Countdown to Feb 19th

I have made no comment on Geoff's success or failure as a GM in this thread, and its not what I want to talk about now.
I just think pretending that Geoff waiting too long to start the rebuild, selling low on guys that should have/could have fetched more and then continuing to sign mid-level guys while resigning our own guys to bigger deals than warranted is a strange "pass". Basically, if he hadn't done those things, we probably wouldn't be in this place.

Only focusing on the one year that he drafted well AND made A trade for young talent (Casspi and Greene) is not enough to convince me he's doing a good job.
I'm not giving anyone a 'pass'. as I said (quoted above), I'm not talking about the GM's performance, I want the team to do things that make them a real competitor in the future.

Moving forward from here, today, it will be a few years before who we have right now matures enough for the team to make meaningful talent gathering trades. Making trades for mediocre talent from non-playoff teams will not help the Kings become a contender in 3-5 years, and therefore, I don't want to trade for those guys.

Murphy, Dalembert, Okefor, and so on, they don't make this team a contender and will slow the growth of the players we do have, AND will make the team win a little more in the short term causing it to lose positioning in the draft next year, thus reducing the team's ability to land contender level talent for the future.

If we were talking about trades that got us Amare, Bosh, Lebron, or something like that, I'd be listening, but we're not.
Oh no -- back at that time there were all kinds of people around here who did not want Bonzi resigned. Quite the debate really. (Note I was not one of them.) There was kind of an unholy alliance of Martin partisans, people who had never really forgiven Bonzi for being Bonzi beofre he showed up, "contract year push" advocates, people still in love with the old Princeton style and unable to enjoy anything else, rebuilding advocates etc.. Many many constituencies, each with their own reasons, and each with their own interpretation of how it played out -- the events surrounding that decision have been so consistently mstaken and distorted I think somewhere along the way the truth got taken out into a field somewhere and shot.
Your right. I was an ardent fan before, then and now but all I can remember is that 1) I'd never heard of this posting site, 2) I think I was happy that he was gone, I know I liked his talent and I thought he had head problems, 3) if I hadn't read this I wouldn't have remembered what the transaction was, and lastly, I'm not sure I give a hoot right now.

It's funny - reading this thread doesn't make me question Petrie's abilities or his track record. I think after February 18 Petrie will still be our GM and that makes me happy.
Since somebody brought up Bonzi, it might be a good time to remind everybody that the Kings offered him a 5 year 38.5 million dollar contract after that playoff run. Most focus on the fact that Bonzi was a moron for not taking it. However, it was equally dumb to offer that kind of money to an old shooting guard with weight and attitude issues. Bonzi has been retired for a year. He even quit China. Right now, we would be in the middle of year four … shudders.

Good thing it’s time to trade, because the book on Petrie is – great at picking and trading … not so much at deciding what to pay people.

Say what you want about the proposed weight clauses in the contract – the Bonzi offer was on par with any of Petrie’s bad contracts.
I'm as big a Petrie fan as the next guy on this blog, but Petrie is famous for Drafting. His Trading has been so so and his free agent signings have been suspect. And I think if we are not trading Martin, no one wants anything else we have. If that is the case, then standing pat and continuing to build thru the draft might be the only option the Maloofs can afford? I didn't see the Kings listed as one of the teams that is in terrible financial shape, but the Maloofs have very finite resources. It might be that Petrie is limited in what he can do to make the team better. He may only be able to trade like salaries to acquire a decent center, which would mean that the chances of getting a decent center are pretty slim. Troy Murphy is starting to sound better and better...
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Hall of Famer
Oh no -- back at that time there were all kinds of people around here who did not want Bonzi resigned. Quite the debate really. (Note I was not one of them.) There was kind of an unholy alliance of Martin partisans, people who had never really forgiven Bonzi for being Bonzi beofre he showed up, "contract year push" advocates, people still in love with the old Princeton style and unable to enjoy anything else, rebuilding advocates etc.. Many many constituencies, each with their own reasons, and each with their own interpretation of how it played out -- the events surrounding that decision have been so consistently mstaken and distorted I think somewhere along the way the truth got taken out into a field somewhere and shot.
I stand corrected. Your right! There were people that just didn't like Bonzi, no matter what. On a personal level I was disappointed when he went elsewhere. He brought the same type of play that Jimmy Jackson brought. Especially the post up game. Oh well, water under the bridge..


Hall of Famer
There is a lot of truth in that statement. You can never please everyone all the time, right? I'm amazed at how little patience some fans on here have. It takes time to rebuild, and the roster we have now will not be the roster we head into our next training camp with. Some here don't want to wait that long, eventhough in reality this rebuilding proccess is years from being complete.

In general, I hate the way some on here think Geoff can't do anything right, and they are already calling for his head when there obviously will be moves made either by the deadline, the draft, or this coming offseason. I'm very interested to see what Geoff will do with this roster over the next 6 months.
Well in fairness to some of those that wants Geoff's head, they've been pretty consistant over a fairly long period of time. I'm not one of those by the way, but that doesn't mean I can't be critical of some of his moves. Or lack there of. Having suffered through Joe Axelson and Bill Russell etc. Petrie still looks good. But the pressure is on, and there's no place to pass the buck if this rebuild fails. He had an excellent draft. But I don't think he do it entirely through the draft. He needs to be careful. But you can also be too careful. I do like his tweet, where he said that any trade that might occur will be for the future of the team and not for improvment over the next 30 games.
Wait...let me get this straight. You want Petrie to turn this 30 win team (at best) into a good team in one night? Clearly your expectations are through the roof and unrealistic beyond comprehension.

