Maloof: Sacramento's plea to Anaheim 'below the belt'

I appreciate optimism, but come on... the Maloofs have already decided they don't want to be here anymore. This letter does nothing to make them leave because they are already mentally gone. The letter simply states that we will rightfully protect ourselves financially in this business decision, to the full extent of our ability. The Maloofs have stated all along that this is a business and they have publicly said that they will do what is best for them and the team financially. The City of Sacramento is doing the same. Spare me the tears, Joe. You want to ignore the fans, keep us and more importantly the people responsible for protecting the city's financial interests all in the dark as to what is happening in the negotiations and act like this is strictly a business decision then welcome to how it will have to then be. If you hadn't decided to shut us out of all discussions then we wouldn't have to take it to the next level legally. You guys are responsible for this, Joe. You and your silence.
I agree. The city got ahead of its self IMO with the e-mail. Why would the Maloofs want to stay in Sacramento with this? There's bad blood between the sides now.

The Sac Bee started it with the notion that the Maloofs may not pay up. The paper is making them out to be villains. The Bee is pure garbage. Its obvious the paper has always disliked the Maloofs and the Kings.
There is bad blood between the owners and the players union in football.. You think they will ever play NFL football again? Stuff like this happens all the time. You don't have to like someone to want them in your market. I despese the Maloofs, and have for a long time now, because I think they are slimeballs. Does not mean I don't want their team here and it does not mean I am going to go out and have drinks with them either, because I wouldn't.
Just a thought, but didn't the Anaheim lease refer to the team that would be leasing the arena as "TeamCo"? Could it be very real that Sacramento has a fear that MSE could be looking to transfer their holdings in the Kings to TeamCo or another new corporation leaving MSE with Arco and that debt which would then declare bankruptcy?
That was just a placeholder cause they dont want to devulge the true name. They can use a simple search and replace for the actual contract.
Joe Maloof said the Sacramento City Council hit them below the belt.

I'm wondering if this press release hit below the belt too or not. We all know the outcome of this press release.

Maloof Sports & Entertainment Statement Regarding Recent Arena News

SACRAMENTO, CA, February 10, 2011 -- “The Kings organization spoke with David Taylor and will provide him with the studies, research and documents done during the course of the last 11 years on the feasibility of a new sports and entertainment facility. During that time, the organization has contributed several million dollars to pay for and support traffic and engineering studies, architectural plans and other studies as well as consultants, lawyers and architects. The organization will have no further public comment on the process at this time, and will continue to focus each day on improving the basketball team.”

About Maloof Sports & Entertainment:
Maloof Sports & Entertainment includes the Sacramento Kings and ARCO Arena. Owned by the Maloof family with long-term, local partners, the organization is committed to being a contributing member of the Sacramento community. Teaming up with local leaders and non-profit organizations to give back to those in need throughout the region, MS&E has donated millions of dollars to charity in 11 years of Maloof family ownership. For more information about Maloof Sports & Entertainment, please visit, or call 916-928-0000.
Let me ask you this:

Should the Maloof be allowed to agree to move before the bonds are paid? Should they be able to sign the lease with Anaheim before the bonds are paid?
What exactly does allowed mean? Are you going to lay down in front of the moving vans?

The Maloofs will move if they want to and get NBA Board of Governors approval. A lawsuit making them defendants would take many months (after April 18 potential bye-bye date) to resolve and potentially a year or more - especially if Maloofs counter-sue City of Sac. Then there's all the court appeals. After April 18 vote they can line-up moving vans out at the arena, MSE offices, practice facility and just drive off. It's that simple. As far as the loan/bonds - that is secured by the arena and land around it currently owned by MSE. But it's current and paid as agreed - therefore Sac can't issue a NOD (Notice of Default) although they can sue claiming "bad faith" or some such legalese nonsense. The city is on very a slippery sloap here IMO and looks like they are out-of-control desperate flailing away. But in the end it will just look stupid like they have for the past decade in failing to getting a new arena in place.

