I have a bad feeling...

He's going for immediate attention and clicks is what he's going for. Just to be different. I will never believe that any rational person can actually believe that anybody other than Tyreke Evans was the best rookie from the 09-10 season. They are either crazy or shady. But I feel your pain.
There are a number of media types doing the same thing, thankfully, they'll split their votes between Curry and Jennings.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Bill simmons is going for curry. This hurts me. He had been a big tyreke supporter.

Hmm...I seem to recall Bill Simmons' first pro-Reke column being a mea culpa in whick he admitted he thought that Reke would suck but had to admit he was wrong.

Which wouldn't make him a big time Reke supporter.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I asked this before and don't think anyone answered, but Simmons doesn't actually have a vote, does he? I thought only full time NBA reporters got votes.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I asked this before and don't think anyone answered, but Simmons doesn't actually have a vote, does he? I thought only full time NBA reporters got votes.

Don't know what the criteria are for the national guys. I know each team is given 3 vote packages to distribute to three members of its local press. No idea who/what it is at a national level.
Why do reporters even get votes? If it was up to me I'd have coaches and gm's vote.
I've always wondered this too...I think it should be voted on by their immediate peers, but I'm sure they have a darn good reason for getting a bunch of corruptness and unjust bias from the national media involved.
I had thought about this...and upon further review, think that WINNING would do more for him personally than just getting pissed after losing.
I think think with his work ethic and a chip on his shoulder would make him much better. Jordan would not be Jordan if he did not play with that chip on his shoulder.

Shoot look at him now... he still has it (Hall of Fame speech). It's amazing what emotional motivation can do for someone who is willing to work.

That 20-5-5 group will give him the confidence. Losing out ROY will motivate him to not just play great. But to dominate. To make it so obvious that people will forever think the voters were of below a 70 IQ
I think think with his work ethic and a chip on his shoulder would make him much better. Jordan would not be Jordan if he did not play with that chip on his shoulder.

Shoot look at him now... he still has it (Hall of Fame speech). It's amazing what emotional motivation can do for someone who is willing to work.

That 20-5-5 group will give him the confidence. Losing out ROY will motivate him to not just play great. But to dominate. To make it so obvious that people will forever think the voters were of below a 70 IQ
When does Tyreke ever get emotional though? I don't think he's that kind of person, that gets overly emotional or let's things get to him that much.
Sure... it could be a possibilty (LBJ being better now ie... killer instintcs which he has yet to show). What's so hard to believe about that? Emotions can motivate you and just because you dont show them doesn't mean your not motivated by them. Dudes not a robot.

Tyreke does need to show some emotion on the court... perhaps getting jobbed of his ROY will make him more charasmatic on the court which can only help is Star Status. If you want the calls you gotta be a Star. I don't think anyone hear will argue with that.

He wants the award bad... and he deserves it. But getting jobbed will pee that man off.
I personally want to see what a pissed Tyreke will do to his opposition, which is why I want him not to get it.


The Game Thread Dude
According to this guy, Reke's going to win but Curry will be the better player. He says that Reke's a better scorer but Curry's a better defender and complete player. Sounds like someone got their players confused.
According to this guy, Reke's going to win but Curry will be the better player. He says that Reke's a better scorer but Curry's a better defender and complete player. Sounds like someone got their players confused.
Bleh, I shouldn't have read the article as things of that nature shouldn't be given the time of day.

The author says that Evans is a 'lazy defender' and that Curry is great defender who is also going to be a consistent triple-double threat.

Anyone who claims that Curry is a better defender than Tyreke never watched Tyreke play, and therefore shouldn't even be allowed to comment.

I really like Westphal as a coach and am very pleased that he's going to be running the team for the foreseeable future. But if Tyreke does not win ROY then I'm putting a lot of the blame on him. If Tyreke had picked up those other 3 triple-doubles that he had the opportunity to get then those numbers would have easily been enough to stop all of this statistical non-sense.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
According to this guy, Reke's going to win but Curry will be the better player. He says that Reke's a better scorer but Curry's a better defender and complete player. Sounds like someone got their players confused.

Pretty sure that guy doesn't have a vote either. ;)

As an aside, I really have to get a blog and start posting -- the blogosphere can just be embarrassingly ignorant at times.
It's one thing if he got jobbed and he immediately had the playoffs to let out his anger. But we're going into the summer. I hardly doubt that getting jobbed is gonna do anything next year and in the long term in general.


Hall of Famer
Sure... it could be a possibilty (LBJ being better now ie... killer instintcs which he has yet to show). What's so hard to believe about that? Emotions can motivate you and just because you dont show them doesn't mean your not motivated by them. Dudes not a robot.

Tyreke does need to show some emotion on the court... perhaps getting jobbed of his ROY will make him more charasmatic on the court which can only help is Star Status. If you want the calls you gotta be a Star. I don't think anyone hear will argue with that.

