Kurt Rambis? Could you imagine?

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If the Kings choose Rambis, then I'll welcome him to the Kings...... and still detest the Lakers.

If we hire Rambis, we could look at the other side. If he was the likely eventual Phil replacement, then how perfect for the Kings to steal him away. ;)


If the Kings choose Rambis, then I'll welcome him to the Kings...... and still detest the Lakers.

If we hire Rambis, we could look at the other side. If he was the likely eventual Phil replacement, then how perfect for the Kings to steal him away. ;)
No I dont think so... He'd coach here for a bit and if the Laker job opened up he'd be the front runner... lets remember that the Kings are low balling on the pay$$$... the Lakers would give him way more than the kings could muster...
No I dont think so... He'd coach here for a bit and if the Laker job opened up he'd be the front runner... lets remember that the Kings are low balling on the pay$$$... the Lakers would give him way more than the kings could muster...
Well I tend to think Shaw is the more likely heir apparent for the Lakers, anyway. So your scenario is far from a given.
again i've never once ever... heard anyone give Rambis any credit for anything... end of story... Thibodeau has many supporters around the league.
Its just pretty rare that assistant coaches get much credit for anything. I'd never heard of Thibodeau until last year (even though I like him as a candidate too).

No I dont think so... He'd coach here for a bit and if the Laker job opened up he'd be the front runner... lets remember that the Kings are low balling on the pay$$$... the Lakers would give him way more than the kings could muster...
Coaches have these legal documents called contracts that prevent them from jumping team to team at the drop of a hat.


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Coaches have these legal documents called contracts that prevent them from jumping team to team at the drop of a hat.
There are also out clauses, and pretty much any contract can be restructured to resolve a situation, but I'm pretty sure that Rambis would want to make his next stop a good one to solidify his place as a good head coach candidate should the LA position open up.
We can imagine all kinds of future scenarios, but that's worrying about something that hasn't even happened and may never happen. Maybe if Rambis gets offered the Lakers job at a future date and wants to go, we'll be ready for him to go and ready to hire that top level head coach.

Who the heck knows? There's enough to worry about in the actual reality of "what do we do now", without worrying about imaginary future "what if this happens" all the time.


Hall of Famer
Perhaps, perhaps not on the triangle thing. Phil has had tremendous success with that, but he's also always had Top 20 players in NBA history to key it. With our personnel who knows. And Rambis predates Phil too and has played under some other systems that were pretty successful in their own right...and also involved Top 20 players in NBA history keying them.
It's a good point about Rambis knowing more than just the triangle. I just don't know about needing superstars to run it. Didn't Jackson get it from Winters, a college coach? In any case, unless the Princeton offense was something that Rambis was exposed to in his distant past, it seems likely it won't be the offense. But, like you say, maybe the triange won't be either. We'll see...
yeah no joke VF... wtf are you taking about RIP M...???? cheering for the Lakers is a sin to start with but cheering for the Lakers because the Kings are down is called bandwagon... wow!!!
okay, its not like i went out and bought a damn kobe jersey, but at the same time hes not the face in the middle of my dart board anymore. Im not bandwagoning with the lakers, but ide way rather have a team from california win than orlando or boston. As long as the kings are in Sacramento i will love them because ive been here my whole life, but i am also a basketball fan. I can appreciate good players. Once the kings start competing for playoff spots, then ill go back to planning ways to kill opposing players, but right now i don't feel like anybody is a threat to our success except for worst teams and david stern. I don't really consider that bandwagoning, but if enjoying other teams is bandwagoning then i feel bad for close-minded Kings fans because you are missing awesome basketball.


Super Moderator Emeritus
You were doing quite well with your explanation IMHO until the very end. Why do people ALWAYS have to throw in something like "I feel bad for close-minded Kings fans...blah, blah, blah."

A lot of us disagree with your assessment. It doesn't make us close-minded, dude. It only means one thing: We disagree with you - and a lot of others - on this particular series.