Finally, if for some reason Anaheim City Council blocks deal or it falls through down there for whatever reason they can direct the vans to head for Kansas City or Louisville or somewhere else - even if it's just for an interim time.
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What exactly does allowed mean? Are you going to lay down in front of the moving vans?

The Maloofs will move if they want to and get NBA Board of Governors approval. A lawsuit making them defendants would take many months (after April 18 potential bye-bye date) to resolve and potentially a year or more - especially if Maloofs counter-sue City of Sac. Then there's all the court appeals. After April 18 vote they can line-up moving vans out at the arena, MSE offices, practice facility and just drive off. It's that simple. As far as the loan/bonds - that is secured by the arena and land around it currently owned by MSE. But it's current and paid as agreed - therefore Sac can't issue a NOD (Notice of Default) although they can sue claiming "bad faith" or some such legalese nonsense. The city is on very a slippery sloap here IMO and looks like they are out-of-control desperate flailing away. But in the end it will just look stupid like they have for the past decade in failing to getting a new arena in place.

Finally, if for some reason Anaheim City Council blocks deal or it falls through down there for whatever reason they can direct the vans to head for Kansas City or Louisville or somewhere else - even if it's just for an interim time.
Dude, pay attention and start reading the forums more. The city owns the arena right now. The maloofs would regain ownership by paying off the bonds.

My point is once they sign with Anaheim the city would have little recourse to get the team back if the Maloofs default on the bonds and the city gets a stake in the team what would have prevented the move in the first place. This is why the bonds need to be paid in full before they are allowed to sign with Anaheim.
The bee article has been updated.

some interesting info in it about the value of Arco.

And they'd be left with a property of questionable value. The Natomas arena and surrounding acreage has been assessed at $56.5 million. But the Maloofs have said it's worth only $30.5 million, according to appeals pending with the Sacramento County Assessment Appeals Board.

Read more:
So if the move does happen will the maloofs sell arco to the city for $30.5 million?


Hall of Famer
Even if this letter keeps the Kings in Sacramento for another season, which is unlikely, why would the Maloofs EVER consider staying in Sacramento long term after this? The fact that papers arent sighned yet, and the NBA hasnt even said they would approve Aneheim, and NO ONE knows how the owners will vote ( you have to think the Lakers, being an NBA powerhouse, can convince teams to vote the move down ) this letter by Sacramento looks like a terrible idea to me. Now the Maloofs can make it seem like they cannot coexist with Sacramento .. they can pull the "they have taken things too far" card and use it against David Stern and the other owners. It just gives the Maloofs more firepower when it comes down to voting and convinceing people that the move is a good idea.

There is a huge list of pro's and con's that the NBA owners and Stern have to look at before approving the move, and KJ and the rest of Sacramento just gave the Maloofs a huge advantage... The uglier it gets ( and Sacramento is making it ugly, not the Maloofs ) the better Anaeheim looks to the Maloofs and the NBA.
I agree. This was not a good idea IMO. If you want the Maloofs to stay, it has to be worked out between the city, business leaders, and the Maloofs. The city needs to present a plan for an arena, with funding. That should be their priority, and they have about 3 weeks to pull it off. Well, about a decade and 3 weeks.

The deal isn't finalized. If Sac got its **** together, and came up with a proposal which included funding, I don't think they'd leave. They're being forced out, because they don't have a new arena to play. It's the city's job to provide that arena.

But legally threatening to keep them here is a short term fix at best, which will blow up in everyones face. If some how, some way, the city ends up being responsible for keeping them here another year, in this fashion, the bad blood will reach a boiling point. They'll be gone this time next year. That is not the way to get them to stay.

