Board of Gov Meeting Updates

This is a great move by KJ. It's not so much about forcing the Maloofs to sell if they aren't interested. It's speaking to those owners who are sitting on the fence about approving the move. It's one thing to see them leave a market with problems that can't be fixed. But it's a whole different scenario when it appears that you are jumping markets just to increase your position. I think Sacramento has made a good case that the NBA should not leave the town. There is more here that needs to be explored. I would want to see that the move get delayed and see if they can produce a new arena plan during the lockout if I was on the fence. If they city drops the ball then, by all means it's green lights to go. Just freeze the Anaheim move situation so that no other teams jump on the deal and screw the Maloofs. They have to wait until the Lakers deal with Fox is done in 2012 anyway to reap that windfall TV contract.
This definitely adds a twist to things. It's one thing if the maloofs go the NBA and say financially it makes sense for them to go to Anaheim, and they have their hands tied because of the arena situation. It's another situation entirely when you have a potential buyer, with the means to buy the team outright, wants to keep the team and Sac, and obviously thinks it's financially possibl to do so , otherwise Burkle wouldn't be getting involved.

What is better for the league? Burkle, worth 3.5B buying the team, and committed to keeping them here, or financially strapped Maloofs hoping things will work in a possibly over saturated market? I thought Amicks comment was interesting, that if the Maloofs can't prove they are financial stable, with Burkle waiting in the shadows to buy the team, the BOG's might put pressure on the maloofs to sell.
Absolutely! Just a presence of legitimate alternative _proves_ that Sacramento is viable NBA city. The fact that such an alternative comes with 3.5billion reasons to be taken seriously and an owner with practical experience of backing/owning small market major league franchise (Penguins) is a slam dunk.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
If the Maloofs move their soon-to-be-renamed team and we get another team they better include Tyreke and DMC as part of the relocation fee.
This definitely adds a twist to things. It's one thing if the maloofs go the NBA and say financially it makes sense for them to go to Anaheim, and they have their hands tied because of the arena situation. It's another situation entirely when you have a potential buyer, with the means to buy the team outright, wants to keep the team and Sac, and obviously thinks it's financially possibl to do so , otherwise Burkle wouldn't be getting involved.

What is better for the league? Burkle, worth 3.5B buying the team, and committed to keeping them here, or financially strapped Maloofs hoping things will work in a possibly over saturated market? I thought Amicks comment was interesting, that if the Maloofs can't prove they are financial stable, with Burkle waiting in the shadows to buy the team, the BOG's might put pressure on the maloofs to sell.
Exactly. It shows that the Maloofs are strapped for cash. If you have someone else willing to make it work in Sacramento, why can't they?
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Hall of Famer
This is a great move by KJ. It's not so much about forcing the Maloofs to sell if they aren't interested. It's speaking to those owners who are sitting on the fence about approving the move. It's one thing to see them leave a market with problems that can't be fixed. But it's a whole different scenario when it appears that you are jumping markets just to increase your position. I think Sacramento has made a good case that the NBA should not leave the town. There is more here that needs to be explored. I would want to see that the move get delayed and see if they can produce a new arena plan during the lockout if I was on the fence. If they city drops the ball then, by all means it's green lights to go. Just freeze the Anaheim move situation so that no other teams jump on the deal and screw the Maloofs. They have to wait until the Lakers deal with Fox is done in 2012 anyway to reap that windfall TV contract.
Good point. I agree. While the Maloofs are saying staying in Sac isn't a financially viable option, here comes Burkle, with much deeper pockets, saying wait a minute, yes keeping the Kings in Sac would work, and I'm willing to buy the team to show that is the case.


Hall of Famer
I wonder, and this is a big if, that the maloofs are putting themselves in a situation where potentially the NBA might say sell or stay, that Sac is a viable option, less risky than 3 teams in Anaheim, and the Kings are staying whether with you or without. Now it appears there is a definite way to keep them here which is financially viable, and might make more sense and more money for the league in the long run.

