What Happened to "Koz"


Super Moderator Emeritus
I think you guys are totally missing the most obvious answer:

KHTK, which is a profit-based operation, is suffering in this economy, especially since they hooked their wagon to the Kings. Sponsors have dropped off and revenue is down. If they're forced to make cuts, I'm guessing they came to some kind of agreement with Koz.

It's financial, folks. I'd be willing to bet on it...
I think you guys are totally missing the most obvious answer:

It's financial, folks. I'd be willing to bet on it...
Yeah, you are probably right. I just hope they really don't do this.

I'll also add to the "I've met Koz several times" club. Really awesome dude.. friendly as heck. I bought him a beer once and he was talking about some Monarchs stories from the road. That was before he was married or had kids. Ran into him a few times after that as well and he was still just as cool... priorities a bit tamer but still a cool guy.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Koz is always a lot of fun at HPL events. In fact, I met him several times in the Skyline Lounge several years ago, before HousePartyLive came to be. He's a class act - and I'm almost positive there's nothing negative involved with whatever personnel changes KHTK is making in this instance. If there were, I'm almost positive he'd also be gone from Maloof Sports...
Frank Redd
Jim Crandall
F.P. Santangelo

.......and now the most talented of anybody on that staion in my opinion Jim Koximor. It seems that with the combination of the economy and the Kings Suck, the quality of our local Sports Radio has taken a severe hit.:mad:
Wait they dropped Frank Redd? I liked his shows and post games a lot. Hell, he plays the best hip hop on local radio.(Sadly =/)

Yes, I haven't been keeping up. What sort of blackmail does Napear have on management? A monkey could host a show and talk about kings at the prime time slot and earn ratings. It's easy as pie and always has been ever since the Kings were here. 1140 was a nothing station until they got the Kings. 1530 was king of ratings for years with the Kings. It's the shows that succeed without making everything Kings centric that actually show some viability.
I made the move to ESPN Radio nearly the minute they went on air here locally and I already was listening to KNBR because it didn't need to latch its wagon onto Don & Mike to be a "sports talk" station.:rolleyes:

Koz' show(s) were the only ones I listened to so now I don't feel guilty not listening to that station over other competitors.

Seems like he'll still be doing the MS&E shows, so I'm cool there, but KHTK is dead to me otherwise. (Tho I do like Jason Ross a lot)
I agree with vf that it is financial but im sorry, how do u justify losing Koz and keeping grant and CD. CD is great but if I had a choice between him and Koz I would cut some of the newer talent. Koz brings color and humor to any show he is on. Ever since FP left I cannot listen to the Rise Guys. They are so damn boring. When Koz fills in he takes control of the show and drives it home. He is hilarious. If Koz goes im done with KHTK. There will be nothing left to listen to. A previous post had it right on grant: A monkey could sit there and take calls and let the callers drive the direction of the show. He really has nothing of substance to add to anything. If it wasnt for the callers he wouldnt have his show because he has nothing to say.
Koz is cool and very professional - Napear NOT. I've long been one of "Peaches" biggest critics. What I despise most is he's terribly bias in favor of "HIS" NY Giants and other NY pro teams. Napear talks FAR more about them than 49ers, Raiders, A's, etc. He even said long ago that he's NOT a true fan of the Kings, just a broadcaster for them. The dude has lived in Sacramento for 22 years, but won't let go of his pathetic East Coast be all end all. Unfortunately, Mike Lamb plays along with Napear's bias by bantering together endlessly about everything Big Apple. Lamb is from little farm town Clovis, CA and played football at USC, but at least he barely shows any homer alumni bias. I will surely celebrate the day Napear gets fired or moves on. I doubt he ever gets a big market gig and especially New York as they probably see what is obvious - mediocre talent. And as I've said before, I'm sick of his constantly bringing up money (salary/contract) when talking to a Kings player or even some big time fellow sports broadcaster. He has a stupid jealous streak that is so terribly obvious!

