Countdown to Feb 19th

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
Corliss for Christie (added)
I let that one go as potentially not major. Obviously Christie was huge for us, but at the time I thought it was a lot more shuffling deck chairs.

Miller + Salmons for Noc + nothing of note (added this one)
Thanks, that was a serious memory fault. It's almost as if I erased last season from my mind!
Agreed, but there is a big difference between not being aggressive and not forcing a bad move. The simple truth is that looking at the market this year, there really aren't any players worth aggressively going after. The closest we could really get to addressing our needs in the frontcourt is Amare and even he would help much more offensively than defensively. Considering we are likely to have at least a top 7 pick in a draft with a lot of bigs, there is no reason to force a trade when we can see who we can see what we have with the kids this year, draft another top 7 pick and trade in a different market with different players next season.
I agree with that, but it is a bit depressing for fans like us that watch every game no matter how bad the team plays. If there are no deals to be had, then Petrie SHOULD stand pat. I was holding out hope that Petrie somehow pulls off a deal for a player no one has discussed. That is usually Petrie's M.O. If he can't get value now, he is confident enough in his job status to wait and see what the summer brings.

BUT watching Hawes get beat like a rug every night while he is letting some d-league caliber scrub look like an all star player gets old after a while. If Hawes doesn't come back from the off season with 20 lbs more muscle they will more than likely trade him anyway... We dont need the B52 Bummer #2...
In general we know one thing. Petrie keeps everything close to the vest. If there is a trade it probably won't happen until the last day or even minute. And it will probably be a trade no one has talked about. Which could be a good thing or a bad thing. The lack of info is the norm for him. Having been a player himself he doesn't like to throw around players names until its a done deal.
And this is the bad thing about Petrie. Other teams probably find it hard to deal with him because they don't know what he is selling and what it is he wants to buy. And this is the reason why there are no media leaks about any trades regarding the Kings right now. It is simply because Petrie is really just sitting there and still relaxing while the other good GMs are busy and actively doing their job.

We don't see any smoke because there is no fire!

I have this gut feeling the reason why Petrie is so poor in the trading block is because he is so introvertive, very passive, and very slow in dealing that he gets left behind by those active GMs in the trading block.

Petrie always end-up getting only the leftovers ( poor deals ) comes deadline.

Get out there Petrie and be active! If you are really that genius/excellent GM that several people in this forum think you are, show us a little bit of proof that you are working. Give us a good team comes trading deadline. You are more than equipped with ammo ( KT, Martin, Garcia, and Noc ) to go for that significant trade. Prove to the fans you are worth the millions you are earning as a GM. Give us a good team.
And this is the bad thing about Petrie. Other teams probably find it hard to deal with him because they don't know what he is selling and what it is he wants to buy. And this is the reason why there are no media leaks about any trades regarding the Kings right now. It is simply because Petrie is really just sitting there and still relaxing while the other good GMs are busy and actively doing their job.

We don't see any smoke because there is no fire!

I have this gut feeling the reason why Petrie is so poor in the trading block is because he is so introvertive, very passive, and very slow in dealing that he gets left behind by those active GMs in the trading block.

Petrie always end-up getting only the leftovers ( poor deals ) comes deadline.

Get out there Petrie and be active! If you are really that genius/excellent GM that several people in this forum think you are, show us a little bit of proof that you are working. Give us a good team comes trading deadline. You are more than equipped with ammo ( KT, Martin, Garcia, and Noc ) to go for that significant trade. Prove to the fans you are worth the millions you are earning as a GM. Give us a good team.
Wait...let me get this straight. You want Petrie to turn this 30 win team (at best) into a good team in one night? Clearly your expectations are through the roof and unrealistic beyond comprehension.

I would love to see how you and so many others have this proof of petrie sitting on his hands and not trying to make any solid moves for this organization. I guess everyone else is the fly on the wall of petries office, and the window shut just before i could squeeze in. :rolleyes:
And this is the bad thing about Petrie. Other teams probably find it hard to deal with him because they don't know what he is selling and what it is he wants to buy. And this is the reason why there are no media leaks about any trades regarding the Kings right now. It is simply because Petrie is really just sitting there and still relaxing while the other good GMs are busy and actively doing their job.

We don't see any smoke because there is no fire!

I have this gut feeling the reason why Petrie is so poor in the trading block is because he is so introvertive, very passive, and very slow in dealing that he gets left behind by those active GMs in the trading block.

Petrie always end-up getting only the leftovers ( poor deals ) comes deadline.

Get out there Petrie and be active! If you are really that genius/excellent GM that several people in this forum think you are, show us a little bit of proof that you are working. Give us a good team comes trading deadline. You are more than equipped with ammo ( KT, Martin, Garcia, and Noc ) to go for that significant trade. Prove to the fans you are worth the millions you are earning as a GM. Give us a good team.
I would LOVE for Petrie to make a move to improve the Kings before the deadline. But the bottom line is that the available players that are being shopped around are not worth the asking price. Most teams that are trying to shop players are trying to dump salary in the hopeless attempt to achieve even more cap room for a possible free agent signing this summer. There are about 20 teams looking to shed payroll in order to bid on like 5 top tier free agents. That will leave 15 teams with salary cap space and no good players on their team for their efforts. SO the free agency period of 2010-11 will be even harder to acquire a player via free agency, because there will be a boatload of teams that are BAD that have cap space looking for players to make their teams decent.