I can only dream can't I?
I absolutely do not see the logic of taking a team away from a city that has been there for 25 years and bringing in a completely foreign team.

It's like having your spouse get killed and someone saying, "ah don't get sad, here's another one for ya!"


I hope the Maloofs are REALLY broke, so if they are forced to show their financials, the other owners can be convinced to pressure them to sell to Burkle.
I wonder, and this is a big if, that the maloofs are putting themselves in a situation where potentially the NBA might say sell or stay, that Sac is a viable option, less risky than 3 teams in Anaheim, and the Kings are staying whether with you or without. Now it appears there is a definite way to keep them here which is financially viable, and might make more sense and more money for the league in the long run.

I can only dream can't I?
In our perfect world, yes, this is exactly what would happen. KJ comes in, show the NBA that while we don't have a new arean yet, the plan in heading that way, the sponsorship is there with comcast and local businesses, and we can not forget about the fan support.

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
mr_jasonjones Jason Jones
Maloofs don't want to sell, at least that's what they've said. If Kings leave, this new deal would have to be Burkle buying/moving Hornets.
Yeah, but what doesn't make any sense is to let the Kings move from Sacramento to Anaheim, THEN have Burkle buy the Hornets and move them to Sacramento. It makes much more sense to just straight up move the Hornets to Anaheim, if the league is actually down with the three-teams-in-one-market thing. It only disenfranchises one market instead of two.

So one possible recommendation from the committee could be: "We're not going to allow the Kings to move from Sacramento. Either Burkle buys the Hornets and moves them to Anaheim, or Burkle buys the Kings from you, you buy the Hornets, and move them to Anaheim." Not saying that's going to happen, just saying there's a chance. It will all depend on what kind of mojo Sacramento can get up in the meeting, but the whole $7M in business sponsors pledged for next year sure can't hurt our cause.

Who knows. Maybe this is Chicago and we're down 30.
TonyBizjak Tony Bizjak
Darius Anderson says he called mayor 4 mos ago about forming a team ownership group. They called Burkle who contacted Maloofs two weeks ago

Anderson says it's not a "hostile takeover." Maloofs have said they don't intend to sell. But just in case, Burkle group is interested.
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I absolutely do not see the logic of taking a team away from a city that has been there for 25 years and bringing in a completely foreign team.

It's like having your spouse get killed and someone saying, "ah don't get sad, here's another one for ya!"


I hope the Maloofs are REALLY broke, so if they are forced to show their financials, the other owners can be convinced to pressure them to sell to Burkle.
Plus it'd mean we'd be stealing New Orleans' team which would make getting another team a bitter sweet experience. if we did get another team I'd rather get an expansion team.


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
Sounds promising. I recommend reading this book for inspiration:

Let's go Sacramento! Beware the Beezlenut Oil!
If Burkle doesn't mind buying a team in a small market, Stern would probably rather have him buy the Hornets. The Kings, according to the Maloofs, are not for sale. Burkle can't buy if they won't sell. But the NBA will have to sell the Hornets in the near future. They can't just hold onto the team forever. Does Burkle want the Kings exclusively for some unknown reason? or does he just want an NBA team? I would assume the latter. That also blocks the headache of potentially someone like Larry Ellison bidding the highest on the Hornets in the future with the condition that he will move the team to San Jose.
I absolutely do not see the logic of taking a team away from a city that has been there for 25 years and bringing in a completely foreign team.

It's like having your spouse get killed and someone saying, "ah don't get sad, here's another one for ya!"


I hope the Maloofs are REALLY broke, so if they are forced to show their financials, the other owners can be convinced to pressure them to sell to Burkle.
I don't either. But if we have to go that route and let the Maloofs take the team to Anaheim and become the Royals, then it's ok with me if we have to wait a year or so. It would force the city to build a new arena. No more messing around - produce or walk away now. The players and staff can always change, but the banners and jerseys will hang in Sacramento. Can you imagine the bitter rivarly when the Kings play the Royals for the first time?
markkreidler Mark Kreidler
Confirmed: Hornets made attendance incentives and are locked in for another year in N.O. Burkle's group looking first to buy Kings...

