Bucks @ Kings Game Thread

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Hall of Famer
Beno has a new stategy for getting double doubles.

He figures assists, you have to rely on the guy making their shot... But TO's, all you have to do is give it to the other team!

Its just that easy!

...And then he pounds some more whisky on the sidelines


Super Moderator Emeritus
Yep, the picture was deleted. Name-calling, whether with words or pictures, is just beneath the standards of the board.

Thanks for understanding.
Just calling him a clown.. Because Natt is a clown.. He's also the Devil..

I was hoping we could have a photoshop thread with a NAtt picture or something.. I guess that's out of the question eh? :(

It's something to do while this team sucks it up on the floor.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
Whatever... It seems so easy for some to act as though they could do a lot better. He's in an impossible situation. You can criticize him without resorting to name-calling, etc. We aren't that other Kings board, you know...



Hall of Famer
Reggie handled the impossible situation a lot better.

It's funny how there hasnt been any word from the FO or the Maloofs about playing the youth lately, even though Natt has been giving them far less minutes then Theus did.

...They know they F'd up with the firing and hiring.
Whatever... It seems so easy for some to act as though they could do a lot better. He's in an impossible situation. You can criticize him without resorting to name-calling, etc. We aren't that other Kings board, you know...


He's in a position to play the youngsters yet he continues to snub them. His lineups are pretty suspect as well.. Not saying I could do better @ coaching but if I was just in charge of the lineup you would see a lot more of the youngsters.

But got'cha.. You probably want to delete the devil Natt on the first page ;)


Super Moderator Emeritus
Reggie handled the impossible situation a lot better.

It's funny how there hasnt been any word from the FO or the Maloofs about playing the youth lately, even though Natt has been giving them far less minutes then Theus did.

...They know they F'd up with the firing and hiring.
Again, people assume they know everything that was going on and I maintain there were things happening that contributed to Reggie's demise as head coach.

Kenny Natt is a babysitter, a caretaker, a seat filler for the remainder of the season. Why would the front office criticize him? It would be like ranting about the loaner you got from your mechanic while he's fixing your car...

If you're expecting to find some kind of clear logic in the rest of this season, you're going to be sadly disappointed.
seems like JT has been hitting his FTs much better lately. this pleases me

He actually shot 75%+ in college for a couple years.. He regressed in his senior year which came with him to the NBA.. He's got the potential to be a 70%+ FT shooter in the NBA on his own if he worked at it.
Again, people assume they know everything that was going on and I maintain there were things happening that contributed to Reggie's demise as head coach.

Kenny Natt is a babysitter, a caretaker, a seat filler for the remainder of the season. Why would the front office criticize him? It would be like ranting about the loaner you got from your mechanic while he's fixing your car...

If you're expecting to find some kind of clear logic in the rest of this season, you're going to be sadly disappointed.
I actually do when I get a v6 model of a car that should have a v8 ;) i.e. mustangs. I also complain about everything being automatic.. I cannot stand automatics. The car dealerships need to have a couple manuals just in case.

Back on topic. I don't think people would criticize Natt if he would just play the kids more. We know he's in a no win situation, but he's really pissing off a lot of people with these crackpot lineups.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Just to keep things in perspective:

I got a phone call at half-time from someone who wanted me to help her figure out a reason why her boyfriend should pay $300 a game for their season tickets again next year... I had nothing. As bad as it is for us right now, at least we can change the channel if it gets too painful. They're sitting there in the lower level in seats they paid very dearly for that they cannot even give away on most nights...
I love BJax as much as the next guy, but 14 minutes to Brown's 1 minute just hurts :confused:. BJax wont be here next year. Brown probably wont either if he doesn't get a chance to showcase his skills.

Hawes get's 6 minutes while Garcia has 20, and Miller has 25. Fascination with the small ball wont get you that far in the league. Seems like Natt crowds the floor with small players that can shoot the ball from outside rather than players that compliment eachother like a good inside out game. He either loads the lineup with outside shooters or the other way around.
Just to keep things in perspective:

I got a phone call at half-time from someone who wanted me to help her figure out a reason why her boyfriend should pay $300 a game for their season tickets again next year... I had nothing. As bad as it is for us right now, at least we can change the channel if it gets too painful. They're sitting there in the lower level in seats they paid very dearly for that they cannot even give away on most nights...

I'm not even watching the game. Turned it off when it got to 15 in the first quarter. It's funny because recently the games are either blowout losses from the beginning or they are close games for the entire game.

Seems to be more of the blowouts recently because Natt has no idea how to correctly substitute players and bring in players that can compliment the others. It's really sad to watch him coach.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I honestly think Kenny Natt is trying to find a combination that will work, not wanting to accept that the pieces simply don't fit the puzzle. it's like dropping two jigsaw puzzles into the ground, mixing the pieces and then trying to solve them into one picture. It won't work, no matter how many different ways you try...

Playing the kids would make much more sense to me, but I don't even pretend to know what Petrie has planned as far as trades, free agency, etc. The thought actually crossed my mind for a moment that perhaps they're not playing Hawes and Brown major minutes because they're afraid the kids just might start winning and that's actually the last thing we'd want...

Showcase Salmons and Miller in the hopes someone will decide they need one or the other of them for the playoff push? I honestly have no clue...
Just to keep things in perspective:

I got a phone call at half-time from someone who wanted me to help her figure out a reason why her boyfriend should pay $300 a game for their season tickets again next year... I had nothing. As bad as it is for us right now, at least we can change the channel if it gets too painful. They're sitting there in the lower level in seats they paid very dearly for that they cannot even give away on most nights...
There's pretty much no reason.

I heard a interesting snippet on ESPN 1320 today, and IDK who it was but they were saying that the Kings should get 2 free agents in the 2009 class (they said i.e. Marion, etc.) instead of spending a monster fortune on 010's class.

I only caught like the last 30 seconds, so I'm not sure if there was much more to the conversation, but it was pretty interesting.
VF, I know you were critical of reggie theus, and I get your stance on Natt ( that he is only a babysitter) but are you really satisfied with what he has done since taking over? Hawes minutes have decreased, Browns minutes have pretty much gone away completly, greene isnt even here anymore and his defensive matchups are pretty terrible. When Reg was fired the idea here was 'sweet, now we play the youth 30 mins a game' yepp, that never happened... I dont care how long natt will be hear or what anyone calls him, he is a NBA head coach for my favorite team and I want him to do a better job, this is unacceptable.
I honestly think Kenny Natt is trying to find a combination that will work, not wanting to accept that the pieces simply don't fit the puzzle. it's like dropping two jigsaw puzzles into the ground, mixing the pieces and then trying to solve them into one picture. It won't work, no matter how many different ways you try...

Playing the kids would make much more sense to me, but I don't even pretend to know what Petrie has planned as far as trades, free agency, etc. The thought actually crossed my mind for a moment that perhaps they're not playing Hawes and Brown major minutes because they're afraid the kids just might start winning and that's actually the last thing we'd want...

Showcase Salmons and Miller in the hopes someone will decide they need one or the other of them for the playoff push? I honestly have no clue...
That's crossed my mind as well.. That's the excuse I use when I see Hawes, and JT on the bench :)

I do hope you are right though. It would be nice to finally see the two first rounders getting some extended time together on the floor at the same time.
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