Monroe, Aldrich, or Johnson?

Who do we pick at number 5?

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We'll see.... Perhaps we can still work something out with minny if we like Cousins that much. With the news being that they want Darko to return and he also saying he wants to return the possibilty of them wanting to trade cousins is possible.... Most likely they try and move Al however.

I would like to see the Kings make an offer to Darko as well. I think he is the type of guy that would make a difference to this team. He certainly was not worth a 2 pick on that draft but at 7 foot with a 7'5 wingspan and good athleticism he has shown he can disrupt tthe lane. Minny is high on him for a reason he can play that role in this league. He was their best Player the last two months of the season.
We'll see.... Perhaps we can still work something out with minny if we like Cousins that much. With the news being that they want Darko to return and he also saying he wants to return the possibilty of them wanting to trade cousins is possible.... Most likely they try and move Al however.

I would like to see the Kings make an offer to Darko as well. I think he is the type of guy that would make a difference to this team. He certainly was not worth a 2 pick on that draft but at 7 foot with a 7'5 wingspan and good athleticism he has shown he can disrupt tthe lane. Minny is high on him for a reason he can play that role in this league. He was their best Player the last two months of the season.
It's definitely possible we can work a deal with Minny for Cousins. I think the decision for them will ultimately come down to either trading Cousins or Jefferson, like you pointed out. At this point, I don't see them just passing up on Cousins. I'll let them make their own judgments on Cousins as a person and as a player, but if it were me, I'd definitely prefer Cousins and what I can get for Jefferson in a trade over keeping Jefferson and taking what I could get for Cousins in a trade. It's risky in that Cousins might not pan out, but I think the combine will show that Cousins will have much better size and length for defending centers than Jefferson does. They won't be able to go anywhere if they have two holes defensively in their frontline.

About Darko, I would not take a flier on him unless we can get him for cheap. His commitment is too fickle and he's not much more than a solid post defender and a decent scorer at times. It's not a good idea to commit much money or PT on him.
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greg monroe has petrie written all over him... i have a feeling he will test out more athletic than all these articles claim...

i think his upside is amare stoudemire level
pretty sure Petrie is going to pick Monroe

its his style...

not necessary a bad thing though...if he can be a Brad Miller of 04-05....
I'm with you guys that are thinking Aldrich and Aminu. I don't see why they would want Monroe when the description of his game reminds me of Hawes. I agree we are moving a new direction, trying to be tougher, and Aminu and Aldrich fit right in.

Could be that Aminu will eventually play PF but Odom didn't play that position when he entered the league either, he had to bulk up some. I can see Aminu banging the boards while our shooting bigs like Landry are on the floor, and it sounds like he can guard 2-4 positions. I'd love to have some defensive intensity, shot blocking and a athleticism on the fast break he could provide.

Still I'd rather have Aldrich. I think Aldrich should be higher on the mocks- people aren't placing enough value on what he brings to the table.
I'd take Monroe. These are my reasons:

1) Monroe vs Johnson: Monroe is 3 yrs younger, and fills a need of the team. I want to see Greene getting a lot of minutes next year, because I think he can became a very good player if he keeps developing. I've seen a lot of Monroe, not very much of Johnson, but I think Greg is a Petrie kind of player.

2) Monroe vs Aldrich: I think he is just a better player. Maybe he's not a banger like Aldrich, but he has more skills. I would't mind getting Aldrich anyways, he could be a good player I believe.

3) Monroe vs Udoh: I really like Udoh, in the tournament he has shown that he is a beast under the glasses. But, he is 3 years older than Monroe and he does not have a good offensive game. I believe he will be just a role player in the nba. I see him like a better Warrick, but I could be wrong.
Then, if you have to take a decision between these two guys, you keed to think about age: don't you think that in 3 years from now Monroe will be a much better player than what Udoh is right now?

