[Grades] Grades v. Heat 2/22/11


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Okay...well this has been a hell of a weekend of Kings fans. The team may move, Reke is out three weeks, and now they were crushed again with Reke out of the linuep (remember that stat I posted about our defense wihout Reke -- it was another 117pts against tonight) . So I am going to respond to that as best I can with another Mega-girls theme -- the first one of these was after an embarrassment right beore Christmas. This is obviously the low point since then, so all the famous lovely ladies I did not get to then will go up now.

What we'll do if we continue to get pummeled without Reke every night for the next three weeks, or heaven forbid if they actually declare they are moving...figure that out as we go. Pretty girls are great, but we can't do them every night, and even pretty girls can't heal that sort of pain.

Official Boxscore

Casspi ( D+ ) -- no effect at all on Lebron, but began to score as the first half went along on a series of little fliops and baseline jumpers. Unfortunately scoring was all he was doing, as LeBron chewed him up not only with scoring, but won every rebounding battle (the extra 40lbs of muscle helped), and was basically just toying with us out there as he and Wade passed the ball back and forth and screwed around. After the early scoring, no productivity at all after half as the Heat zoomed away. If Omri can survive the next 24 hours he'll have the final 28 games to continue auditioning for the starting job next season, but he seems stuck in 2nd gear, and has been ever since he returned to the starting lineup. Gives just a little productivity, his opponent always gives more (although obviously THIS opponent gives more against basically everbody).

Rachel McAdams -- a complete chameleon with her hair/looks, Rachel is actually a natural blond -- and a gorgeous one -- but like Winona Ryder before her frequently goes brunette, where I think she looks even hotter.

Thompson ( B- ) -- in the early going was about the best thing we had available to us, which was saying almost nothing, but still true. Actually avoided a foul on the second possessioon biting on an upfake but pulled pack his arms and avoided the contact. Only took 2 1/2 years for him to learn to avoid that one. A couple of little finsihes in the early going, and while not pretty, he used his power to go through Bosh. Remained efficient throughout his minutes, from the field anyway -- shot 1-4 from the line. But as the game went along Bosh heated up and at no point did you get the feeling that Jason, or really any of our guys, was in the same class with the Heat guys. It was like watching the varsity team scrimmage against junior high kids. Every once in a while Jason would make a hustle play to grab a board, or with difficulty get something to roll in inside, but it never made any difference and the Heat would race back and score far more easily the othr way withing 8 seconds.

Emmanuelle Chriqui -- you know, having to do all this research/sort through all the potential pictures of these lovely ladies could almost make one wish for more blowouts.

Cousins ( D- ) -- well so much for game 1, or really game 3, of his I-don't-need-me-no-Reke debut. Its absolutely clear we need DeMarcus to be a stud to compete every night with Reke out, and its absolutely clear on nights like tonight that he is still just a rookie facing a lineup full of HOFs and veterans with hundreds of playoff games under his belt, and he was jsut not up to it. Realy hasn't been very special since Reke went down actually, and may be getting a feel for what its like without all the attention Reke draws. Missed several jumpers to start, and maybe if those had fallen it would have opened things up for him. As it was instead he went down inside and got mushed on back to back shots by Dampier (as an aside his lost year last year and early unemployment this season leave me nonplussed as he can still play and still clog the middle, and that's still a vlauable piece). Looked overmatched on his way to an 0-6 start, and it was 0-8 before he got his first hit midway through the second. Brilliant pass to start the second half, but that was really about it as he couldn't score, and the Heat were just running layup drils past him as a paint defendeer. For one of the few times this year he found his minutes limited not by foul trouble, but by incompetence and others (JT/Daly) clearly outplaying him. Added some numbers deep in the garbaetime, including a full court dribble and shovel pass to Greene for a dunk near the end of the game.

Rihanna -- can't seem to decide whether to be smart and funky or go down the tabloid slut route with Lindsay and Paris, but sincerely beautiful.

Taylor ( C ) -- put up a decent statline, but it was how he got there that mattered. His first shot again was amusingly a 3ptr -- remember that's the shot he's not supposed to be abel to hit. But that was all he did while the game was still on, and Wade totally and completely pantsed him -- Jermaine could nto stay in front of him at all, adn made a series of bad decisions and fores as tried to counter. Which of course is hardly suirprising in a Jermaine Taylor/Dwayne Wade matchup, but it was not nearly as close as the stats don't make it seem. Similar to Omri's performance in that eventually used his ahtleticism to get a few buckets alter in the game and get into double figure scoring, but never competiive in any other way as the two HOFs were running wild and doing their triple double thing and our wings just dribbled in the occasional shot on the way to a combined 23 combined 3ast and 2reb. Because its Jermaine Taylor, and he managed to do something out there against those guys other than just poop his pants, gets a little grade, but not much.

Charlize Theron -- who I am actually not sure I have ever added to one of these themes before, which is very odd indeed for obvious reasons.

