Gavin's pro tyreke tirade on draft day...



Gavin's a great guy. Superb individual. He was fired up, and he got up on that stage and blew his load. So what.
I just think he got frustrated. He was probably in back somewhere and heard some boos and saw people leave so the first thing he thought of was to run up there fired up and try to sway the fans' reaction. It was a little too much but I'm fine with it
I will take an owner like the Maloofs any day. They are PASSIONATE about this team. How could you be upset with anything they do. Look, there are no sure things in sports, otherwise we wouldnt have crappy teams. So I take comfort in knowing that EVERYTHING the Maloofs do for this team , they honestly feel is in the best interests of the team.

Some will work , some wont, but you can not knock their passion or commitment to this team. What more could a fan possibly want from their owner?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I will take an owner like the Maloofs any day. They are PASSIONATE about this team. How could you be upset with anything they do. Look, there are no sure things in sports, otherwise we wouldnt have crappy teams. So I take comfort in knowing that EVERYTHING the Maloofs do for this team , they honestly feel is in the best interests of the team.

Some will work , some wont, but you can not knock their passion or commitment to this team. What more could a fan possibly want from their owner?
Rationality, control, intelligence.

They will defeat passion any day of the week.

Fans always like and defend "passionate" owners because the fan feels like they are one of them. The fan jumps around passionately being an idiot, and look so does the owner, so ahh, a soulmate (some people vote the same way, to similarly shaky results). But you don't want a soulmate in your leader, your decisionmaker. You need that leader to be rational, smart, in control, a strategist. You need to be able to count on them to make decisions for the right reasons, not because of "passion". "Passion" gets you **** trades to dump franchise players. It gets you fired coaches. It gets you kneejerk moves without plan or focus. That's NOT what you want out of a leader. Any leader. Be it coach, GM, or owner.
Guys be happy you have a private owner who is passionate about your team.In Toronto we have some faceless corporation and we can never tell if they are looking to win or content with just filling up the arena.
Rationality, control, intelligence.

They will defeat passion any day of the week.

Fans always like and defend "passionate" owners because the fan feels like they are one of them. The fan jumps around passionately being an idiot, and look so does the owner, so ahh, a soulmate (some people vote the same way, to similarly shaky results). But you don't want a soulmate in your leader, your decisionmaker. You need that leader to be rational, smart, in control, a strategist. You need to be able to count on them to make decisions for the right reasons, not because of "passion". "Passion" gets you **** trades to dump franchise players. It gets you fired coaches. It gets you kneejerk moves without plan or focus. That's NOT what you want out of a leader. Any leader. Be it coach, GM, or owner.

I will take that as an insult Bricklayer.
Owners (few of them) make all those decisions you speak of. They have someone to make those decisions for them, such as a GM.

Who is the Spurs owner off the top of your head withotu doing a google search?

And you are right, I will defend a rational owner, and not because they are an "Idiot" as you state, but because the passionate owner will spend the money required to make their team win.

So are all of the owners of crappy NBA teams passionate and stupid?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
So are all of the owners of crappy NBA teams passionate and stupid?
No, but few of the owners of good NBA teams are either.

And you raising the Spurs is ironic. You're right -- can't name them off the top of my head. Aren't "passionate" enough to occasionally go out and make spectacles of themselves. And yet oddly their teams win, and win, and win, and win.

All you really need from an owner is committment and smarts (including the smarts to hire good people and then get the hell out of the way). "Passion" as a form of committment is fine, but its certianly not superior, and if it starts entering into decisionmaking its absolutely a negative. Nobody is perfect, not the Maloofs, not any other owner (or person). But I do get oh so tired of hearing about how we have the greatest owners because they like to jump aorund in front of the cameras. That makes for a great cheerleader, not a great owner.
Rationality, control, intelligence.

They will defeat passion any day of the week.