Taylor/ICON putting together a complete plan, in 3 weeks, is the only hope at this point, and the only way the city and the Maloofs can move forward with a professional relationship. You have KJ basically giving up publicly, after dissing the Maloofs, the people you want to stay. You have Graswich, KJ's top aide, blasting the Maloofs just a day or two ago. Now an attempt to try to legally bind them here for one more year? Sac has played this all wrong from the start, and it won't end well.
I agree. This was not a good idea IMO. If you want the Maloofs to stay, it has to be worked out between the city, business leaders, and the Maloofs. The city needs to present a plan for an arena, with funding. That should be their priority, and they have about 3 weeks to pull it off. Well, about a decade and 3 weeks.

The deal isn't finalized. If Sac got its **** together, and came up with a proposal which included funding, I don't think they'd leave. They're being forced out, because they don't have a new arena to play. It's the city's job to provide that arena.

But legally threatening to keep them here is a short term fix at best, which will blow up in everyones face. If some how, some way, the city ends up being responsible for keeping them here another year, in this fashion, the bad blood will reach a boiling point. They'll be gone this time next year. That is not the way to get them to stay.

Taylor/ICON putting together a complete plan, in 3 weeks, is the only hope at this point, and the only way the city and the Maloofs can move forward with a professional relationship. You have KJ basically giving up publicly, after dissing the Maloofs, the people you want to stay. You have Graswich, KJ's top aide, blasting the Maloofs just a day or two ago. Now an attempt to try to legally bind them here for one more year? Sac has played this all wrong from the start, and it won't end well.
See, they were working on it and the Maloofs refused to be part of it and wouldnt provided needed financial information.
Now these ******* speak up!?

What did we hurt your feelings, Joe? Nevermind the fact that you're ripping the heart out of Sacramento.

I love how we all stuck by "your" team for the past 6-7 years rebuilding, and right before this team is on the verge of becoming relevant again, right before we are about to actually spend some god damn money this off season, you're going to move the team to mother ****ing southern California?! **** you and you're classless ****** family, I hope you go broke!

Maloofs should be worrying more about the amount of time they are going to spend below Jerry Buss' belt to try and get this BS deal to go down.
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Hall of Famer
See, they were working on it and the Maloofs refused to be part of it and wouldnt provided needed financial information.
And they knew the timeline. They knew the deadline to file for relocation is March 1st. Every damn year it's March 1st. The city sat on its hands, and started the proccess too late. They knowingly started the process knowing full well that Taylor/ICON wouldn't get it done before the March 1st deadline. The city has procrastinated to no end. If Taylor/ICON had started this back in October, we wouldn't be at this point. If they started it a year ago, a new arena deal might already have been finalized for months.

It's not the Maloofs fault the city waited until past the last minute, ignoring the relocation deadline, and decided to concentrate on something which wouldn't be done in time. Seriously, anyone who knows the NBA knows every single year, when March 1st rolls around, a team can file for relocation. They ignored it. The city had ample time to get this started well before it did, and has no one to blame but themselves.
Now these *ussies speak up!?

What did we hurt your feelings, Joe? Nevermind the fact that you're ripping the heart out of Sacramento.

I love how we all stuck by "your" team for the past 6-7 years rebuilding, and right before this team is on the verge of becoming relevant again, right before we are about to actually spend some god damn money this off season, you're going to move the team to mother ****ing southern California?! **** you and you're classless s***y family, I hope you go broke!

Maloofs should be worrying more about the amount of time they are going to spend below Jerry Buss' belt to try and get this BS deal to go down.

Yup! Agree. What really irks me is this quote "You better be careful; don't mess around and interfere with our business." Ooooooohhhh, we are shaking over here. I love how he just threatened to sue the City of Sacramento, and by proxy, the people of Sacramento. Hey guys, don't sue your fans!!!
Now these ******** speak up!?

What did we hurt your feelings, Joe? Nevermind the fact that you're ripping the heart out of Sacramento.

I love how we all stuck by "your" team for the past 6-7 years rebuilding, and right before this team is on the verge of becoming relevant again, right before we are about to actually spend some god damn money this off season, you're going to move the team to mother ****ing southern California?! **** you and you're classless ****** family, I hope you go broke!