So, this is why I would take Monroe, even if I really believe that oneof the top 4 will be available at 5, and it could be Cousins.
Move up or move down(not sure what assets Kings should be asking for) to still nab Aldrich. Drafting at #5 you lose value unless someone from current top-4 slips.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Voting for Aldrich, I'd be ok with Johnson, might force some moves but that would be ok. Still hoping that Johnson moves up a spot.
I'm with you guys that are thinking Aldrich and Aminu. I don't see why they would want Monroe when the description of his game reminds me of Hawes. I agree we are moving a new direction, trying to be tougher, and Aminu and Aldrich fit right in.

Could be that Aminu will eventually play PF but Odom didn't play that position when he entered the league either, he had to bulk up some. I can see Aminu banging the boards while our shooting bigs like Landry are on the floor, and it sounds like he can guard 2-4 positions. I'd love to have some defensive intensity, shot blocking and a athleticism on the fast break he could provide.

Still I'd rather have Aldrich. I think Aldrich should be higher on the mocks- people aren't placing enough value on what he brings to the table.
Odom is also 6'10+ with probably a longer reach than Aminu. Odom definitely had the height and frame to play PF.


Hall of Famer
So I was listening to Reynolds this morning on 1140 and he said there could be a "surprise" player that they pick. So, he had already talked about Cousins, Johnson, and Monroe; therefore, I'm assuming they are off his "surprise" list. Who would be the "surprise"?

PS It's not a foreign player. He said that the first foreign player would be at the end of the lottery.

After reading posts above, my best guess would be Orton. He would definitely be a surprise, at least to the casual basketball fan. I could get on board with that pick.
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Odom is also 6'10+ with probably a longer reach than Aminu. Odom definitely had the height and frame to play PF.
When Odom first came into the league, he was very skinny. No way he was going to play PF at first. Over the years he bulked up enough to be able to play PF, but it didn't start out like that.
Odom is also 6'10+ with probably a longer reach than Aminu. Odom definitely had the height and frame to play PF.
Yup he's taller, I dunno about a longer reach though. If Aminu is going to stick at SF then he's going to have to get some shooting and ball handling. He has time to develop though, and he'll find his spot eventually also.
When Odom first came into the league, he was very skinny. No way he was going to play PF at first. Over the years he bulked up enough to be able to play PF, but it didn't start out like that.
Again, he had the frame to fill into a PF's body. Aminu's, well we have to wait a little bit to know for sure, but not as much as Odom does.
Yup he's taller, I dunno about a longer reach though. If Aminu is going to stick at SF then he's going to have to get some shooting and ball handling. He has time to develop though, and he'll find his spot eventually also.
Odom has pretty long arms in his own right and a lot of people suggest he's a bit taller than 6'10. It's not inconceivable that he has a 9'0+ reach.

It's not easy to just develop ball handling from practically nill to above average. I just don't see that much upside with Aminu at SF, even if he progresses reasonably well with his perimeter skills, he still seems like he'd be in the Deng tier of SF's. There's too much he has to learn to become a very valuable SF. If he's going to find his spot, it's going to have to be as those newfangled hybrid PF's.
Odom has pretty long arms in his own right and a lot of people suggest he's a bit taller than 6'10. It's not inconceivable that he has a 9'0+ reach.

It's not easy to just develop ball handling from practically nill to above average. I just don't see that much upside with Aminu at SF, even if he progresses reasonably well with his perimeter skills, he still seems like he'd be in the Deng tier of SF's. There's too much he has to learn to become a very valuable SF. If he's going to find his spot, it's going to have to be as those newfangled hybrid PF's.
I know Odom has long arms but them trees are too high for me to make an accurate guess as to who has a longer reach. And Deng is a heck of a player- I'd love to have him. Aminu isn't easy to categorize I think and a lot of his value is based on potential. Some teams are going to have the time for him to develop.

Today I'm actually leaning more toward Johnson but that's subject to change minute to minute.
I know Odom has long arms but them trees are too high for me to make an accurate guess as to who has a longer reach. And Deng is a heck of a player- I'd love to have him. Aminu isn't easy to categorize I think and a lot of his value is based on potential. Some teams are going to have the time for him to develop.