I would love to see how you and so many others have this proof of petrie sitting on his hands and not trying to make any solid moves for this organization. I guess everyone else is the fly on the wall of petries office, and the window shut just before i could squeeze in. :rolleyes:
The proof has been there on every fans' face my friend. We just don't want to acknowledge it for some reasons.

Maybe some of you are Petrie's relatives? Or some of you are plainly hopeless homers.

This team has been so bad for several years now. Other than the luck Petrie had on the recent draft, most of his moves ( trades ) are flawed and too late sometimes to make a difference. I don't have to enumerate these moves, just look at what kind of roster we have had for the past several years. It is RES IPSA LOQUITUR. You can give all the excuses for Petrie, but the team we have had speaks of how bad Petrie has been for several years now.

The product speaks for itself.

I really think we need a more vivacious and active GM to replace this current burned out introverted and passive GM we have.

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
Maybe some of you are Petrie's relatives? Or some of you are plainly hopeless homers.
Or maybe some of us don't presume to know anything about something we know nothing about. Produce a log of Petrie's phone calls to other front offices in the past few weeks (or lack thereof) and then maybe this "Petrie is sitting on his hands" business might amount to something more than idle, frustrated speculation.
Or maybe some of us don't presume to know anything about something we know nothing about. Produce a log of Petrie's phone calls to other front offices in the past few weeks (or lack thereof) and then maybe this "Petrie is sitting on his hands" business might amount to something more than idle, frustrated speculation.
Ha! I had to read that twice to catch on ;). I agree.
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Everybody's favorite Bill Simmons discusses two Kings' players and contracts in his trade value top 40.

15. Tyreke Evans
The prototypical 0-guard: Someone who handles the ball all the time, looks for his own shot, gets to the rim at will and operates best if his teammates spread the floor to watch him. You can't call these guys point guards, and they handle the ball too much to be 2-guards. So they're 0-guards. Ideally, you want to surround 0-guards with spot-up shooters, one rebounder and a pick-and-pop forward who can make 18-footers. Gilbert Arenas created the 0-guard position, for better or worse; Dwyane Wade mastered it; Brandon Roy strikes the best balance between selfish and unselfish; and Evans might have the most raw talent of any of them.
His idea of the proper team setup around Evans isn't too far off, but probably need one less shooter and you have to have another ball handler/facilitator.

Kevin Martin (30): My favorite possibly available trade piece -- great contract, proven scorer, high hoops IQ, someone who'd thrive on a veteran team that protected him defensively and ran plays for him. Right now he's playing on a glorified pickup team with Tyreke Evans, who thinks "point guard" means "I get to dribble over midcourt." Not gonna fly. Someone like Martin is a luxury. You pamper him. You set him screens. You hook him up on slash-and-kicks. You go to him after games and say, "Hey, what's the best place to deliver the ball for you -- chest high and a little to the right?" He could absolutely be a contender's No. 1 scoring option like Reggie Miller or Rip Hamilton once upon a time. Stay tuned.
I really think his Stay tuned is his dreaming for Boston to acquire KMart. He probably would get that treatment in Boston, but I still think he'd be a #2 option behind Pierce. That or he'd be the #1 option for 3 quarters and then let Paul take over in crunch time.

Unfortunately, I don't know what Boston has to offer besides non-lottery draft picks and salary dumps. Kendrick Perkins probably isn't being traded if they are still trying to get a ring.
I have no idea where to put this comment at. The trade deadline thread seems the most appropriate.

Sam Amick tweeted last night that at the STH presentation before the game, where the Maloofs announced that ST seat prices will be lowered by 6% for next season, that the Maloofs and Petrie said that if they make ANY moves before the deadline that it will be strictly to MAKE THE TEAM BETTER.

That doesn't sound like they will just make salary dump moves, unless they think having that salary in free agency will help them greatly, and they won't take any other players they don't truly want. At least that's how I interpret it.
I choose to believe them instead of being cynical for now. They also emphasized their commitment to Sacramento, and staying in Sacramento.
Yeah, I tend to agree with this...why the heck would owners live in a city for over 10 years, including 3 HORRENDOUS seasons and they're STILL here, if they didnt want to make it work? I think they know that where ever they go they'll still have to put a good product on the court in order to put butts in the seats. I think this offseason will be VERY fun. I dont expect an eruption of deals like we saw mid-season last year...posturing is more like it.
Darko to T-Wolves and Jamison to Cavs, this could get the action going. Being an action junkie, I hope GP gets involved in any action for the sake of me getting my fix. :p
Yup, Jamison is a Cav...the Knicks are about to get McGrady...and Stoudamire probably wont be with the Suns past tomorrow(probably not with the Kings, though). So far the only thing being leaked is the thing about Sergio...and I dont expect much more to happen anyway.