Maloofs should be worrying more about the amount of time they are going to spend below Jerry Buss' belt to try and get this BS deal to go down.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
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Now these ******* speak up!?

What did we hurt your feelings, Joe? Nevermind the fact that you're ripping the heart out of Sacramento.

I love how we all stuck by "your" team for the past 6-7 years rebuilding, and right before this team is on the verge of becoming relevant again, right before we are about to actually spend some god damn money this off season, you're going to move the team to mother ****ing southern California?! **** you and you're classless ****** family, I hope you go broke!

Maloofs should be worrying more about the amount of time they are going to spend below Jerry Buss' belt to try and get this BS deal to go down.
Wow, how old are you?
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I disagree 100%. This is business. Obviously the Maloofs don't feel they are making enough money in Sacramento and they want to improve their financial situation for their franchise. Its not for us to determine how much they should make. I wouldn't want anyone telling me how much I should earn or what I earn is good enough.
Exactly my point. For the Maloofs, it's:

1. Money
2. Money
3. "Business"
4. Their team (no matter what city they play in.)
5. The NBA
6. The Fans


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Even if this letter keeps the Kings in Sacramento for another season, which is unlikely, why would the Maloofs EVER consider staying in Sacramento long term after this? The fact that papers arent sighned yet, and the NBA hasnt even said they would approve Aneheim, and NO ONE knows how the owners will vote ( you have to think the Lakers, being an NBA powerhouse, can convince teams to vote the move down ) this letter by Sacramento looks like a terrible idea to me. Now the Maloofs can make it seem like they cannot coexist with Sacramento .. they can pull the "they have taken things too far" card and use it against David Stern and the other owners. It just gives the Maloofs more firepower when it comes down to voting and convinceing people that the move is a good idea.

There is a huge list of pro's and con's that the NBA owners and Stern have to look at before approving the move, and KJ and the rest of Sacramento just gave the Maloofs a huge advantage... The uglier it gets ( and Sacramento is making it ugly, not the Maloofs ) the better Anaeheim looks to the Maloofs and the NBA.
If Sacramento can force the Maloofs to stay for another year through ANY means, AND actually get an arena started -- not talked about, but started -- it makes it exponentially harder for the Maloofs to get the owners behind them. Does not hurt either to have Kevin Johnson there as the man doing the filing.

Now Sacramento ****ed this whole thing up years ago -- if they lose the team, they largely deserved to with the way they handled, or did not, things. But that's not important now from their perspective. If you are Sacramento and its rampantly evident that the Maloofs aren't even going to listen to your promises of carrots, then all that is important now is breaking out the biggest stick you can find. And its not about being right, and its not about being fair, and its not even about being honorable. The Maloofs, rightly or wrongly, are a few weeks away from really hurting your city, and your populace. They may be justified, but that's not relevant. You and the people depending on you are about to be hurt by a third party's actions, and at that point, if they won't see things your way through peaceful means, then it becomes time to go to war. There is no real downside to this. The biggest problem I see is that Sacramento really does not hold enough cards to pull this off successfully. If they did though, then this is what you do. If you hold enough cards to force somebody to yield to your wishes, that's what you do. Honorable or not. Nice or not. Make it expensive, and ugly. Make them wish they had never started this. And then you offer them the carrot again -- this all goes away if you just stay. But like I say I don't think Sacto has the guns to pull that off. But its all that's left for them.
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So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
This is a business and the Maloofs fan do whatever they want. Sure.

It's also a partnership with the city and the city can do what it sees fit as well. No matter how much the city may have bungled things in the past they were working in good faith to make it right over the last two years. Too little too late, sure. But anyone that thinks the city should just roll over and play dead is nuts.

Nobody is blameless here and in the end its us the fans that are losers.
This is a business and the Maloofs fan do whatever they want. Sure.