..and they are not for sale. NBA traditionally loath to overthrow an owner group unless blatantly not viable, and I don't see that.

Am told part of Maloofs' NY pitch is explanation that their finances r much better than publicly thought ... verrrry inside beltway.
Plus it'd mean we'd be stealing New Orleans' team which would make getting another team a bitter sweet experience. if we did get another team I'd rather get an expansion team.
Yes and's not like the Hornets have a deep rooted history in that city, like the Kings do here. They've only been there a few years...sure they probably have fans, but they're struggling as a franchise for a reason. They have one of the best teams in the league and they still can't sell out their nice shiny arena...I think that speaks volumes about their fanbase...the N.O. is all about the Saints and LSU, not the Hornets. We as Sacramentans on the other hand...
The following statement was released today, through Burkle Group Partner Darius Anderson, regarding the presentation to the NBA Finance Committee meeting:

We want to thank Mayor Kevin Johnson for his efforts to keep the Kings and the NBA in Sacramento. We were pleased to be a part of his presentation today and we are encouraged by the progress, energy and new resources behind the effort to keep the NBA in Sacramento.

The Maloofs have been strong owners and a positive part of the Sacramento community for years, but it is important that Kings fans and residents of the Sacramento region know that the Burkle Group is ready to commit the resources and expertise necessary to keep the NBA in Sacramento. Our group believes Sacramento is an important NBA market that can thrive with new ideas, new resources and an absolute commitment to delivering the best on and off-court experiences for fans.

This group, led by Pittsburgh Penguins owner Ron Burkle, is prepared to assist the Mayor by bringing significant resources and the best possible expertise in professional sports, facilities development and financing to bear in the effort to keep Sacramento as an NBA city.

The Burkle group, our local partners and other investors are looking forward to working together with the Mayor and other regional leaders to keep the NBA in Sacramento, deliver on a new facility and provide Kings fans in the region with decades more of great memories.
by Jason Montiel/KCRA Staff
Oops, Heuge beat me by one minute!

Burkle Group press release:

"We want to thank Mayor Kevin Johnson for his efforts to keep the Kings and the NBA in Sacramento. We were pleased to be a part of his presentation today and we are encouraged by the progress, energy and new resources behind the effort to keep the NBA in Sacramento.
"The Maloofs have been strong owners and a positive part of the Sacramento community for years, but it is important that Kings fans and residents of the Sacramento region know that the Burkle Group is ready to commit the resources and expertise necessary to keep the NBA in Sacramento. Our group believes Sacramento is an important NBA market that can thrive with new ideas, new resources and an absolute commitment to delivering the best on and off-court experiences for fans.
"This group, led by Pittsburgh Penguins owner Ron Burkle, is prepared to assist the Mayor by bringing significant resources and the best possible expertise in professional sports, facilities development and financing to bear in the effort to keep Sacramento as an NBA city.
"The Burkle group, our local partners and other investors are looking forward to working together with the Mayor and other regional leaders to keep the NBA in Sacramento, deliver on a new facility and provide Kings fans in the region with decades more of great memories."
markkreidler Mark Kreidler
Confirmed: Hornets made attendance incentives and are locked in for another year in N.O. Burkle's group looking first to buy Kings...

..and they are not for sale. NBA traditionally loath to overthrow an owner group unless blatantly not viable, and I don't see that.

Am told part of Maloofs' NY pitch is explanation that their finances r much better than publicly thought ... verrrry inside beltway.
If their finances are so great, then they don't need to move this year. That's how I'd look at it.