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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Udrih ( C- ) -- whatever happened to Beno anyway? Its been the better part of a month now since he was consistently, or even inconsistently, good for us. At first I was willing to squint and say that maybe he was just trying to settle back into a lesser role with Reke and Cousins both coming online, but he wasn't making much of that role, and now with Reke out he hasn't stepped up. Beno is Beno -- he's not a guy you should ever expect 20pts anight out of, or really even 15. But in the past he has been abel to step up when guys were out and he ws needed, and so far its just not happening this time. Adn certainly not tonight. Not awaful so much as jsut completely irrelevant. Clearly the guy in our sudenly pathetic looking backcourt who needed to step up, and jsut never really looked competitive. Made a few exploratory dfrives into the paint, but came up empty everytime, and did not score at all until the final 3 minutes of the half. Really the biggest thing was did not look confident at all adn ready to step up and take the shots. So was efficient in a way, but punchless. Had one highlight with the blowout firmly in place after half when he dropped a really nice pass over the shoulder on the break to Taylor. Otherwise Luther bleeping Head might have had more impact than did Beno.

Natalie Portman -- now pregnant and making that odd female only odyssey from "girl" to "mom"


Dalembert ( B+ ) --- this is one of those games that highlights Daly's potential usefulness for us as we try to become a playoff team again in future years -- he was basically the one and only King who did not look intimidated/overwhelmed by the Heat (with the possible exception of a few minutes from Donte where he rose up to challenge LeBron defensively). He's been around, been a starting center with confidence in the things he can do for a long time. He's played with HOF teammates. And so he came out and just went about his business, and Heat or no Heat it did not matter. Probably not as impressive as his numbers, and speciafically gets no defensive bump here as he was never able to significantly slow the Heat express with us basically getting whipped at all 4 other positions, but he continued being productive and proessional right into the garbagetime, hit most of his shots, was active on the offensive glass, and just clearly the one and only bright point we had out there.

Grace Park -- was as cropped as I could find it, which probably makes neither side happy.

Greene ( C ) -- inviisble numbers in this one (6pts 1reb 1ast in 25min) in no way indicate somebody ready to compete against a team at this level. And yet of all the guys who struggled for us, Donte may have come out of it leaving the best impression as he had a few highlight moments of actually competing. Came in and hit a long jumper, but really there was no other first half production and he had no particular effect on defense. But after returning in the thrid he stepped it up and abruptly did something nobody else had done all night -- got into LeBron defensively and stopped him three straight plays with him sitting on 29pts already. Again challenged LeBron, knocked the ball away, and forced a tough miss to close the third. Meant nothing at thaqt point but you take your highlights where you can find them. Added a big dunk back the other way to counter a spectacular falling down over the shoulder flip layup for Wade late in the 4th. So anemic numbers, and yet moments of competitive spirit largely lacking throgh the rest fo the roster, and that was important enough to hold this grade up a bit. Just give us some fight guys, even if you are incompetent.

Denise Richards -- pre Charlie Sheen, who seems to **** up everything he touches

Jeter ( C+ ) -- I guess the best you could say bout his minutes while the game was still on is that he moved the ball. Yay to moving the ball. Got all 9 of his points in the garbage minutes as he rattled in ajumper, got a tough finish inside, and paired with Head for back to back threes for a little mini-gabagetime push that led nowhere.

Eva Mendes -- and her Calvin Kleins
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Head ( C+ ) -- a little hustle during his earlier mintues. In the garbagetime 4th hit his shots, including a three, and may legitimately have been as effective as any guard we put in the game. No wonder we traded for another guy in the backcourt.

Rhona Mitra

Jackson ( INC ) -- quicly hit a little shot in the last minutes of garbagetime, then did nothign. It was enough, however, according to my brother, to send Grant and Jerry off onto a soliloquy about how great Jackson was every single night and how he never had off nights and in general how full of crap they can be.

Milla Jollivich -- she's funky, she changes her looks by the day, she's too skinny, she can't act a bit...but she also makes almost every look she adopts work because she's just flat hot.
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Okay...well this has been a hell of a weekend of Kings fans. The team may move, Reke is out three weeks, and now they were crushed again with Reke out of the linuep (remember that stat I posted about our defense wihout Reke -- it was another 117pts against tonight) . So I am going to respond to that as best I can with another Mega-girls theme --

Official Boxscore


I know I should have worked on my "Cute puppies" theme!


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Hey Brick - how about some theme ideas:

Best photos with an electron microscope?

Fun places to visit in South Sacramento?

Everyone posts a photo from when they were 3?

Come on, I'm trying here.... ;)
Wow, if the games get much worse, I'm gonna have to TIVO them and watch in small segments in order to keep the BILE from rising in my throat! The defense at the guard positions is non existent. Reke, even when he wasnt scoring was playing good defense. Now guards drive the lane at will without the least bit of resistance. It will be a difficult season indeed without Tyreke in the lineup. It would have been rough WITH him in the lineup! Lets just hope they figure out how to play without Tyreke and they can keep from being distracted by all the BS flying around about the team's issues...