More hope...... maybe I shouldn't (Rubio rumor)

No way we give #4 + $3 mil + JT or hawes.

Its either #4 + $3 mil or #4 + 1st rounder.

$3 mil is already a lot of money to give up to move up 2 spots. And even though I want to have rubio on the team, there may be a chance the Maloofs aren't willing to pay that kind of money.

If they don't pay, they might tell GP to pick the best PG he can at #4 and just use the #23 and #31 to rebuilt.
I didn't suggest trading JT or Hawes. That is exactly what I don't want to do. But I would do the #4, 3 mil, and a conditional 1st rounder. I would be much more excited about our rebuilding process with Rubio compared to any other pg in this draft.
if he comes here, he starts

a healthy kmart
an improved hawes
a 2nd year improved JT
nocioni all reved up
donte greene improving
beno at the bench
a few players signed

the kings will be MUCH better than a 17-65 team and will automatically merit rubio the ROY cause we are too good to be a 17-65 team we could be around the 30ish team.. it all depends on the coach too

while griffin and the clips will manage to find away to suck again and improve by 5 or 2 games
If Maloofs can't find the cash to get Rubio they stand to lose allot more with a half filled arena again...

The Kings need the type of attention Rubio will draw. $3 Million is a drop in the bucket to what Rubio will bring back in returns for them. If he's available they will pay it!
I am so freaking sick to death of Ricky Rubio. And it's not even June yet.
You clicked the "Rubio" link.. Figured you would have known what you were getting into. If there is ever a Teague thread I will drop by to mention how he isn't even a PG. k?
I am so freaking sick to death of Ricky Rubio. And it's not even June yet.

You clicked into a RUBIO thread to complain about him? Irony. If you don't want to read about him all you have to do is stay away from threads about him.

Re the situation. I refrained from posting in this thread as I'm not sure that there's actually anything to this. Rubio doesn't strike me as the kind of person who would demand to go to a certain team. If this is actually the case, I'll be a little disappointed in him. I don't like when players do this. It would suck immensely for the Grizz fans that were hoping to take him 2nd. Just unfair. We would feel the same if he snubbed us.

That said, I'm all for getting him, so if this is true I'd hope we take advantage of the situation.
Re the situation. I refrained from posting in this thread as I'm not sure that there's actually anything to this. Rubio doesn't strike me as the kind of person who would demand to go to a certain team. If this is actually the case, I'll be a little disappointed in him. I don't like when players do this. It would suck immensely for the Grizz fans that were hoping to take him 2nd. Just unfair. We would feel the same if he snubbed us.

That said, I'm all for getting him, so if this is true I'd hope we take advantage of the situation.
Re the situation. I refrained from posting in this thread as I'm not sure that there's actually anything to this. Rubio doesn't strike me as the kind of person who would demand to go to a certain team. If this is actually the case, I'll be a little disappointed in him. I don't like when players do this. It would suck immensely for the Grizz fans that were hoping to take him 2nd. Just unfair. We would feel the same if he snubbed us.

That said, I'm all for getting him, so if this is true I'd hope we take advantage of the situation.
I've been lurking as well, but it is Rubio's agent who has been throwing this out there. Better yet, it is somebody else who is saying that Fegan wants this for his client.

Here is the deal. Pau didn't like the way the Grizzlies were run, Juan Carlos Navarro hated playing for them, and Marc hasn't really publicly said anything, but all the Spaniards talk. I honestly don't know why Memphis gets them all anyway, but it doesn't really make sense to go there from Rubio's standpoint. His countrymen hated it, he will have competition for minutes, and Memphis is the 48th largest media market in the US (out of 289). Adversely, Sac is 16th, with no other local pro sports competition. OK City is 36th.

It is a no-brainer as far as Fegan is concerned. If the Clips were to ship out BDiddy, then that is his first choice. That team is loaded with talent. Clay for Rubio to mold in the 2nd largest media market (behind NY). Sac is right after LA in terms of desirability not only because of market size, but also because our fan-base would endear itself to Rubio. He would have a team that would grow with him, and possibly be a contender after a few years. He would have free will to do pretty much whatever he wanted on the court, as well as some players that would really benefit from his presence.

This is all a moot point if the Clips are playing jungle ball and plan on taking Rubio, but if not then the Kings have to be considered candidates if they are willing to make a move.

In any event (Griffin or Rubio) Clippers would either:
A: Have to move Baron, which i am not sure they are ready to do yet, even though he has proven that he can't mesh with the coach. Not to mention, that contract is hard to move. I could see the Mavs biting, in there ever-changing desperation, or even the Rockets, they might not want to let Aaron Brooks drive until he can see over the steering wheel.