It's also a partnership with the city and the city can do what it sees fit as well. No matter how much the city may have bungled things in the past they were working in good faith to make it right over the last two years. Too little too late, sure. But anyone that thinks the city should just roll over and play dead is nuts.

Nobody is blameless here and in the end its us the fans that are losers.
Exactly.. Not the fan that lives abroad, not the fan that lives in OC, or New York who have never been to Sac or been to a Kings game.. The ones that will suffer are the ones that grew up with the team, and put thousands of dollars in the Maloofs pockets. Sure, we were entertained, but it's still part of our lives, and we are pissed that they will be no more.
It's appalling to see fans from outside the city of Sacramento or fans who have never lived in Sacramento voicing their opinions. This isn't a basketball issue any more. It's a political issue. So if you don't live in Sacramento, or you are not a Sacramento tax payer, your opinion is completely and utterly void unless you at the very least demonstrate some political savvy. The Maloofs are going broke, and they owe the city of Sacramento $77 million. That isn't pretend money. It's very real, and if they default (and all signs point to this as a possibility) it will be the citizens of Sacramento paying a very real consequence. The city MUST arm itself, otherwise the Maloofs will walk away, and give the city of Sacramento an old dilapidated building as repayment.

The Maloofs decided to leave a long time ago, which is a reality that a lot of Kings fans have a hard time accepting. But that is no excuse to hand over all of your power to the very owners who are actively trying to screw you over. Some of the posters on this forum act like battered wives unwilling to accept that they are married to abusive partners.

This is the chance to fight the good fight. The Maloofs aren't going to listen to emotional pleas (they never were). They are going to listen to their pocketbooks. And by the city suggesting that they will take legal action, a move that was once going to cost around $30 million (relocation fees) may very well have jumped up in price to $100 million. This might make the move financially impossible for the money-hemorrhaging, wanna-be playboys.

So now, if they move, they will likely have to borrow money from Henry Samueli to pay back the city of Sacramento in full (and thereby forfeit their majority ownership). Or they can sell the team now to an owner who could choose to stay in Sacramento and actually work with the city to work on a new arena. The Kings may no longer be in Sacramento, but at least the Maloofs will no longer be owners (which will at least be better for the franchise for those of you who will continue to follow them). This is the dilemma that the city of Sacramento wants the Maloofs to be in, because in all honesty, it is the best chance to keep the franchise here, possibly with new ownership. Kissing the Maloof's butts and singing their praises was never going to work, it's time to play hardball, and I'm glad to see the city of Sacramento up its game. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me that Kevin Johnson's meetings with elected officials in Seattle and Charlotte led him to the decision to push legal action before the moving papers were filed rather than afterward.

Good on you, Sacramento.
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It's appalling to see fans from outside the city of Sacramento or fans who have never lived in Sacramento voicing their opinions. This isn't a basketball issue any more. It's a political issue. So if you don't live in Sacramento, or you are not a Sacramento tax payer, your opinion is completely and utterly void unless you at the very least demonstrate some political savvy. The Maloofs are going broke, and they owe the city of Sacramento $77 million. That isn't pretend money. It's very real, and if they default (and all signs point to this as a possibility) it will be the citizens of Sacramento paying a very real consequence. The city MUST arm itself, otherwise the Maloofs will walk away, and give the city of Sacramento an old dilapidated building as repayment.

The Maloofs decided to leave a long time ago, which is a reality that a lot of Kings fans have a hard time accepting. But that is no excuse to hand over all of your power to the very owners who are actively trying to screw you over. Some of the posters on this forum act like battered wives unwilling to accept that they are married to abusive partners.

This is the chance to fight the good fight. The Maloofs aren't going to listen to emotional pleas (they never were). They are going to listen to their pocketbooks. And by the city suggesting that they will take legal action, a move that was once going to cost around $30 million (relocation fees) may very well have jumped up in price to $100 million. This might make the move financially impossible for the money-hemorrhaging, wanna-be playboys.