Once last thing. I was born in Houston, Texas, but moved away when I was young. Over the years I followed and was a fan of the Houston Oilers, Astros and Rockets. With lot of relatives still there I continued to follow the teams (except the Oilers, of course) but with Northern California my home for majority of my life loyalties changed - at least some. I don't waive the freak flag of those Texas teams in the face of my friends in Sac because I feel we all here are better served by supporting our local (and Bay Area) sports. Napear could never be my friend and I knew it the time I met him at a party in the 90's - extremely arrogant, condescending, not funny at all. At least Koz and even Mike Lamb don't take themselves all that seriously, seem laid-back friendly on and off camera, respecting their local audience.
Well I will be the dissenting voice here. Koz, I am sure is one nice guy, but I do not like watching him on HPL or listening to him on the radio. He jokes around with KC way too much. I want to hear about the sport, not watch his, yes it is flirting. Harmless for sure, but I dont like it at all. He has no opinions at all really. His knowledge does not impress me at all. He is just a nice guy that keeps the show moving.

So many people do not like Grant only because he has a low tolerance for the morons that call his show. When someone calls up to say this team is going to whip this team or such and such should be fired, he will ask why, and most of the morons that call in dont/cant have an answer. he then shuts them down and moves on.

Grant is one of the best local sports show hosts in this area and he is entertaining to me.We will all disagree on anything that is an opinion, but you can not deny his football knowledge. Yeah he is Giants biased, but who cares. Listen to any Nba teams games and the home teams announcers are biased.

I like KC knowlege as far as what she brings to HPL, but KOZ and his jokes I can do without. KC is laughing every 15 secs at Kozs stupid remarks, hey should save that crap for off air.

Koz is all jokes, Grant is all business. thats the difference between them IMO.

And as far as the rise guys, they dont even talk sports. I dont like them. They talk about movies, clothes, parties, whatever strikes their mood.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
As long as it does not affect the HPL show, which is about the only thing the Kings have gotten right this year. And part of that is Koz -- there are any number of insecure macho idiots you could team up with Kayte who would either sit there humoring her until they could dazzle us with their own material or even be flat out condescending. But Koz not only lets her shine, but actually helps her to shine. As far as I can tell she has the best basketball acumen of any media type currently associated with the Kings (Gary Gerould perhaps excepted), and Koz appears to not only know it, but to embrace it. And they at least are having fun in a season when nobody else is.

Since I don't listen to local radio obviously I could care less unless losing the gig chased Koz entirely out of the market or some such. Do think its beyond pernicious to let what's left of the fanbase become entirely reliant on Rant and Chuckles the Hick for their Kings info though.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Okay, Koz will continue to do Kings Talk and occasionally fill in other shows. He does not have his own show. He will continue to do HPL and other work for Comcast.

Koz gave up his show by choice. He is busy with many things. No worries. And, he is very flattered to hear that he has a lot of support in what he does in Sacramento. Thank you for all the nice comments. He will continue to give his best. (Last line is mine). ---6th
As far as I can tell she has the best basketball acumen of any media type currently associated with the Kings (Gary Gerould perhaps excepted), and Koz appears to not only know it, but to embrace it. And they at least are having fun in a season when nobody else is.

Do think its beyond pernicious to let what's left of the fanbase become entirely reliant on Rant and Chuckles the Hick for their Kings info though.
This is exactly what I was thinking about HPL - Kayte knows what's going on, Koz helps make the show highlight her knowledge.

I got a serious laugh out of "Rant and Chuckles the Hick". thanks for that.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Okay, Koz will continue to do Kings Talk and occasionally fill in other shows. He does not have his own show. He will continue to do HPL and other work for Comcast.

Koz gave up his show by choice. He is busy with many things. No worries. And, he is very flattered to hear that he has a lot of support in what he does in Sacramento. Thank you for all the nice comments. He will continue to give his best. (Last line is mine). ---6th
Thanks for the update!
Figured that much about Koz, he's got ALOT on his plate professionally...I'm sure he'd like to spend at least SOME time with his family during the NBA regular season.