I believe Petrie needs to act NOW and use the TRADE to bring in a solid front court player who can play defense in the post. Waiting for the perfect player to become available will not work this year. Too many bidders for too few players means that the Kings will have to WAY OVERPAY players to come to Sacramento. If Petrie can swing a trade for a player that still has contract years left, that would be the perfect scenario for the Kings. If Petrie waits for this summer, there will be little or nothing the Kings will be able to afford. And they would have to overpay mediocre talent to come to Sacramento. So Petrie will end up settling for the draft and address the front court problem thru the draft. Problem with that is it takes time for bigs to get used to playing in the NBA, so that would mean even more mediocre play for at least another season before the Kings can get better. NO, Petrie needs to make a trade NOW and even if he has to give up young talent, he needs to address the Low Post problem the Kings have. The Kings have a 7' sized HOLE in the middle of their defense and they need a REAL NBA CENTER who can rebound and play defense without the need of double team help every possession. They need a veteran to replace Hawes because Hawes isn't ready yet to start in the NBA because he is physically weak!
looks like were going to ride out the reke evans combination the entire season.

i noticed reke playing more like the pass first point guard lately, he takes over during the fourth quarter. theoretically its kind of good... have martin go nuts on offense in the first half, have their best defender chase martin around then reke reduces the opposing team to slag

i like his maturity lately he is playing like a damn vet. he doesnt chuck shots, he plays patiently. i assume we wont be moving any player soon. kt and noc probably but there are no offers for both. i guess noc will be the new kt.

im happy either way as long as the kings play with heart the rest of the way.
Era 1 -- the Golden Years
Richmond for Webber
Corliss for Christie (added)
Williams for Bibby
Hedo for Miller
Era 2 -- the Maloofs try their hand at trading
Webber for "movable pieces"
Stojakovic for Artest
Era 3 -- the belated rebuild -- dump time
Bibby for nothing of note
Artest for Greene and pick (Casspi)
Miller + Salmons for Noc + nothing of note (added this one)
Era 4 -- ??
In era two there was also the Bobby for Bonzi trade too. Many fans didn't like it at the time, but Bonzi played well for us in the playoffs that year.

In era three, Bibby for nothing isn’t the whole story. I was under the impression we needed more cash/cap-room for Kevin's extension. I'm not 100% sure of the timing on that one, but I think it was along those lines.
Unless its a veteran big man who can block some shots and play some defense(Dalembert/Okafor) or something for Nocioni to clear up the logjam I wouldnt mind staying put, sometimes the best move is the move not made.
In era two there was also the Bobby for Bonzi trade too. Many fans didn't like it at the time, but Bonzi played well for us in the playoffs that year.

In era three, Bibby for nothing isn’t the whole story. I was under the impression we needed more cash/cap-room for Kevin's extension. I'm not 100% sure of the timing on that one, but I think it was along those lines.

Since somebody brought up Bonzi, it might be a good time to remind everybody that the Kings offered him a 5 year 38.5 million dollar contract after that playoff run. Most focus on the fact that Bonzi was a moron for not taking it. However, it was equally dumb to offer that kind of money to an old shooting guard with weight and attitude issues. Bonzi has been retired for a year. He even quit China. Right now, we would be in the middle of year four … shudders.

Good thing it’s time to trade, because the book on Petrie is – great at picking and trading … not so much at deciding what to pay people.

Say what you want about the proposed weight clauses in the contract – the Bonzi offer was on par with any of Petrie’s bad contracts.
I sometimes think about what would of happened with the Ron/Bonzi/Bibby triple threat if that 3 didn't drop in San Antonio that year during the playoffs, I really liked the feel of that team together. I LOVED the Bonzi trade.
However if Bonzi would have accepted the deal things would've looked a lot different, we never would have signed Salmons and there wouldn't have been the Salmons/Miller for Noc trade. Might not have traded Ron or Bibby, might never have gotten the 4th pick in the draft last year, who knows. It's all speculative at this point I guess.
Oh very speculative, I never wonder about what happened AFTER that series. I just wonder about that series because that team caught lightning in a bottle can't look back because without all that has happened in the kings past we wouldn't have the nba's next big thing:)
As we’ve seen during penny pinching mode, the window for that team would have been very small. The Kings weren’t going to extend Bibby or Ron. Even if the Kings were competitive, the increased revenues do not offset the impact of the global economic issues and collapse of the Sacramento real estate market. Unless it’s possible that re-signing Bonzi could have avoided those events … and if that’s the case … well, somebody get Doc Brown on the phone. I’ve got some money to save.
I liked that team more short term than long, outside of the contract issues and everything you stated I know the pieces would not of worked long. I just really believe that at that point and time everything was right for that team to make a underdog run if they had somehow gotten that 2nd game in SA.

