what ankle?
B BMiller52 All-Star Nov 3, 2010 #272 Nov 3, 2010 #272 Horrible call. if anyone touches Gasol it's a foul. This is ridiculous.
King-Da-Yah Starter Nov 3, 2010 #273 Nov 3, 2010 #273 Sometimes watching Tyreke play is like looking directly into the sun. It is just scary and could blind you if you are not careful, what a drive,
Sometimes watching Tyreke play is like looking directly into the sun. It is just scary and could blind you if you are not careful, what a drive,
piksi Hall of Famer Nov 3, 2010 #274 Nov 3, 2010 #274 even Bavetta wouldn't have called this pathetic
B BMiller52 All-Star Nov 3, 2010 #278 Nov 3, 2010 #278 Fisher is such a flopping piece of trash. That call is a joke. Landry was getting fouled before that.
Fisher is such a flopping piece of trash. That call is a joke. Landry was getting fouled before that.
Tetsujin The Game Thread Dude Nov 3, 2010 #279 Nov 3, 2010 #279 Poor Derrick FIsher, the air around his face got touched.
King-Da-Yah Starter Nov 3, 2010 #280 Nov 3, 2010 #280 Jeez, hack a Landry, and then he gets Dereks nose and it's a foul.
MassachusettsKingsFan All-Star Nov 3, 2010 #281 Nov 3, 2010 #281 Thats what Fisher gets when his Laker buddy ( the ref ) doesnt give Landry his foul. Just gross.
piksi Hall of Famer Nov 3, 2010 #283 Nov 3, 2010 #283 Landry was fouled 3 times before Fisher acted again. Looked like he was dyion on the floor and now he shoots FTs
Landry was fouled 3 times before Fisher acted again. Looked like he was dyion on the floor and now he shoots FTs
captain bill All-Star Nov 3, 2010 #285 Nov 3, 2010 #285 1- TERRIBLE call the smack on the hand doesn't get called but an incidental slap in a ball scramble does? 2- i want to f**king STRANGLE these lakers announcers
1- TERRIBLE call the smack on the hand doesn't get called but an incidental slap in a ball scramble does? 2- i want to f**king STRANGLE these lakers announcers
B BMiller52 All-Star Nov 3, 2010 #288 Nov 3, 2010 #288 Horrible offense at the end. That cost us 2 points.
kingzallday Starter Nov 3, 2010 #290 Nov 3, 2010 #290 where was the call on that push when Casspi tried to rebound the ball?
captain bill All-Star Nov 3, 2010 #291 Nov 3, 2010 #291 seriously landry was getting hacked repeatedly
TheWileyVet Starter Nov 3, 2010 #292 Nov 3, 2010 #292 ESPN interview: Kobe *slurp slurp slurp* Lakers *slurp slurp slurp*
MassachusettsKingsFan All-Star Nov 3, 2010 #293 Nov 3, 2010 #293 Damn. If we didnt go cold there towards the end of the second quarter we'd be RIGHT there. Game is still in reach though. Need another one of those big third quarters. Kobe has 21 points already. Methinks Greene could help.
Damn. If we didnt go cold there towards the end of the second quarter we'd be RIGHT there. Game is still in reach though. Need another one of those big third quarters. Kobe has 21 points already. Methinks Greene could help.
S spudfan Starter Nov 3, 2010 #294 Nov 3, 2010 #294 piksi said: Landry was fouled 3 times before Fisher acted again. Looked like he was dyion on the floor and now he shoots FTs Click to expand... Landry did get fouled, but fisher was hardly acting. Got smacked pretty good.
piksi said: Landry was fouled 3 times before Fisher acted again. Looked like he was dyion on the floor and now he shoots FTs Click to expand... Landry did get fouled, but fisher was hardly acting. Got smacked pretty good.
Tetsujin The Game Thread Dude Nov 3, 2010 #295 Nov 3, 2010 #295 The amount of times the refs screw us are directly proportional to our team talent level.
Capt. Factorial ceterum censeo delendum esse Argentum Staff member Nov 3, 2010 #296 Nov 3, 2010 #296 Well, I'm glad that quarter's over. Let's get to the second half where we play better...
ReinadelosReys Starter Nov 3, 2010 #298 Nov 3, 2010 #298 MANdry024 said: Sometimes watching Tyreke play is like looking directly into the sun. It is just scary and could blind you if you are not careful, what a drive, Click to expand... Sometimes I think Tyreke even suprises himself. We've watched him in some 80+ games and every night he shows us something new. Amazing.
MANdry024 said: Sometimes watching Tyreke play is like looking directly into the sun. It is just scary and could blind you if you are not careful, what a drive, Click to expand... Sometimes I think Tyreke even suprises himself. We've watched him in some 80+ games and every night he shows us something new. Amazing.
Tetsujin The Game Thread Dude Nov 3, 2010 #299 Nov 3, 2010 #299 Considering the fact that we haven't actually guarded Kobe and the refs appeared to be celebrating prop 19, we're doing alright
Considering the fact that we haven't actually guarded Kobe and the refs appeared to be celebrating prop 19, we're doing alright
Entity Hall of Famer Nov 3, 2010 #300 Nov 3, 2010 #300 yeah really. I haven't seen a guy that can jump straight up and then teleport 4 feet foward through the air. Well not since the movie jumper.
yeah really. I haven't seen a guy that can jump straight up and then teleport 4 feet foward through the air. Well not since the movie jumper.