Hall of Famer
The following statement was released today, through Burkle Group Partner Darius Anderson, regarding the presentation to the NBA Finance Committee meeting:

We want to thank Mayor Kevin Johnson for his efforts to keep the Kings and the NBA in Sacramento. We were pleased to be a part of his presentation today and we are encouraged by the progress, energy and new resources behind the effort to keep the NBA in Sacramento.

The Maloofs have been strong owners and a positive part of the Sacramento community for years, but it is important that Kings fans and residents of the Sacramento region know that the Burkle Group is ready to commit the resources and expertise necessary to keep the NBA in Sacramento. Our group believes Sacramento is an important NBA market that can thrive with new ideas, new resources and an absolute commitment to delivering the best on and off-court experiences for fans.

This group, led by Pittsburgh Penguins owner Ron Burkle, is prepared to assist the Mayor by bringing significant resources and the best possible expertise in professional sports, facilities development and financing to bear in the effort to keep Sacramento as an NBA city.

The Burkle group, our local partners and other investors are looking forward to working together with the Mayor and other regional leaders to keep the NBA in Sacramento, deliver on a new facility and provide Kings fans in the region with decades more of great memories.
by Jason Montiel/KCRA Staff
Does that mean Burkle wants to help even if he can't buy the team? That would be huge!
I’m the cynic and I think this might have legs.

The logical conclusion is this – if the Maloofs don’t want to sell, the NBA can’t force them. They move to Anaheim with the name Royals, and all of the history. Because it’s still very unclear whether Sacramento can get an arena done, Sacramento doesn’t get to keep the history of the team (Browns deserved it and the NBA used it as a bargaining chip to settle a lawsuit.)

Sacramento has a year (the lockout), to come up with an arena plan. If so, “next season” 2012-13, the “Hornets” go to Sacramento, who gets the name Kings and all of the history and the Maloof Anaheim franchise gets new name and colors and no history.

If the city rallies, and they might with the team and the Maloofs gone, the city somehow committed to funding this by June, which is probably when the NBA will return for a final vote on this. Just pull the trigger now. At which point, you can’t force the Maloofs to give up Cousins and Evans (but they take their players and front office to Anaheim) the Hornets become the “Kings.” Odd. But it’s happened before, Celts/Braves. Times are different, but it’s the way this works out if the Maloofs won’t sell and the owners have a “Good Son” choice between Sacramento and New Orleans.

It would be weird to “turn” on players like Evans, but the short term change would be offset by having owners that could do things like spend money.
this is a great day...even if we get hornets, rename them the kings, Keep Grant and Jerry, Keep Geoff Petrie, sign Tyreke as a Free Agent when his contract is up, bring back cisco for minimum salary, CP3 runnin the show, us crapping all over the maloofs in hte playoffs, BOOM BABY
The following statement was released today, through Burkle Group Partner Darius Anderson, regarding the presentation to the NBA Finance Committee meeting:

We want to thank Mayor Kevin Johnson for his efforts to keep the Kings and the NBA in Sacramento. We were pleased to be a part of his presentation today and we are encouraged by the progress, energy and new resources behind the effort to keep the NBA in Sacramento.

The Maloofs have been strong owners and a positive part of the Sacramento community for years, but it is important that Kings fans and residents of the Sacramento region know that the Burkle Group is ready to commit the resources and expertise necessary to keep the NBA in Sacramento. Our group believes Sacramento is an important NBA market that can thrive with new ideas, new resources and an absolute commitment to delivering the best on and off-court experiences for fans.

This group, led by Pittsburgh Penguins owner Ron Burkle, is prepared to assist the Mayor by bringing significant resources and the best possible expertise in professional sports, facilities development and financing to bear in the effort to keep Sacramento as an NBA city.

The Burkle group, our local partners and other investors are looking forward to working together with the Mayor and other regional leaders to keep the NBA in Sacramento, deliver on a new facility and provide Kings fans in the region with decades more of great memories.
by Jason Montiel/KCRA Staff
This is amazing! So many thoughts and emotions right now. I just hope that our city council doesn't screw this up!!