SO BAD... the fanbase and the people I met on this board are amazing really...
no matter the differences that many people have on this board, 99% are fighting for the same keep the Kings in Sacramento

I will drive up from Los Angeles to any parade or rally the fans will have if the Kings stay and will DEFINITELY be at their opening game if they stay.
I'm hoping for burkle to buy the kings, a new owner would shake things up in sactown rejuvenate the fanbase give us something to look forward to in the future. The Arena I dont know the prblem or the catch there, but it can be settled once we have a truly dedicated leader ushering it in... I give MAJOR Props and respect to Major KJ.
Rough math. Forbes valued the Kings at about 300 million. The Maloofs own about 51%. The Maloofs owe 75 to the city. It was reported yesterday that they’ve drawn 75 from the league. They want to take on another 75 million from Samuelli. They are starting to look like Shin 2.0 to the other owners Thus, the owners might consider blocking the move or approving one with an exorbitant relocation fee to force a sale.

Which is why KJ’s pitch was great. Hey, NBA owners. Here’s a model owner who wants to be in Sacramento. Here are the people who are doing my arena study, and they think we can get this done. And I’m promising you that, just like Charlotte, I can deliver with the old owner out of the picture.

KJ hasn’t given up, he’s taken aim at directly the Maloofs knees. Props to him. You all wanted KJ to “work behind the scenes” looks like he did. He just didn’t work with the Maloofs. I think KJ deserves some props.
And all of this makes KJs comments several weeks ago about throwing in the towel all of the sudden very interesting. Has he been reading some Art of War? Because clearly, he had absolutely not thrown in the towel and was furiously working to get his ducks in a row for this BOG meeting... Burkle, etc. But perhaps he was decoying the Maloofs. And he's now dropped a bomb that he'd been building for some time... or at least helping to build.
Wasn't Sac one fastest growing cities as well? There are teams liek in Ohio, and Michigan which are actually losing a LOT of people. I can see this as playing a factor for Sacramento whether or not the Kings stay. We probably would get another team.

Just read up that it was Elk Grove which was growing fast.. Being in Sac County that helps I guess? :)
if stern really did say " oh ##$$ you got burkle?", then this really is a bombshell and the Maloofs are in for a war. we aint goin down without a fight boys were gonna go down swingin
who and how was the Penguins arena financed?
Long story. But that is usually the deal. :)

What it means is that deeper cash resources can be put into action when the financing discussion comes up. No billionaire in his right mind is going to write a check for a whole building. But they can provide options to put upfront cash into the construction in exchange for a sweetheart lease deal long term. The Maloofs being low on cash resources were basically using the lease payments as their installments. I think they would have regretted the high lease payments in the long run. They city is still going to have to step up and provide a huge chunk of public support. There is still no chance to privately fund a new arena without that.


The Game Thread Dude
Long story. But that is usually the deal. :)

What it means is that deeper cash resources can be put into action when the financing discussion comes up. No billionaire in his right mind is going to write a check for a whole building. But they can provide options to put upfront cash into the construction in exchange for a sweetheart lease deal long term. The Maloofs being low on cash resources were basically using the lease payments as their installments. I think they would have regretted the high lease payments in the long run. They city is still going to have to step up and provide a huge chunk of public support. There is still no chance to privately fund a new arena without that.
On a side note, that is a sweet looking arena.
if stern really did say " oh ##$$ you got burkle?", then this really is a bombshell and the Maloofs are in for a war. we aint goin down without a fight boys were gonna go down swingin
What I want to know is why Stern seems so keen on the relocation in the first place. If you didn't know better it's almost as if he's the Maloof's partner in all this.
if what KJ did today, with the help of burkle (and cwebb if this is what he was talking about), helps keep the kings in sac. id gladly donate towards another ad in the bee to thank them. as appreciative as i am of the first ad geared towards the maloofs, i dont think it helped since they already made up their minds and plan to file if the BOG lets them. if KJ makes them stay, he deserves a big thank you. something along the lines of:

Dear Mayor Kevin Johnson, Ron Burkle and ______ (enter name of whoever helped),

Thank you for granting the wishes of all the kings fans and keeping them in Sacramento.

Forever thankful,
Best fans in the NBA.

PS. F.U. Maloofs :p
if stern really did say " oh ##$$ you got burkle?", then this really is a bombshell and the Maloofs are in for a war. we aint goin down without a fight boys were gonna go down swingin
Figured I'd find this tweet and repost it in case not everyone saw it earlier:

sam_amick Sam Amick
He dropped Burkle's name, and source says Stern went quiet. "You've got Burkle!?"