Computer Help - New Video Card - System Won't Boot

I know there are a few computer savvy people on this board. I need your help!

Bought a new video card. 9800 GT 512MB DD3. Upgrading from a ATI 1650. pulled out the ATI, tossed in the 9800 GT, and my computer won't boot. The video card fan spins, but that's it. No signal is sent to the monitor. The mouse and keyboard never power up.

Yanked the card back out, did some searching, and a website said to clear the bios by moving the jumper from 1-2 to 2-3, waiting 5 seconds, and returning to 1-2.

I did that.

Tried the new videocard again. Nothing. Put the old card back in, computer boots up fine. System clock was reset, so I'm guessing the bios was reset.

Is there anything else I should try before determining the video card is bad? Unfortunately, I don't have another system to try the card on.

Thanks in advance.
I don't believe your motherboard is compatible with your card. I would go out and buy a new MB for about $80-$100. Unfortuneatly, that comes with a whole bunch of problems by itself... especially if you've never built a computer before. I was able to do it but I had reoccuring problems for several months and they only stopped when I upgraded to Windows Vista.
Is this it?

And this is your board?

I am not sure if it matters, but your board supports only DDR2 533 Memory:
"The board has two DDR2 memory channels which accommodate up to 4GB of DDR2-533 (PC2-4200) memory. If you find the onboard UniChrome Pro videocard lacking, there's a PCI Express x16 slot for a stand alone videocard."

But since the DDR3 memory is on the video card, I can't say for sure that's the problem. Also, your power supply should probably be at least at 400w for that thing to work.

Edit: looks like the highest you can go is PCI express x16
Here are some alternatives:
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Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Put the old card back in. Does it still work?

Make sure to remove the old video drivers! Change the video card selection to just a basic VGA display. Then install the new card. Then install drivers for said new card.

Try here for some details:

that will get you started.

Again, assuming your new card works with your MB.....
also, pose this question on the hardware forums at; those guys will definitely be able to help troubleshoot.

this feels like either a software (i.e. driver) or power issue. the card is PCI-e and so is the board, so that doesn't seem to be the problem...
Is this it?

And this is your board?

I am not sure if it matters, but your board supports only DDR2 533 Memory:
"The board has two DDR2 memory channels which accommodate up to 4GB of DDR2-533 (PC2-4200) memory. If you find the onboard UniChrome Pro videocard lacking, there's a PCI Express x16 slot for a stand alone videocard."

But since the DDR3 memory is on the video card, I can't say for sure that's the problem. Also, your power supply should probably be at least at 400w for that thing to work.

Edit: looks like the highest you can go is PCI express x16
Here are some alternatives:

That's my board and card. I read on some forums that the RAM memory and video card memory don't have to be compatible.

I hope I don't have to replace the board. Thank you for the suggestions though.
also, pose this question on the hardware forums at; those guys will definitely be able to help troubleshoot.

this feels like either a software (i.e. driver) or power issue. the card is PCI-e and so is the board, so that doesn't seem to be the problem...
Power Supply is 430w, I verified I had enough power before buying the card.

I will check tomshardware. Thanks for the link.
Power Supply is 430w, I verified I had enough power before buying the card.
it seems odd though that your video card fan would power up and nothing else. that to me suggests a power issue; sometimes it's necessary to go beyond suggested power specs because the manufacturer won't take into account all the different combinations of mobos and vid cards.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Make sure you have all the required power connectors plugged into the card - some have aux. power plugs that need to be plugged in for additional power to the GPU. Verify you have all the power connectors hooked up.
Did you plug in the 6-pin PCI power connector at the inside edge of the board?

Also, your motherboard should have some type of voice or beep signal to tell you why it doesn't post. Check the manual, and make sure it's connected to a speaker. If a video card isn't detected it won't post but should let you know.
Did you plug in the 6-pin PCI power connector at the inside edge of the board?

Also, your motherboard should have some type of voice or beep signal to tell you why it doesn't post. Check the manual, and make sure it's connected to a speaker. If a video card isn't detected it won't post but should let you know.
The isn't any power connector required or optional for this card. There aren't any connectors at all.

The motherboard doesn't make any beeps at all when I power it on. Fans turn on, the LEDs come on, and it just sits there, never posts or boots.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
The isn't any power connector required or optional for this card. There aren't any connectors at all.

The motherboard doesn't make any beeps at all when I power it on. Fans turn on, the LEDs come on, and it just sits there, never posts or boots.
According to the photo in this link (from a post above), there is: x16 HDCP Ready Low Profile Ready Video Card

Look at the black connector at the far right side.

this view is better: x16 HDCP Ready Low Profile Ready Video Card
Your video card is compatible, but it does in fact need a power connector plugged directly from your PSU (as in, an ATX line with no other peripherals attached) to operate correctly.

Also, once you get it up and running, run Driver Cleaner ( to totally get rid of your old integrated drivers before you put on new nVidia ForceWare.

