Ron Artest -- something to with a new contract...

This move could turn out to be a great success or a catastrophic failure.
Ron can be the tough intimidating piece that makes LA an even more feared and dominating team. Imagine having to go on the court and battle against the fierceness of Ron and Kobe, thats nothin' to mess with.
But Ron can also be the guy that comes in and destroys the team chemistry and becomes a major distraction.
There is definitely risk involved in this move.
But as far as talent goes Artest > Ariza imo.


I actually wished we the Kings traded Artest for Odom back when that was being discussed. The reason being that Artest would be the death of the Lakers chemistry!!!

However this time around it looks like they will be able to have Artest and Odom together.... Thats a bummer cause if Artest did go AWOL then having Odom is still a nice backup to him. (although the odds of that are low)

But the odds of Artest still being a chemistry killa are VERY VERY HIGH!

the way Artest plays by dominating the ball, forcing and taking bad shots, and refusing to pass will be madding for Kobe and

I cant wait to see Kobes face when Artest takes a forced 3pt shot to end the game and misses for a loss... with Kobe on the floor. Artest thinks hes Kobe when it comes to offense so with the real Kobe there IT CANT POSSIBLY WORK!

Im happy he went to the Lakers.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
I figure Ron is Ron and nobody knows what is going on in his head. If he wants to get a ring, LA is a good place to start, unfortunately (as a Kings fan).

However, this line in this article kinda torqued me:

"Ron's really excited," said his agent, David Bauman, "really jazzed. He's looking forward to playing with a winner."

Really disrespectful from his agent for all Rick has done and giving Ron the stable environment he has thrived in.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Ron is, and remains, an idiot. And a move like this at least frees me from any lingering goodwill that had me hoping he would do well last year. Now I hope he goes bonkers and rips the heart right out of a championship team. Would be the feather in the cap of his career as a loon.
From This Morning's Houston Chronicle

Richard Justice writes this. Tell me if this sounds familiar....:eek:

Here’s hoping Kobe Bryant understands how different his life is about to be with his new teammate. I hope Kobe caught Ron-Ron’s ESPN interview on Thursday night. If Kobe is wondering if Artest really is that strange, I don’t want to be the one to deliver the news.

As for the Rockets, Artest will not be missed by the coaches or players. There was just too much craziness, too many wild mood swings, too much selfishness.

If the Rockets have to line up and play with Landry, Brooks, Shane Battier and Ariza next season, so be it. I’ll take fast, scrappy and energetic over Artest and his myriad issues any day.

The odd thing about Artest is that he was nothing like I thought he’d be. He’s not a thug. In fact, he’s a caring, thoughtful man with a charitable heart and a winning smile. He also has talent, gobs of it. If he were inclined, he could be one of the NBA’s best low-post players. He’s so strong that he’s virtually unstoppable around the basket. He’s on the short list of NBA players who can impact a game on both ends of the floor.

If the Rockets thought they’d get that Artest, if they thought he’d play around the basket and consider following the game plan, they would have signed him to a max contract.

The Rockets are a team in transition. They’re likely to be young next season and to struggle to make the playoffs. This isn’t the kind of team you want Artest on. It would bring out the worst in him. He’d stop the ball, throw up silly shots and run pretty much whatever assignment he felt like running.
Two different Artests

He was on his best behavior in his one season with the Rockets as he auditioned for a new contract. There were nights when he played like one of the NBA’s 10 best players. There were way too many nights when his focus and behavior were off the charts.

He screamed at the young point guards so much that he finally was told to stop. He would agree he shouldn’t do it and would promise to stop. Then a game or two later, he’d be back out there on the perimeter, demanding the ball, then dribbling away the 24-second clock or bulling his way into the lane.:D:D

Adelman’s offense — based on motion, passes, screens and unselfishness — is a thing of beauty at its best. When one player stops everything or thinks it’s about him, it doesn’t work. Adelman was brilliant with Artest. He explained why he was doing certain things, never showed his anger when Artest didn’t do them. He was exactly the right coach for Artest, yet Artest simply wasn’t worth the trouble.

The Rockets are better off with Ariza.


Super Moderator Emeritus
There are a LOT of reasons why we went from being a 30+ win team to a 17 win team when Artest was traded. To even try and suggest his trade was the main one is ridiculous. People tend to look at the good times with Artest and forget about the nights when he went something like 4-30 and had superglue on his hands. The nights when it was apparent to everyone with a pulse that he thought himself the only player in a KINGS uniform who should be doing anything.

Ron Artest's departure from the Kings saved us from more incredible heartache and frustration.

He's not intentionally evil nor does he set out to ruin teams. Unfortunately, he's a child in a man's body - a petulant child spoiled beyond all reason who does as he chooses when he chooses and will not be dissuaded from whatever course he has selected. If anything can destroy the tenuous chemistry of the current Laker squad, it's Ron Artest.
There are a LOT of reasons why we went from being a 30+ win team to a 17 win team when Artest was traded. To even try and suggest his trade was the main one is ridiculous. People tend to look at the good times with Artest and forget about the nights when he went something like 4-30 and had superglue on his hands. The nights when it was apparent to everyone with a pulse that he thought himself the only player in a KINGS uniform who should be doing anything.