So now, if they move, they will likely have to borrow money from Henry Samueli to pay back the city of Sacramento in full (and thereby forfeit their majority ownership). Or they can sell the team now to an owner who could choose to stay in Sacramento and actually work with the city to work on a new arena. The Kings may no longer be in Sacramento, but at least the Maloofs will no longer be owners (which will at least be better for the franchise for those of you who will continue to follow them). This is the dilemma that the city of Sacramento wants the Maloofs to be in, because in all honesty, it is the best chance to keep the franchise here, possibly with new ownership. Kissing the Maloof's butts and singing their praises was never going to work, it's time to play hardball, and I'm glad to see the city of Sacramento up its game. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me that Kevin Johnson's meetings with elected officials in Seattle and Charlotte led him to the decision to push legal action before the moving papers were filed rather than afterward.

Good on you, Sacramento.
You're my new best friend.. And I have bno idea why I am up at 3:15am :)
It's appalling to see fans from outside the city of Sacramento or fans who have never lived in Sacramento voicing their opinions. This isn't a basketball issue any more. It's a political issue. So if you don't live in Sacramento, or you are not a Sacramento tax payer, your opinion is completely and utterly void unless you at the very least demonstrate some political savvy. The Maloofs are going broke, and they owe the city of Sacramento $77 million. That isn't pretend money. It's very real, and if they default (and all signs point to this as a possibility) it will be the citizens of Sacramento paying a very real consequence. The city MUST arm itself, otherwise the Maloofs will walk away, and give the city of Sacramento an old dilapidated building as repayment.

The Maloofs decided to leave a long time ago, which is a reality that a lot of Kings fans have a hard time accepting. But that is no excuse to hand over all of your power to the very owners who are actively trying to screw you over. Some of the posters on this forum act like battered wives unwilling to accept that they are married to abusive partners.

This is the chance to fight the good fight. The Maloofs aren't going to listen to emotional pleas (they never were). They are going to listen to their pocketbooks. And by the city suggesting that they will take legal action, a move that was once going to cost around $30 million (relocation fees) may very well have jumped up in price to $100 million. This might make the move financially impossible for the money-hemorrhaging, wanna-be playboys.

So now, if they move, they will likely have to borrow money from Henry Samueli to pay back the city of Sacramento in full (and thereby forfeit their majority ownership). Or they can sell the team now to an owner who could choose to stay in Sacramento and actually work with the city to work on a new arena. The Kings may no longer be in Sacramento, but at least the Maloofs will no longer be owners (which will at least be better for the franchise for those of you who will continue to follow them). This is the dilemma that the city of Sacramento wants the Maloofs to be in, because in all honesty, it is the best chance to keep the franchise here, possibly with new ownership. Kissing the Maloof's butts and singing their praises was never going to work, it's time to play hardball, and I'm glad to see the city of Sacramento up its game. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me that Kevin Johnson's meetings with elected officials in Seattle and Charlotte led him to the decision to push legal action before the moving papers were filed rather than afterward.

Good on you, Sacramento.
Now that my friend, is a great post.
Sacramento and the maloofs look stupid right now. There is blame to go both ways. Sacramento should not have sent that letter because the maloofs have never been late on a payment and they are still here anyway. What If the deal with anaheim falls though? You think either party will want to be back here in sac next year? Nope. Also maloofs should not even had responded cause it makes them looks stupid too.

For me I could give a crap who owns the team I just wants them to stay here. Its the players I care about more than the owners anyway. I am almost 32 and sacramento born and raised and still live here so I don't want my only major league team to leave.
It's appalling to see fans from outside the city of Sacramento or fans who have never lived in Sacramento voicing their opinions. This isn't a basketball issue any more. It's a political issue. So if you don't live in Sacramento, or you are not a Sacramento tax payer, your opinion is completely and utterly void unless you at the very least demonstrate some political savvy. The Maloofs are going broke, and they owe the city of Sacramento $77 million. That isn't pretend money. It's very real, and if they default (and all signs point to this as a possibility) it will be the citizens of Sacramento paying a very real consequence. The city MUST arm itself, otherwise the Maloofs will walk away, and give the city of Sacramento an old dilapidated building as repayment.