Fans always like and defend "passionate" owners because the fan feels like they are one of them. The fan jumps around passionately being an idiot, and look so does the owner, so ahh, a soulmate (some people vote the same way, to similarly shaky results). But you don't want a soulmate in your leader, your decisionmaker. You need that leader to be rational, smart, in control, a strategist. You need to be able to count on them to make decisions for the right reasons, not because of "passion". "Passion" gets you **** trades to dump franchise players. It gets you fired coaches. It gets you kneejerk moves without plan or focus. That's NOT what you want out of a leader. Any leader. Be it coach, GM, or owner.
Just because a person is passionate doesn't mean they live their entire life as some enthusiastic crazy person. It is possible to be excited about something momentarily and maintain a level head the rest of the time.

I for one enjoyed his rant at Arco, I'm sure he was a little concerned about the smattering of boos and stunned silence after the pick, and just wanted people to understand the reasons behind the pick. Unfortunately I don't think many of the 15 year old girls who attended the draft party were interested in hearing what he had to say, or the guys with man crushes who ran out of the building when their guy got passed over.
That mini tirade there isn't too inconsistent with his behavior to begin with IMO. IDK, whenever I see him speak it seems more the bluster of a palooka from the Bronx than the smooth reassurance of a refined successful businessman. I guess since he doesn't fit the mold to me to begin with his behavior is not surprising. Doesn't really bother me either.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I've found over my lifetime that more often than not you can trust the "bluster of a palooka" than the "smooth reassurance of a refined successful businessman." Gavin Maloof is passionate, he's a FAN, and he's not embarrassed about it. More power to him.
I'm one of those who see both sides and think there's not much to get alarmed about. But don't mistake that for a lack of passion on my part! Because basically I appreciate the Maloofs as our owners because of their passion and their commitment to the Kings. But at times, their behavior is less than professional and their intellect seems a bit short on cerebral quality. But they also don't pretend to be anything other than they appear, and that is refreshing (by today's standards) and breeds a spirit of forgiveness. I wouldn't trade em if I could. Nor would I want them to pretend to be less emotional. It wouldn't be honest.

So, carry on, Gavin.
I've found over my lifetime that more often than not you can trust the "bluster of a palooka" than the "smooth reassurance of a refined successful businessman." Gavin Maloof is passionate, he's a FAN, and he's not embarrassed about it. More power to him.
To me it's neither here nor there. His general demeanor isn't evidence one way or another as to whether or not he will make hard business deals when the time comes. Since he is seasoned in business though I've got to think he is capable of separating himself from his emotions long enough to make sound decisions. Besides, if his passion is for winning then he's got the motivation we want.
I've found over my lifetime that more often than not you can trust the "bluster of a palooka" than the "smooth reassurance of a refined successful businessman." Gavin Maloof is passionate, he's a FAN, and he's not embarrassed about it. More power to him.

Gavin Maloof is passionate about the Kings. I can't believe people are dumping on him for it. He puts it out there like any other fan - he agonizes over the losses and exalts in the wins. He had seen Tyreke work out and he knew how excited his entire front office was about the kid. So he wanted to convince the fans they'd done the right thing...

There's nothing wrong with that. And "embarrassing" is a subjective term. I think people tend to be way too hard on a guy who truly loves the Kings as much as any of us here do, and he's willing to put a hell of a lot of money on the line to show it.
Agree 100%, especially with the way Reke is playing. Now if he looked terrible and Rubio had come over and was blowing up, then this clip would be embarrassing. However, he's passionate and trying to get everyone excited and so far has been 100% correct. I mean how many owners would come out right after an unpopular pick and speak from the heart to the crowd. I give Gavin props for this.
It was the Kings draft party at Arco -- we had jsut selected Evans, and I think the crowd was visibly upset it was not Rubio. So Gavin hopped on stage to save the day. Unfortunately I think it was too early in the day to blame liquor for that one.
Reminds me of Michael Scott at the shareholders' conference, promising to save the company in 60 days.
Gee wiz... why are some people so negative on this board? All Gavin did was show that he was super excited and pumped about Tyreke and the team.

I rather have an owner like this than a Jerry Buss that was playing poker at a local casino while the lakers were doing their championship parade a couple miles away.

Also, maybe GP, Gavin, and the insiders knew a lot more about the workouts than us fans. They probably saw enough to know that he will be a star... which Reke is proving them to be right. Thumbs up to Gavin for showing so much support in Tyreke, GP's pick and the team overall.