Kings @ Wizards on ESPN this Wednesday.

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It is nice that ESPN picked UP this game for their Wednesday game. It means that the Kings are getting some buzz around the league and ESPN wants to showcase the Kings Rookies. This sure would be a good night for Tyreke to have an outstanding performance!


Homer Fan Since 1985

Especially if you like to drink beer, which I do not.

But that is a great deal for a great game!! :)

I seldom drink beer, and I will be a designated driver, so I won't be drinking beer that night either. However, I'm still thrilled that the $4.50 (or so) sodas are only $1.
haha. i'm on the east coast so i don't usually read the threads titled with anything about kings tickets.

but i'm real excited about this. last year (and i thought would be the case this year as well) i can only watch the kings on tv when they play the knicks or nets. 4 measly games a year. the rest i have to pay for and watch on my laptop with nba broadband. it's not easy being a kings fan in NY...for a lot of reasons haha.

but i'm pumped.
The kings were on espn last week as well werent they? against the spurs on wednesday...

One of the very very very very very rare kings games I can watch live here down under.

Hopefully they win this time :D
haha i wish i was around for the rochester days...kind of.

but it is one of the reasons i started rooting for the kings over a decade ago.

sydney, australia? wow. very cool. kings fans around the united states AND globe.
The kings were on espn last week as well werent they? against the spurs on wednesday...

One of the very very very very very rare kings games I can watch live here down under.

Hopefully they win this time :D
Yeah the Spurs game was on here in Australia last week, but it looks like the ESPN network we get here in Australia, have decided that the Kings are not good enough to show twice in two weeks. Instead they are putting the Lakers v Bucks game on. Enough with the bloody lakers games!
Yeah I just checked the tv guide... ARGGHHH!!!!!

The games they mostly only show here are Bucks games because of Andrew "overated" Bogut, and teams that win like the celtics, cavs and the sucky lakers.
A little buzz (if that's the right word) on airwaves today (Sportsline and ESPN radio) about Kings "dollar beer night" and what what it says. To some it's bad image, others bad risk, and others a bit comical desperation. Comments were along the lines of - is this what a franchise should be promoting with two high profile DUI arrests in not to distant past - Muss and Noc? Could it not be a huge PR nightmare if it got out of hand with some excessive fan rowdiness to any drunken auto accidents after game. I personally think it's probably OK but organizations like MAD will go absolutely nuts if there's an incident with all the national exposure. Hopefully, nothing unfortunate happens and ESPN TV crew don't paint it as some kind of silly Sactown stunt.
A little buzz (if that's the right word) on airwaves today (Sportsline and ESPN radio) about Kings "dollar beer night" and what what it says. To some it's bad image, others bad risk, and others a bit comical desperation. Comments were along the lines of - is this what a franchise should be promoting with two high profile DUI arrests in not to distant past - Muss and Noc? Could it not be a huge PR nightmare if it got out of hand with some excessive fan rowdiness to any drunken auto accidents after game. I personally think it's probably OK but organizations like MAD will go absolutely nuts if there's an incident with all the national exposure. Hopefully, nothing unfortunate happens and ESPN TV crew don't paint it as some kind of silly Sactown stunt.

::shakes head::

It's dollar beer night. What the **** is the big deal? Not only will the security anticipate stupid people but I'm sure there will be a limit to how many you can buy at a time. Plus, the lines are going to be so long that people are going to get 3 maybe 4 beers max. It's what they should charge in the first place anyways.

"We don't blame the Kings for trying to increase attendance," said Brenda Frachiseur, acting state executive director for Mothers Against Drunk Driving in California. "But we wish they would find a more family friendly way of doing it.
It's not like the Maloofs are saying come down and pound 15 beers like its Mardi Gras. I swear people look **** to ***** about nowadays.

The Maloofs are doing everything they can to fill up seats and to keep my team here, I fully support this.


Super Moderator Emeritus
From what's been reported, there is indeed a limit of two beers per purchase. And they're not going to sell the $1 beers after halftime...


Super Moderator Emeritus
Im going to get a "Hawes sucks" chant going tomarrow.
That would be arguably the single most stupid thing you could possibly do. That's something Kings fans simply do not do...and I would be horrified if anyone figured out you were from our board.

It's a freaking nationally-televised game, dude. Show some class.
That would be arguably the single most stupid thing you could possibly do. That's something Kings fans simply do not do...and I would be horrified if anyone figured out you were from our board.

It's a freaking nationally-televised game, dude. Show some class.
Sorry forgot the ":D" smilie.

Im not really a good motivational speaker anyways.
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