Summertime with Jason and Spencer:

Both of our bigs have good futures.

HAWES should really watch Pau Gasol and learn the positives of his game. They are both similar in terms of body type and skill set. They both can post up and has an array of post moves being able to go both left and right.

I think Hawes is actually more athletic than Gasol and can shoot from further out. Not to mention Spencer naturally has more "fire" in his personality than Gasol. If he can learn how Pau uses his length to get rebs and score, I think Hawes can actually be a better version of Pau down the line.
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go go go

summer is a great time for those two guys to improve a lot, and they will get stronger in the next coming season...also donte should do some more works
i can't wait seeing them playing in the summer league with the three rookies!!
Both of our bigs have good futures.

HAWES should really watch Pau Gasol and learn the positives of his game. They are both similar in terms of body type and skill set. They both can post up and has an array of post moves being able to go both left and right.

I think Hawes is actually more athletic than Gasol and can shoot from further out. Not to mention Spencer naturally has more "fire" in his personality than Gasol. If he can learn how Pau uses his length to get rebs and score, I think Hawes can actually be a better version of Pau down the line.

he should watch clips of hakeem and vlade... why pattern your game to gasoft?
he should watch clips of hakeem and vlade... why pattern your game to gasoft?

As I already wrote, he should learn the POSITIVES of gasol game because he has a lot of similar skills and size. Of course gasol is soft. But there is no denying that he is effective in many parts of his game. As I also mentioned already, I think Hawes has more FIRE than gasol. Meaning he is already tougher. He just need to learn how to score effectively like pau. The softie pau gets more rebs than Hawes right now. He does it with using his length and positioning. Thats what Hawes needs to learn.

While gasol is soft, people don't realize that without him, the lakers would be out since the second round. Everytime the lakers got in trouble, the game plan was to post up pau and play inside out.

Think of what a tougher version of gasol can do. Hawes is not quick enough to be like a Hakeem. Hakeem moved like a small forward. Also, Hawes is not going to be a banger type of center that some people want him to be. But he can be a heck of a player just by learning from similar players to add to what he already has.

Would anyone really complain if we had gasol on our team today? Now think of having a tougher and longer range gasol. Thats what Hawes can be.
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