Bottom line....8 straight years of losing (getting worse), the aggregate total of the trades have been total failure. I'm just looking at the facts, "the apologist" tries to make excuses for what is read in the facts. You can be tired of my type all you want, but those that believe Petrie has been awful are backed by the records and the current state of this franchise.
2001-2002-61 wins/21 losses
2002-2003-59 wins/23 losses
2003-2004-55 wins/27 losses
2004-2005-50 wins/32 losses
2005-2006-44 wins/38 losses
2006-2007-33 wins/49 losses First losing season...
So the facts are that the Kings have just three losing seasons in recent history, not eight. Was there a slow decline? Yes! But take a look at just about any NBA team that has run is course with its current talent and there's a slow decline. Some teams decide to tear things apart sooner that others. Some teams never get to the point where there's anything to tear apart. The Clips spring to mind.
But thats beside the point. Just because I said you could call me a Petrie apologist doesn't mean I'am one. It just means I don't care if you think I'm one. You want to paint everything in black an white. In fact, life isn't that simple. If someone doesn't agree with your view of Petrie's body of work, that doesn't make them an apologist. It just means that they see it differently than you do.
I have a friend that doesn't believe in God. The two of us have had multiple discussions on the subject. Some have gotten heated. I try to give him my reasons for believing. Since belief in God is faith based, there are no black and white facts. Its not 2 plus 2 equals four. His eventual argument is always the same. Anyone with any intelligence would never believe in God. Thereby calling me, his friend, stupid. Now you tell me who has the open mind here?
My point here is, that I'm willing to listen to anyone's point of view. That doesn't mean I'll agree with it, but I've been known to change my mind. There are always facts that I don't know. Where I have trouble is when someone just makes blanket statements in response to whatever been written or proposed. Somehow,the Kings suck, or Petrie sucks, or Beno sucks, or Martin sucks, or the whole damm city sucks, just doesn't do it for me. It might be a nice emotional release for the person that says it, and it certainly offers disagreement. But its sort of a bull in the china shop disagreement. You see, I don't entirely disagree with your premise. I just didn't like the package it came in.