Lots of people skip this step and end up regretting it later when strange conflicts arise.

Check the bottom post under the "Customer Reviews"
It mentions the card needs 6pin power adapter, but it doesn't come with the card.
Also check the "Specifications" tab, where it says Power Connector: 6 Pin, that could power up your new card.
Finally, pay close attention to its Cons: the card runs very Hot! so you might need an additional case fan.
I think Warhawk's hint is right.

Not to be a Debbie downer or anything C Diddy, but if I were you I'd RMA the card.

Newegg is very forgiving in these situations and would take the card back for a full refund. Sparkle isn't the greatest card manufacturer and its cards always tend to run a little hot, along with some strange quirks (like this odd power-connector that requires you to buy a adapter separately).

Totally up to you, but if I were you I'd RMA the thing and get a similar card from either eVGA, BFG, or XFX. The card will come stock with a regular 4-pin power connector and usually a big fat stock heat sink to keep it nice and cool.
According to the photo in this link (from a post above), there is: x16 HDCP Ready Low Profile Ready Video Card

Look at the black connector at the far right side.

this view is better: x16 HDCP Ready Low Profile Ready Video Card
Before today, i didn't realize there were so many different models of the same card.

This is my card: 2.0 x16 HDCP Ready SLI Supported Video Card
Not to be a Debbie downer or anything C Diddy, but if I were you I'd RMA the card.

Newegg is very forgiving in these situations and would take the card back for a full refund. Sparkle isn't the greatest card manufacturer and its cards always tend to run a little hot, along with some strange quirks (like this odd power-connector that requires you to buy a adapter separately).

Totally up to you, but if I were you I'd RMA the thing and get a similar card from either eVGA, BFG, or XFX. The card will come stock with a regular 4-pin power connector and usually a big fat stock heat sink to keep it nice and cool.
That's most likely what I am going to do. I got the card from, not Newegg though. I'm sure returning it won't be an issue.
it seems odd though that your video card fan would power up and nothing else. that to me suggests a power issue; sometimes it's necessary to go beyond suggested power specs because the manufacturer won't take into account all the different combinations of mobos and vid cards.

After 12 hours of frustration and searching. I am 99% sure my power supply is the problem. I found a little tidbit on the required power for my new card that says 400w with a 12V and 26A. My power supply appears to support 430w, but only 18A, according to a couple techie sites.
After 12 hours of frustration and searching. I am 99% sure my power supply is the problem. I found a little tidbit on the required power for my new card that says 400w with a 12V and 26A. My power supply appears to support 430w, but only 18A, according to a couple techie sites.
The card doesn't need 26A to work. Unplug everything that uses 12v. All the drives and all the other cards in your system. Then see if it will post. With everything else unplugged the system should post and you should get a message that no system drive is available.

If it still doesn't post the video card is more than likely bad. But, as I suggested in my previous post, your motherboard should have some way of signaling why it doesn't post. Read the manual and find out how to set it up. I looked on the Motherboard website, but no manual was available for download so I couldn't look it up for you.

If it does post, start plugging in your 12v devices one at a time powering off between devices. When it stops posting, go back and unplug the last device and plug something else in and retest. It may be the PSU is too weak, but it could be some other device is overloading your PSU. Try to find out if you can plug everything in but one particular device.
The card doesn't need 26A to work. Unplug everything that uses 12v. All the drives and all the other cards in your system. Then see if it will post. With everything else unplugged the system should post and you should get a message that no system drive is available.

If it still doesn't post the video card is more than likely bad. But, as I suggested in my previous post, your motherboard should have some way of signaling why it doesn't post. Read the manual and find out how to set it up. I looked on the Motherboard website, but no manual was available for download so I couldn't look it up for you.

If it does post, start plugging in your 12v devices one at a time powering off between devices. When it stops posting, go back and unplug the last device and plug something else in and retest. It may be the PSU is too weak, but it could be some other device is overloading your PSU. Try to find out if you can plug everything in but one particular device.
The only section in the manual that mentions anything like that is a section called Award BIOS Beep Code. It lists 4 types of beeps and what they mean. However, because I am not getting a beep at all, this doesn't help.

I will try unplugging everything and going the route you suggested.
After all of what you've done, assuming the card and the board are compatible as you've stated, you have a bad component somewhere. It may be the board (the particular PCI slot that you're plugging the card into, or maybe the PCI bus, or perhaps the BIOS needs to be updated), or it could be the card. I would take the card back and get a new one. Or maybe, if you have another PCI card laying around or in another box, you can plug it in and see if it posts. If so, the problem is likely with the card. If you swap it out with a new one and it still doesn't post or give you a beep signal, then you have either a compatibility issue or a power issue.

I used to go to a shop called PC Club, and for a few bucks, they'd test your components in a couple of boxes to see what the issue might be. They went out of business a few months back, maybe a year ago.