The Maloofs decided to leave a long time ago, which is a reality that a lot of Kings fans have a hard time accepting. But that is no excuse to hand over all of your power to the very owners who are actively trying to screw you over. Some of the posters on this forum act like battered wives unwilling to accept that they are married to abusive partners.

This is the chance to fight the good fight. The Maloofs aren't going to listen to emotional pleas (they never were). They are going to listen to their pocketbooks. And by the city suggesting that they will take legal action, a move that was once going to cost around $30 million (relocation fees) may very well have jumped up in price to $100 million. This might make the move financially impossible for the money-hemorrhaging, wanna-be playboys.

So now, if they move, they will likely have to borrow money from Henry Samueli to pay back the city of Sacramento in full (and thereby forfeit their majority ownership). Or they can sell the team now to an owner who could choose to stay in Sacramento and actually work with the city to work on a new arena. The Kings may no longer be in Sacramento, but at least the Maloofs will no longer be owners (which will at least be better for the franchise for those of you who will continue to follow them). This is the dilemma that the city of Sacramento wants the Maloofs to be in, because in all honesty, it is the best chance to keep the franchise here, possibly with new ownership. Kissing the Maloof's butts and singing their praises was never going to work, it's time to play hardball, and I'm glad to see the city of Sacramento up its game. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me that Kevin Johnson's meetings with elected officials in Seattle and Charlotte led him to the decision to push legal action before the moving papers were filed rather than afterward.

Good on you, Sacramento.
This is an excellent post. Thanks.

I think this thread is going to lead to some VERY interesting dialogue. Simply put, who didn't see this coming? All divorces/separations go this way. At first, the ideas of breaking up are there. We play nice, we get back together. Slowly, we drift, last minute pleas are made, everything looks ok, then reality sets in. The battle begins. Now we are fighting for who gets the dog and kids on weekends (sorry if that hits home for anyone, I seriously mean no offense.)

That being said, I see the following:

1. The Maloofs are businessmen (arguably). They are trying to protect their business. I understand and appreciate this view. I understand their frustration with Sacramento and the "dragging of the foot", if you will, on the whole arena issue.

2. Sacramento is attempting to protect its investment. I understand and agree with this view.

3. The fans are pissed. I understand and agree with this view. It's not our fault (for the most part) that the Kings are leaving. A lot of venues state that it is the fans "lack of support" that is spurring this move. It is not. The true fan is pissed off at the lack of due diligence by the city over the last decade.

4. If the Maloofs do end up staying, there is no way to mend ties and keep them here. I understand and disagree with this. (See #1) The Maloofs wanted a damn arena. They want to make money. Both can be done in Sacto. That being said, I think a lot of people are emotionally reactive. That's great, I am as well. However, one thing I have learned over the years is that the public has a VERY short memory. If we can hard-ball them into staying, and for some reason can build an arena, there will still be haters, but in the long run fans will rush back in.

5. I may be a bit misinformed and out of line on this comment, but how is it that Sacto has ten years to put an arena deal together and can't do it, yet can orchestrate a joint effort (involving attorneys) to ban a move when they get a wiff that they will lose money? Where was this drive when we needed an arena? It's not as if litigation will be cheap. Millions of dollars in litigation > millions of dollars for an arena? (they aren't the same scale, I understand, but I still think my point is valid.)