Anyways I hate to derail this thread with anymore past backtracking lets get back to the future, come and go please Mr. Febuary 18th may you come and go without bringing us Kings fans any unnecessary contracts:)


I would LOVE for Petrie to make a move to improve the Kings before the deadline. But the bottom line is that the available players that are being shopped around are not worth the asking price. Most teams that are trying to shop players are trying to dump salary in the hopeless attempt to achieve even more cap room for a possible free agent signing this summer. There are about 20 teams looking to shed payroll in order to bid on like 5 top tier free agents. That will leave 15 teams with salary cap space and no good players on their team for their efforts. SO the free agency period of 2010-11 will be even harder to acquire a player via free agency, because there will be a boatload of teams that are BAD that have cap space looking for players to make their teams decent.

I believe Petrie needs to act NOW and use the TRADE to bring in a solid front court player who can play defense in the post. Waiting for the perfect player to become available will not work this year. Too many bidders for too few players means that the Kings will have to WAY OVERPAY players to come to Sacramento. If Petrie can swing a trade for a player that still has contract years left, that would be the perfect scenario for the Kings. If Petrie waits for this summer, there will be little or nothing the Kings will be able to afford. And they would have to overpay mediocre talent to come to Sacramento. So Petrie will end up settling for the draft and address the front court problem thru the draft. Problem with that is it takes time for bigs to get used to playing in the NBA, so that would mean even more mediocre play for at least another season before the Kings can get better. NO, Petrie needs to make a trade NOW and even if he has to give up young talent, he needs to address the Low Post problem the Kings have. The Kings have a 7' sized HOLE in the middle of their defense and they need a REAL NBA CENTER who can rebound and play defense without the need of double team help every possession. They need a veteran to replace Hawes because Hawes isn't ready yet to start in the NBA because he is physically weak!
Whenever I read one of your posts, I always get the feeling I'm being pitched to purchase an e-book. :rolleyes:


Whenever I read one of your posts, I always get the feeling I'm being pitched to purchase an e-book. :rolleyes:
HAHA, anywaysm, everyone is getting all up in arms about us NEEDING TO MAKE A TRADE NOW and all this other hoopla. Well I ask you, who? Who should we trade for? Amar'e? The man who obviously would be a 2 month rental? Bosh? The man whom you don't know if he'd be a 2 month rental but you wanna take the chance to send out talent for a rental? Brook Lopez? The untouchable Brook Lopez? Shaq? With the broken Baq? WHO? WHO SHOULD WE TRADE FOR THAT MAKES SENSE? No, we just want a trade so we can talk about its pluses and minuses.

Don't make any kind of trade unless it's Noc for expirings. We don't need anything at this moment (Oh sure, we need a defensive big, except WE AREN'T GOING TO THE PLAYOFFS ANY TIME SOON, WHY RUSH IT?). I'm pretty tired of hearing people say that we need to make a trade and yet they can't even name somebody to get in a trade (and don't say Dalembert or Okafor, those type of inconsistent caliber players can be found through the draft)


Hall of Famer
I would LOVE for Petrie to make a move to improve the Kings before the deadline. But the bottom line is that the available players that are being shopped around are not worth the asking price. Most teams that are trying to shop players are trying to dump salary in the hopeless attempt to achieve even more cap room for a possible free agent signing this summer. There are about 20 teams looking to shed payroll in order to bid on like 5 top tier free agents. That will leave 15 teams with salary cap space and no good players on their team for their efforts. SO the free agency period of 2010-11 will be even harder to acquire a player via free agency, because there will be a boatload of teams that are BAD that have cap space looking for players to make their teams decent.

I believe Petrie needs to act NOW and use the TRADE to bring in a solid front court player who can play defense in the post. Waiting for the perfect player to become available will not work this year. Too many bidders for too few players means that the Kings will have to WAY OVERPAY players to come to Sacramento. If Petrie can swing a trade for a player that still has contract years left, that would be the perfect scenario for the Kings. If Petrie waits for this summer, there will be little or nothing the Kings will be able to afford. And they would have to overpay mediocre talent to come to Sacramento. So Petrie will end up settling for the draft and address the front court problem thru the draft. Problem with that is it takes time for bigs to get used to playing in the NBA, so that would mean even more mediocre play for at least another season before the Kings can get better. NO, Petrie needs to make a trade NOW and even if he has to give up young talent, he needs to address the Low Post problem the Kings have. The Kings have a 7' sized HOLE in the middle of their defense and they need a REAL NBA CENTER who can rebound and play defense without the need of double team help every possession. They need a veteran to replace Hawes because Hawes isn't ready yet to start in the NBA because he is physically weak!
I have no idea what Petrie's game plan is. But I do think your underselling what could be available in the offseason. Better than 2/3rds of the players in the NBA will be either unrestricted or restricted freeagents. So you may be right in regards to major stars being available and our chances of signing one. But there will be plenty of other players available with more sellers than buyers in my opinion.