Ron Artest's departure from the Kings saved us from more incredible heartache and frustration.

He's not intentionally evil nor does he set out to ruin teams. Unfortunately, he's a child in a man's body - a petulant child spoiled beyond all reason who does as he chooses when he chooses and will not be dissuaded from whatever course he has selected. If anything can destroy the tenuous chemistry of the current Laker squad, it's Ron Artest.
He also wins pretty much everywhere he goes. Whether he is able to hold it together long enough to win a championship is debatable. But the fact of the matter is he leaves a mark on any team he plays on. The guy is a whacko and I am glad he is off the the Kings, but he is also an incredible competitor who tends to have a positive impact on any team he is on at least for a little while.


Super Moderator Emeritus
And that's the real tragedy. Because he is an impact player, people tend to want to overlook just what a whack job he is... You know the old saying, "It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt."

Ron Artest is the ultimate proof that winning isn't everything. And that sometimes the price of winning is simply too great.

Los Angeles, already center of the whacko universe, just upped their whack meter considerably... If nothing else, it won't be boring.



Hall of Famer
God stop it with your Ron hate VF21...

YES he is crazy, YES he is a bit lacking in BBIQ

Dude turned the Kings around when we first got him, Peja was dogging it like a chump..We get Ron and all of a sudden we are the team nobody wants to get in the first round (our post allstar break record was 2nd best in the west).

And for every game he lost for us with his stupidity on the court he won us about 2 or 3. The guy is a difference maker. And while him being traded isnt the only reason we went from a 30+ win team, it is the biggest reason (with Natt being a close second).

That being said...Him and Kobe cant coexist. I cant wait til Ron melts down on LA.
And that's the real tragedy. Because he is an impact player, people tend to want to overlook just what a whack job he is... You know the old saying, "It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt."
I think you left off the most fitting part of that saying. "It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt, and then its just hilarious."

As far as the Lakers go, I'm already laughing.

[yt=just hilarious Lakers theme song (go to 1:30)]3Ob6O0GEMK0[/yt]
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Hall of Famer
Getting Artest definately is a gamble for the lakers, but I think they are better suited to handle Artest than any other team. Phil J won't take crap from anyone, and he handled Rodman pretty well. Kobe has a better chance of keeping Artest in check than any other player. I just don't see kobe/gasol/fisher/odom letting artest take down the team.

Of course, I hope this blows up in their faces. If I was a betting man, I would say there will be some drama in hollywood.


Super Moderator Emeritus
God stop it with your Ron hate VF21...

YES he is crazy, YES he is a bit lacking in BBIQ

Dude turned the Kings around when we first got him, Peja was dogging it like a chump..We get Ron and all of a sudden we are the team nobody wants to get in the first round (our post allstar break record was 2nd best in the west).

And for every game he lost for us with his stupidity on the court he won us about 2 or 3. The guy is a difference maker. And while him being traded isnt the only reason we went from a 30+ win team, it is the biggest reason (with Natt being a close second).

That being said...Him and Kobe cant coexist. I cant wait til Ron melts down on LA.
I don't hate Ron Artest. I think I've made it abundantly clear many times that I feel sorry for him - he has mad skills that could make him one of the best ever; he's got passion and intensity for the game of basketball that is undeniable; from all reports he's a nice enough guy off the court and doesn't even know the meaning of the word guile.

BUT ... and with Ron Artest you always have to include the BUT ... there's also the fact he's a child in a man's body. He is a basketball savant, if you will.

You want to give him credit for the good you also have to be willing to give him blame for the bad and I've yet to see some of you Artest apologists even acknowledge the obvious: Artest is singular minded to the point where it destroys team chemistry. Remember the games when he was taken out and put himself back in? Remember the games when he decided it was all on his shoulders to carry the team to a win at the expense of every other player on the court in a Kings jersey? Remember the off-the-court drama?

I'm at least honest in my assessment of him, whether you agree with it or not. Yeah, he's a difference maker. You can ask Indiana fans, you can ask a lot of Kings fans and now you can ask Houston fans.


Super Moderator Emeritus
From NBA Notes in this morning's Bee with credit to the Orange County Register:

[Phil]Jackson's blood pressure might rise next season though, once the Lakers' newest acquisition, Ron Artest, shows up in camp. In a radio interview on radio station KLAC on Friday, Jackson sounded unsure on how to handle the sometimes volatile but talented player.

"He's an unknown," Jackson said. "He's a player that even I think his own teams don't know exactly what he's going to do that particular night."


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Was listening to the radio and they said Ron Ron will have #37 because Thriller spent 37 weeks at #1 on the charts. Any truth to this?

They guy truly is, um, "offbeat" if this is true..... :confused:


Super Moderator Emeritus
Sounds about right. I can actually understand the logic, which kinda scares me if truth be told.