I have no doubt I will be ripped for #4 by those who say "I WILL NEVER FORGIVE THE MAGOOFS!" That's fine. Do what you must. I love my Kings and I want them to stay. If making this move financially impossible for Huey, Dewey, and Louie means we get one more year to keep the Kings in town, and ultimately another swing at building an arena, I say "Bravo" for sending the letter/threatening litigation.
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The Maloofs brought this letter on themselves. They shut the city out months ago. The city of Sacramento is part of this deal, whether or not the Maloofs have the class to acknowledge them. The city wanted to fire off something to get this point across to them. Mission accomplished.
It's appalling to see fans from outside the city of Sacramento or fans who have never lived in Sacramento voicing their opinions. This isn't a basketball issue any more. It's a political issue. So if you don't live in Sacramento, or you are not a Sacramento tax payer, your opinion is completely and utterly void unless you at the very least demonstrate some political savvy. The Maloofs are going broke, and they owe the city of Sacramento $77 million. That isn't pretend money. It's very real, and if they default (and all signs point to this as a possibility) it will be the citizens of Sacramento paying a very real consequence. The city MUST arm itself, otherwise the Maloofs will walk away, and give the city of Sacramento an old dilapidated building as repayment.
It's your opinion that us non-local fans opinion is void, and you're welcome to your opinion. We'll continue to give our opinion anyway :)

Seriously, while I appreciate that the local fans have a much greater stake in this than I ever will, that doesn't negate my opinion from a distance as to how things have played out. You can be too close to an issue to see it for all that it is, and it's always good to have an outsider view at times.
The Maloofs decided to leave a long time ago, which is a reality that a lot of Kings fans have a hard time accepting. But that is no excuse to hand over all of your power to the very owners who are actively trying to screw you over. Some of the posters on this forum act like battered wives unwilling to accept that they are married to abusive partners.
The arena issue was known for years upon years, and all of this uproar would not be occuring if a new arena had been constructed in time. I do not agree with your statement that the Maloofs planned to leave a long time ago, and the current letter seems to show that it's the city who's now doing the screwing over.
This is the chance to fight the good fight. The Maloofs aren't going to listen to emotional pleas (they never were). They are going to listen to their pocketbooks. And by the city suggesting that they will take legal action, a move that was once going to cost around $30 million (relocation fees) may very well have jumped up in price to $100 million. This might make the move financially impossible for the money-hemorrhaging, wanna-be playboys.
There is no way you can convince me that the good fight is to force the Maloofs to stay and play in a dilapidated arena with no clear plan of constructing a replacement arena. In addition, bad-mouthing someone isn't a conducive way to get them to stay with you.
So now, if they move, they will likely have to borrow money from Henry Samueli to pay back the city of Sacramento in full (and thereby forfeit their majority ownership). Or they can sell the team now to an owner who could choose to stay in Sacramento and actually work with the city to work on a new arena. The Kings may no longer be in Sacramento, but at least the Maloofs will no longer be owners (which will at least be better for the franchise for those of you who will continue to follow them). This is the dilemma that the city of Sacramento wants the Maloofs to be in, because in all honesty, it is the best chance to keep the franchise here, possibly with new ownership. Kissing the Maloof's butts and singing their praises was never going to work, it's time to play hardball, and I'm glad to see the city of Sacramento up its game. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me that Kevin Johnson's meetings with elected officials in Seattle and Charlotte led him to the decision to push legal action before the moving papers were filed rather than afterward.
I agree with Brick's postion that this was the best move for the City of Sacramento to cover its interests, but it's also a scorched earth policy coming out of bitterness and the city council's own dysfunction. It never had to be this way if a new arena had been built.
Good on you, Sacramento.
Indeed, they may win this battle but lose the war. The more I see this matter play out, the more I see heavy issues in the city of Sacramento...if the city was a person, I'd say s/he would need to see a counselor about her/his lack of self-esteem, self-value and paranoia...

The Maloofs are not blameless, but the city of Sacramento hasn't shown to me that they want to do what's really needed to keep the team here. The city doesn't deserve the loyal fans of the Kings I've seen on this board; it's almost like the fans come from another Sacramento that doesn't really exist.
I just got a tweet from Tony Gaskins saying something very apt for the situation: You can't get to the top carrying those unwilling to climb themselves.