What about the other some 50 youthful athletes on Oklahoma, UConn, Stanford and Louisville who was happy and excited to win. They did not call out Lawson or anybody else who picked against them before they won. I don't buy the whole youth thing when it comes to composure, especially in the easy times of winning. Had she lost and acted a fool, i would have understood that more.
Are you serious?
UConn was the #1 overall seed. Everyone has all but crowned them the champs already. Lawson, like everyone else, picked them to reach the Final Four.
Oklahoma has been pegged since January (when UConn destroyed UNC and pretty much took them off the national map) as "the team that could face UConn again in the national championship game". Lawson picked them to reach the Final Four. 99% of the prognosticators picked OU to reach St. Louis. Carolyn Peck didn't, but that has as much to do with her own vendetta against all things Courtney Paris (you'll recall her stating erroneously that Ashley Paris would be drafted higher than Courtney back in November, which was then exactly what it is now...a crock) than it has to do with rational thinking. Courtney chose not to call out Peck. Had she chosen to do so, I wouldn't have had a problem with it. She's a college kid who's headed to her only Final Four. Seize the moment!
Even though Stanford was the #2 seed in Berkeley, everyone expected them to get past Duke to reach the Final Four for a second straight year. Thing is, they didn't even have to worry about Duke because the Blue Devils crapped the bed in the second round. And yes, Kara picked the Cardinal to advance to the Final Four.
Kara didn't pick Louisville. She wasn't the only ESPN "expert" who didn't pick them (Mechelle Voepel, like me, picked Baylor to reach the FF) and was far from the only media/coaching entity to pick the Terps to advance. [Rebecca Lobo was the only ESPN expert to picked the Cardinals to win the Raleigh regional, and she accurately predicted all of the Final Four teams.] Dawn Staley wrote an article in the NYT where she picked the Terps to play the Huskies for the national championship. Dawn admitted that her decision was based in part to ignorance on her behalf WRT Louisville (she didn't know anything about them other than Angel McCoughtry, who she coached during the summer of 2007 for USA Basketball). Had Angel known about that, she probably would've called out Staley, too.

But Kara has a reputation on the air for being a Terp lover above all else (and I wouldn't be surprised if coach Jeff Walz, a former Terp assistant, planted that seed in his players' heads), so it didn't cross her mind twice to tell Kara that she was wrong.
Listen, I don't even know that young lady on or off the court. All I know is that my very first opinion of Angel McCoughtry was weird and she came across as not composed. Would I want her on my team? I have no idea, because i have not seen her enough, but sure, she is talented. I did not think she played that well against Maryland. But she has two games to change my opinion. But in the mean time I think what she did (not so much what she said) was self-indulgent and immature compared to other mature/young athletes who find the ability to be composed in front of the camera especially when you win.
Once again I ask, how can you possibly make that claim when she's being interviewed 30 seconds after winning the biggest game in her life to date? Did you not see Candice Wiggins' passion-filled outburst last year (after beating the same team, incidentally)? She flipped out, too! She didn't call out anyone, but she rambled on then about as much as Angel did a couple of days back. It's all part of the joy of reaching the Final Four in one's senior year. After she'd calmed down a bit, Angel gave a gracious post-game interview on ESPN News. Too bad most of you didn't see it and choose to remember such a great athlete and person by 30 seconds of elation captured on YouTube.