No need to put the name-calling into it, is there? Hey, enjoy the games. I wish I could as I've been a fan of the game for nearly 45 years. I simply do not want to drink the Kool Aid about the Lakers.

Having said that, I don't think you're a bandwagon fan. I think that term is used way too often as if there's something so patently wrong with wanting to watch a team that wins. There's not; it's different types of fans that makes it so much fun. I don't like seeing that label used any more than anything else that tries to make one type of fan better than another.

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It's a good point about Rambis knowing more than just the triangle. I just don't know about needing superstars to run it. Didn't Jackson get it from Winters, a college coach? In any case, unless the Princeton offense was something that Rambis was exposed to in his distant past, it seems likely it won't be the offense. But, like you say, maybe the triange won't be either. We'll see...
I'd say he would use it some. Your team would most likely do well with it considering both of your bigs have good range. Nocioni, Martin, Garcia are three guys that I see really fitting into it like a glove.

Rambis was also given control of coaching our defense this season and if you notice we've been running a lot more zone than in the past by overloading and denying iso's. Which has its strengths and weaknesses.

The interesting thing about Kurt is if he would run a fair amount of TRI sets would he be behind drafting Rubio or would he favor a guy like Stephen Curry. In your standard pick and roll offense sure Rubio wins hands down. However, in a system based on motion, shooting/spacing, and one that does not require a true point guard Curry would be the choice.
You were doing quite well with your explanation IMHO until the very end. Why do people ALWAYS have to throw in something like "I feel bad for close-minded Kings fans...blah, blah, blah."
I don't mean it as name calling, but more so as describing how many are so opposed to watching other teams. "This team or nothing else". It takes away a lot from the game, especially the wide variety of players and teams. Some people get so wrapped up in how screwed the kings are right now that they don't realize how awesome other teams are playing. I didn't mean close-minded as ignorant or anything like that, just as how many are so 1 team oriented.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I follow what you're saying... I think there's room for all kinds of fans, however. If people don't want to watch the Lakers, I can understand that a lot more easily than someone who doesn't - for example - want to watch the Nuggets or maybe the Wizards.

I usually watch from the first game of the season through to the last game of the NBA finals. I don't have league pass but I do watch games from Chicago when they're on and any other nationally televised games.

For me, it's not just about my Kings since I started following NBA basketball closely back in 1964. I'm about as much a basketball fan as you'll find. But it comes with one big exception. I cannot and will not watch the Lakers who show me that they have no respect for the game, they're arrogant and self-absorbed and it's just not enjoyable.

The brave little soldier is one of the most talented players to ever play in the NBA but I'm not willing to put up with all the crap to watch him play for the purple and gold. And I'm sure I'm not alone.

You think it's awesome how well the Lakers are playing, which is cool because you're obviously enjoying it. That's what it should be all about - as long as you're being entertained, yoi're getting your money's worth so to speak. For me - and I know a lot of others - watching the Lakers with their posturing, ridiculous fans and fawning commentators isn't entertaining. It's like going to the dentist for root canals without benefit of headphones or anesthetics.

It's all just preferences and likes/dislikes. It doesn't have to be one way or the other. When you come to a KINGS message board, however, I think you should expect and accept a lot of flak about Laker praise.



LOL!!!! Well "IN YOUR FACE!"

to all you Kurt Rambis is a nice guy people, that wouldn't mind him as the next coach, or even wanted him as the next coach...

Well that went down well... I though it was very classy of him to stress that he wanted to keep everything on the low... but when he didn't get the job he cried to the media about how it was his job all along and then went on to take a few little diggs on the Kings... VERY CLASSY!

this guy is a freaking baby and obviously a Laker... Im glad he will never be considered again for this job. He clearly wasn't very excited to be here and it sounded like the only reasons he would coach here were selfish... This guy hasn't achieved anything in my eyes as far as coaching... hes a bum and im sure will never make it as a head coach without Kobe still being a topnotch superstar... what a clown... I think it would be hilarious if he was passed up by Shaw to be the next coach of the Lakers... which could very well happen since he still has basically no real "head coaching" experience.
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