If people knew they were staying, attendance would improve. And spare me the waiting 50 years stuff. No one is suggesting that. They could at least wait and see what the mayor, council, and ICON can put together though before they high tail out of town. The powers that be are more dedicated to getting an arena done now than ever before, so stop using past failures to discount current efforts. Something could really get done and probably would if The Maloofs would give this CURRENT effort a chance. it's not like they're going to make a fortune in Anaheim over the next few seasons. if the team still stinks, they'll do no better there than they are here!
But they would still play in an infinitely better arena and with a better TV deal!
And how many years is a few years in your mind?
Here is the thing, every new arena effort we keep hearing how this is the best one yet and the parties have never been more committed to the cause yet each and every one of these has failed and WILL fail because of the funding. Arco I and Arco II have both been built with a private funding. In their existence Sacramento has never build an arena with public funds or partly public funds. Its just not how the area works.
Now how do you think they will get the funding for this latest effort?! The money will fall from the sky?! I can guarantee you that any public funding of the new arena WILL require increase in some taxes and as soon as you mention that, there is NO WAY that those proposals will pass.
This effort is NO different to the ones before because there is no one that is privately willing to fund the new arena and any public funding WILL include increase in taxes which will NEVER be approved by the city.
You have claimed the the current Arena is perfectly viable for a few years. If that is the case answer this question:
If a current NBA team needed to move out of their current arena for a season because it needs to be demolished and rebuilt, would Sacramento's current arena allow Sacramento to be one of the top 5 options for that team to consider?
I think you and I both know what the answer is so that there tells you that the arena is badly outdated and would never attract a professional team even temporarily. For goodness sake, its not good enough to attract NCAA let alone a professional team.
The place has been obsolete for a decade now.