B: Have to move Z-Bo, which they are MORE than willing to do, and even though the task seems daunting, there are a few teams that I think would be ready to take him. He's a 20-10 guy, lets not forget that. The Pacers would certainly take a look at him, filling a hole at the 4 while also taking the opportunity to pack Tinsleys bags, possibly re-uniting the Dunleavy's as well. Maybe Milwaukee would consider it, shipping out Jefferson and Ridnour for Randolph, moving Charlie to the 3 and possibly making some room to re-sign Sessions.

Being that the second scenario has essentially been promised (might be a curveball though) by Clips execs, that puts Sacto in prime position. Memphis would certainly ask for the 4, cash considerations, and either a player, the 23rd (we should try to keep this), or a conditional future pick. This would put them in the position they would like to be in, drafting a player they need without paying too high of a price.

If Memphis decides to go Thabeet, then OKC will be looking to trade down. This is where the Kings could suffer. The Wizards like Rubio just as much as we do, and they can offer a package that is much more enticing to the Thunder. The 5 pick, which could potentially turn into Harden or Hill, Nick Young, and Brendan Haywood or Blatche/Songaila for the 3 and a guy like Malik Rose or Nenad Krstic.

Even with all this conjecture, it all depends on what Petrie decides is best for the team. I think it is a no-brainer from our perspective as well. You do what you can to get him within a decent amount of explainable reason.

I'm paranoid, but I am also an optimist. I think everyone is out to get me a present. Rubio will be just fine.
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they have gilbert at the point, caron at the shooting guard, nick young at the forward, antawn jamison at the powerforward and mcgee at center..

this team can compete now in the playoffs rather than wait for a young point to blossom. taking rubio means taking more time from arenas at the point.. i think wizards would want pieces that can contribute now..

in sactown however he will automatically oust beno for the starting point. probably get 30 mins a game. and we improve, a few games and get a top pick next year... i dont think it is good for him to move to wizards playing under arenas? i think hed rather start now.

you think petrie spent a lot of time talking to them? or something?
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The idea on Wizards message boards is they would move Gil to the 2. He is 6'4", so that is entirely plausible. Caron is a SF, Jamison at PF and McGee/(Haywood/Blatche remainder) at the center. Tapscott is really high on Rubio, and DC is a good place for him as well.

Wiz fans have resigned themselves to the fact that they would have to ship out Young to get Rubio, but they are willing to do that. They gave up on that kid quick. Even so, I'd rule the Wizards as the most unlikely team to come out on top in Rubio sweepstakes. If Clippers take Griffin, the Kings need to shoot up to 2 and take Rubio. If the Clips take Rubio, you trade down with a team like the Pacers or Warriors and get Lawson and another young player.
Hey, I am not Tapscott, and those are just rumblings. Ideally, if the Clips do what they are supposed to do and take Griffin, we will be in a decent position to move up and get the guy we want. Worst case, we end up with Jennings, Holliday, Lawson, Evans, or Teague. I prefer Lawson of the bunch, but I think that its a toss up for any of them when we are talking about who is going to be the better player. Evans and Jennings both potentially could be better than Rubio, Lawson as it is is probably better right off the bat, but with him you pretty much know what you are going to get. I don't know enough about Holliday or Teague to get excited about them at this point.
I think Kings will buy 2nd pick giving to Memphis the 4th pick and Jason Thompson
I don't think that would be a smart move. The idea is to keep the core young players (Hawes, Thompson, Martin) and add Rubio to the mix.

Trading away Thompson for Rubio is robbing Peter to pay Paul. You are addressing one of your needs by creating a hole somewhere else in your line up.


would be a fun team to watch and Rubio would improve everyones game with his creativity.
I don't think that would be a smart move. The idea is to keep the core young players (Hawes, Thompson, Martin) and add Rubio to the mix.

Trading away Thompson for Rubio is robbing Peter to pay Paul. You are addressing one of your needs by creating a hole somewhere else in your line up.
Me too. Even if I love Rubio, I prefer Thompson+Jennings.
I hope we find a way to move up in the draft without trade JT.
I just have this sensation..
4th + donte 31st + KT for rubio and jaric that would work for me

getting ty lawson at the 4 is a reach... stay at the 4 and work a deal with memphis
4th + donte 31st + KT for rubio and jaric that would work for me

getting ty lawson at the 4 is a reach... stay at the 4 and work a deal with memphis
KT is too much of a valuable asset at this point to trade in this scenario. Especially for Marko Jaric who still has 3 or 4 years left on his contract. If you trade away KT and take on Jaric you have absolutly no chance, none what so ever to get that free agent in 2010.