Today I'm actually leaning more toward Johnson but that's subject to change minute to minute.
Okay, but if Deng is his upside when/if he improves his perimeter skills, I'd rather just go with Johnson and not have to hope and wait.
Okay, but if Deng is his upside when/if he improves his perimeter skills, I'd rather just go with Johnson and not have to hope and wait.
That's kinda what I'm thinking at this point. The only thing is Johnson won't bring tough interior D, shot blocking etc, and he'll get pushed around at SF in the NBA. If he can add some bulk to his frame he'd be doing himself a great service- he doesn't even weigh 200 lbs does he?
Sportscenter guys seem to think that the sixers may go with Johnson over turner which i find very hard to believe. They seem to think he's a better fit for that team. I partially see their point since turner may not mesh with iggy since he lacks outside shooting(at the moment) and I'd like to think they'd like to unload iggys salary but that won't be easy. At the end of the day though, you just don't pass on a guy like turner for a guy like Johnson. I'm praying they do though ;)
That's kinda what I'm thinking at this point. The only thing is Johnson won't bring tough interior D, shot blocking etc, and he'll get pushed around at SF in the NBA. If he can add some bulk to his frame he'd be doing himself a great service- he doesn't even weigh 200 lbs does he?
Aminu doesn't presently do that either, he's a more versatile defender sure, but relying on him as an interior defender is probably not a plan for success. As far as his shot blocking goes, there isn't a whole lot of evidence at the moment that Aminu is that much better shot blocker than Johnson.
Aminu doesn't presently do that either, he's a more versatile defender sure, but relying on him as an interior defender is probably not a plan for success. As far as his shot blocking goes, there isn't a whole lot of evidence at the moment that Aminu is that much better shot blocker than Johnson.
I don't see Johnson being as efficient a shotblocker at his size in the NBA where Aminu still can be. No team wants to rely on a SF for their interior defense but few teams would say no to adding a SF with those kind of skills either.
I don't see Johnson being as efficient a shotblocker at his size in the NBA where Aminu still can be. No team wants to rely on a SF for their interior defense but few teams would say no to adding a SF with those kind of skills either.
Gerald Wallace? Shawn Marion? They're only 6'7.

It seems like you're placing to much priority on what could be seen as a novelty out of a SF.
Gerald Wallace? Shawn Marion? They're only 6'7.

It seems like you're placing to much priority on what could be seen as a novelty out of a SF.
It seems like you're going well out of your way to find something to argue about after we both agreed on Johnson over Aminu, but if you insist...

Wallace and Marion assuredly weigh over 200 lbs, something that Johnson cannot claim. I'm 6' and I have weighed over 200 in my life, I mean come on. Our starting PG outweighs him by 20 lbs plus.

Don't get me wrong if we take him I hope you're right but if he becomes a King lets pool together to get him a gift basket of weight gainer.
It seems like you're going well out of your way to find something to argue about after we both agreed on Johnson over Aminu, but if you insist...

Wallace and Marion assuredly weigh over 200 lbs, something that Johnson cannot claim. I'm 6' and I have weighed over 200 in my life, I mean come on. Our starting PG outweighs him by 20 lbs plus.

Don't get me wrong if we take him I hope you're right but if he becomes a King lets pool together to get him a gift basket of weight gainer.
I'm not going out of my way, you made a point I disagreed with and I pointed it out.

Unless we're talking about positional shot blocking instead of help/weak side shot blocking, then I don't see how weight is a big factor.
I'm not going out of my way, you made a point I disagreed with and I pointed it out.

Unless we're talking about positional shot blocking instead of help/weak side shot blocking, then I don't see how weight is a big factor.
You searched out something to disagree with. Aminu's defense is a large part of the skill set he brings, and his shot blocking is a large part of that. I'm not trying to argue whether or not your primary shotblocker should be your SF I'm saying he brings it. Call it a novelty if you want, but when he's disrupting the other team's offense with it I doubt they consider it such.

And Johnson I see as just getting swept around anywhere near the paint. He may get blocks from helping or on perimeter but stronger guys on the NBA are just going to shrug him off. To block shots you have to get and maintain position. On the ball I see Aminu as a much better SF defender at the NBA level.