He wants the award bad... and he deserves it. But getting jobbed will pee that man off.
I personally want to see what a pissed Tyreke will do to his opposition, which is why I want him not to get it.
Well your welcome to believe what you want. But people are who they are, and winning or not winning the ROY isn't going to change Tyreke one bit. There are players that get criticized for showing too much emotion, and now for not showing enough. Tim Duncan seldom shows emotion, but he's still a great player. You said it yourself, they're not robots, they're human beings.

The best thing an athlete can do is not get too high when things go right, and not get too low when they go wrong. That appears to be a good description of Tyreke. He'll win it, because he deserves it. And thats as it should be. Besides, I'm not a big fan of anger. Too damm much of it in this world..
According to this guy, Reke's going to win but Curry will be the better player. He says that Reke's a better scorer but Curry's a better defender and complete player. Sounds like someone got their players confused.
That article looks like it was written by a 12 year old. The grammar is terrible, and half the time, he doesn't even use the space bar.
Tyreke locked up the ROY award once Blake Griffin got injured. Darren Collison made a push, Jennings had that 1 game, and Curry is technically the better player. But, Tyreke has more athleticism and is stronger and was more consistent and performed at a higher level for a longer period of time. Yes, Curry is technically the more complete player. No, he is not going to win the 2010 ROY award.
Wow that article is bad. I don't care if he said curry should win the award and recieve all the first place votes and evans getting all 3rd place votes because that will never ever evereverever! be worse than that page of words scrabbled together. I think my IQ just dropped tremendously after reading that piece of garbage.
Tyreke locked up the ROY award once Blake Griffin got injured. Darren Collison made a push, Jennings had that 1 game, and Curry is technically NOT the better player. But, Tyreke has more athleticism and is stronger and was more consistent and performed at a higher level for a longer period of time. NO, Curry is technically NOT the more complete player. No, he is not going to win the 2010 ROY award.
Thought id fix that for you. Seems like the media is fooling everyone. Im PRETTY sick of reading such nonsense. Does everyone just shut their eyes when the player theyre watching is playing defense? There are some things that Curry is better at. Basically, passing and shooting. However, thats not to say that just because player A is better than player B that player B isnt any good at said aspect. Tyreke isnt a bad passer. Terrible shooter? Absolutely. When judging players i think you need to make an overall score of that player. Kind of like the way sports video games do. Curry is a noticeably better passer and shooter than Evans. But Currys overall score is an 85. Evans is a 91.
He wants the award bad... and he deserves it. But getting jobbed will pee that man off.
I personally want to see what a pissed Tyreke will do to his opposition, which is why I want him not to get it.
Sheer ridiculousnous. I think you should not get the next promotion or pay raise you earn so that you'll work harder.

Watching Jennings and Blair in the playoffs will be motivation enough. He's achieved his dream of being in the NBA and probably of being ROY. Now it's time to define and begin working towards the next dream.
Sorry Chupacabra, but until Evans develops a jumper its really hard to argue that Curry is a less complete player. Evans doesn't have an effective midrange game or a three point shot. In every other category Evans owns Curry, but those two categories are pretty much the difference b/w being a complete player and not. Why do you think Curry was invited to tryout with team USA? Tyreke has talent and upside and length and size and dribbles and speed and finishing ability, but that jumper detracts a lot from the evaluation. Curry has less size and length and finishing ability and strength, but his jumper really adds to the pot. Tyreke > Curry no doubt, Curry is a more complete basketball player, no doubt. With that being said, basketball at the NBA level isn't really the same kind of basketball you and I play in our front yards. NBA basketball is a grown mans sport and Tyreke has the clear advantage when it comes to NBA Basketball. Tyreke is built for the NBA, he just doesn't have the shooting yet. Curry's game is suited well for the NBA, but not like Evans. Hard to compare the two, b/c they both are two different types of guard. I just think of Curry as the more skilled of the two because shooting ability is that important.
Sorry Chupacabra, but until Evans develops a jumper its really hard to argue that Curry is a less complete player. Evans doesn't have an effective midrange game or a three point shot. In every other category Evans owns Curry, but those two categories are pretty much the difference b/w being a complete player and not. Why do you think Curry was invited to tryout with team USA? Tyreke has talent and upside and length and size and dribbles and speed and finishing ability, but that jumper detracts a lot from the evaluation. Curry has less size and length and finishing ability and strength, but his jumper really adds to the pot. Tyreke > Curry no doubt, Curry is a more complete basketball player, no doubt. With that being said, basketball at the NBA level isn't really the same kind of basketball you and I play in our front yards. NBA basketball is a grown mans sport and Tyreke has the clear advantage when it comes to NBA Basketball. Tyreke is built for the NBA, he just doesn't have the shooting yet. Curry's game is suited well for the NBA, but not like Evans. Hard to compare the two, b/c they both are two different types of guard. I just think of Curry as the more skilled of the two because shooting ability is that important.
Back it up, if i may make an exact quote, "...Curry is technically the better player." Flat out not true.