You would want to try and keep your salary cap flexibility so that you are have a chance to be a player in 2010.
If we wait like everyone else for 2010 we are likely to get burned. A lot of mid market teams are doing the same thing as well as large market teams. Kings will have no edge in 2010 market while they will have one in the 2009 market. I say bet on this weaks years class and almost don't get involved with next years bloodbath that is likely to be coming.

Here is the 2010 list:

A very pretty list but I'm not sure who we can honestly get. Hopefully someone though. I wonder who will re-sign before the class is actually up.
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Ok, I take back what I said. Per Sam Amick, apparently the talk of Fegan wanting Rubio to go to Sacramento is more than just idle speculation:

Ricky Rubio Can Just Say "No"

I am continuing to hear confirmation of the news - first reported by DraftExpress - that Ricky Rubio has no interest in playing for Memphis or Oklahoma, the teams that will draft at Nos. 2 and 3, and that his agent, Dan Fegan, is trying to position the Spanish point guard in Los Angeles (1) or Sacramento (4). This could get very interesting. While there have been numerous examples of players discouraging teams from drafting them or forcing trades (Kobe Bryant, John Elway, Kiki Vandeweghe and Eli Manning, among others), Rubio has unusual leverage because he has to buy out the final two years of his contract with DKV Joventut before he can play in the league. The NBA team wanting to draft him can only contribute $500,000 toward the buyout, which means the youngster has to produce an amount estimated at $7-$10 millon, depending on the exchange rate.

Not that the Kings are strangers to extricating their first-round draft choices from sticky situations, by the way. The club's attorneys helped Peja Stojakovic and Hedo Turkoglu gain their releases from their respective teams in Greece and Turkey. Blog and Q&A


Hall of Famer
Ok, I take back what I said. Per Sam Amick, apparently the talk of Fegan wanting Rubio to go to Sacramento is more than just idle speculation:

Ricky Rubio Can Just Say "No"

I am continuing to hear confirmation of the news - first reported by DraftExpress - that Ricky Rubio has no interest in playing for Memphis or Oklahoma, the teams that will draft at Nos. 2 and 3, and that his agent, Dan Fegan, is trying to position the Spanish point guard in Los Angeles (1) or Sacramento (4). This could get very interesting. While there have been numerous examples of players discouraging teams from drafting them or forcing trades (Kobe Bryant, John Elway, Kiki Vandeweghe and Eli Manning, among others), Rubio has unusual leverage because he has to buy out the final two years of his contract with DKV Joventut before he can play in the league. The NBA team wanting to draft him can only contribute $500,000 toward the buyout, which means the youngster has to produce an amount estimated at $7-$10 millon, depending on the exchange rate.

Not that the Kings are strangers to extricating their first-round draft choices from sticky situations, by the way. The club's attorneys helped Peja Stojakovic and Hedo Turkoglu gain their releases from their respective teams in Greece and Turkey. Blog and Q&A
Reading this story, I can't help but think about another time when the Kings were keen on Kobe Bryant, but LA traded up one spot ahead of us and nabbed him. Heaven forbid if this kid is really that good and the Lakers "do it" to us again...
Reading this story, I can't help but think about another time when the Kings were keen on Kobe Bryant, but LA traded up one spot ahead of us and nabbed him. Heaven forbid if this kid is really that good and the Lakers "do it" to us again...
Unless the lakers are willing to trade Bynum for him (which they're not) then they do not have what it takes to get him. Hell, they couldn't offer a better deal than Thompson straight up.
Reading this story, I can't help but think about another time when the Kings were keen on Kobe Bryant, but LA traded up one spot ahead of us and nabbed him. Heaven forbid if this kid is really that good and the Lakers "do it" to us again...
Kobe wasn't drafted by LA, he was drafted by the hornets. He refused to play there, and the trade for Vlade was made.
Kobe wasn't drafted by LA, he was drafted by the hornets. He refused to play there, and the trade for Vlade was made.
I think cha and la already had an idea they might do that trade even before the draft. So I think they took him knowing that he probably wouldn't want to play for him. Kobe was trying to avoid a lot of teams in the lottery, especially New Jersey.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Kobe did say that he wouldn't play anywhere but NY or LA, but the trade for Vlade was really all about making the room for Shaq at the time. I believe he also specifically mentioned he would not go to Sacramento.
Rubio will never be in the same class as Kobe etc. At best he will be a level down from those guys, and that's if he reaches his potential. But he'll bring alot of excitement and talent. Still will be a valuable player.

With all this talk of him wanting to come here (or LA), is it possible that Petrie actually spoke to him or his agent while in Europe? Could Petrie have convinced him that Sactown would be a great fit for him?