[WNBA] Comments that don't warrant their own thread

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I know this is late, but I just found this page. It's a report about the time when Candice Wiggins and the Minny Lynx played the Monarchs two weeks ago (actually, Sept. 7, 2008), and when the Cardinal fans showed up at Arco.

It's from the "Stanford Fast-Break Club" website, devoted to their women's b-ball team.

Nice picture of Jayne Appel. What a cutie! I guess you can say she's the "Appel of my eye"! :)

Linda Hargrove is out as the Washington Mystakes --- er, Mystics --- General Manager.


I'm not suprised at this news. The Mystics' managing general partner, Sheila Johnson, publicly castigated her team earlier this year, about a few weeks before the Olympics began. And it implied that major changes were to take place. Firing Hargrove is just the first step. I'm sure there will be more to come, especially after the Finals end.

I know it's a bit early to think about the Monarchs' needs for next year. But perhaps there could be something Mystics have that the M's might want?
Do the Mystics have somebody the Monarchs might be interested in? Huh...good question...Let me think a infinitessimal fraction of a millisecond

Hargrove was a joke hire to me when they hired her. That they eventually gave her the front office gig, when she was almost worse as a GM in Portland as she was a coach....:rolleyes:
Do the Mystics have somebody the Monarchs might be interested in? Huh...good question...Let me think a infinitessimal fraction of a millisecond

Hargrove was a joke hire to me when they hired her. That they eventually gave her the front office gig, when she was almost worse as a GM in Portland as she was a coach....:rolleyes:
LOL! Alana Beard was the first thing to pop into my mind when I heard the news about Hargrove getting the boot. I'm like, now how can we get AB in Sac? :)
do you think beard would play white line D happily? ... and sub in and out without a pout?

i dunno about her, she has talent, but strikes me as selfish and unhappy ... maybe it's just being sick and tired of the Mystics situation ...

who would we have to give up to get her ... ???

i could be convinced, but am not sold at the moment ...
I think AB had to be kinda selfish in the situation she's been in at Washington, and hell, anyone would be unhappy with the coaching and operations problems the Mystics have had.

Who to give up? I dunno. Maybe Nicole? (I love Nicole, but she's so inconsistent.)
Let's see, who has not been happy in DC and have found their way out of that situation one way or another.

Chamique Holdsclaw
Nikki Teasley
Stacey Dales
Ashja Jones
DeLisha Milton-Jones

How does Beard fit?
She gets geeked up by defense....check
She can rebound very well from the guard spot...check
She is a big guard...check
She can distribute the ball to others when necessary...check
She can create off the dribble....check
She can score posting up smaller guards...check
She can score attacking the basket...check
She can score from the perimeter....check
She shoots/scores well in ARCO...check
She she shoots/scores well period...check
She comes with her own neoprene body wrap so we won't have to buy one or loan her Ticha's or Kara's or the one Chelsea used to have...check

Best known for: Her defense. Beard has said that even if she scores 50 points, she'll feel she played a bad game if she didn't bring it defensively. She prides herself on her defensive performances. When she's guarding you, those long, lanky arms harass your dribble and challenge every pass.


If I didn't have to give up Powell or Lawson but could give them all my draft picks and maybe Franklin/Allen I'd do it. Powell is useful because of her size and well, we like to break our post players here for some reason.

If Beard couldn't blend in with this locker room of people and this coach, she can't blend in any where and should consider a career overseas because she will never be happy and should just consider going for the money and where she can be solo big dog.
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very convincing ...

Let's see, who has not been happy in DC and have found their way out of that situation one way or another.
Chamique Holdsclaw
Nikki Teasley
Stacey Dales
Ashja Jones
DeLisha Milton-Jones

this is less concinving for me ... sure they left, but they weren't all happy stories after they left ... and one culd say the same thing about the M's ... Tange, Tanty, Bushy, Haynie, Yo ... they all left, or got out one way or another ... i can't make too much of a conclusion about that ...

How does Beard fit?
She gets geeked up by defense....check
She can rebound very well from the guard spot...check
She is a big guard...check
She can distribute the ball to others when necessary...check
She can create off the dribble....check
She can score posting up smaller guards...check
She can score attacking the basket...check
She can score from the perimeter....check
She shoots/scores well in ARCO...check
She she shoots/scores well period...check
She comes with her own neoprene body wrap so we won't have to buy one or loan her Ticha's or Kara's or the one Chelsea used to have...check

not a fan of the body wraps ... ; ) ... but this is very convincing !!!! ... that says it all ... hey, it's worth a try ... i'm assuming she will look good in purple ...

If I didn't have to give up Powell or Lawson but could give them all my draft picks and maybe Franklin/Allen I'd do it. Powell is useful because of her size and well, we like to break our post players here for some reason. ... sigh, heartbreak IS part of the game ... ; (

If Beard couldn't blend in with this locker room of people and this coach, she can't blend in any where and should consider a career overseas because she will never be happy and should just consider going for the money and where she can be solo big dog. ... !!! ... ; )
too bad linda hargrove was just booted, she mighta given us a lopsided trade ... ; )
Beard wouldn't be an unhappy story after she leaves DC either. I didn't list everybody who ever left the Mystics, just everybody who wasn't happy there and wanted out.

I think there's a good, smart deal waiting to be had for Beard - but it would depend on what the Mystics really want to do because they've got a lot they need to do to rebuild that organization from player-personnel to front office to sideline. A player and a pick could work.
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How does Beard fit?
She gets geeked up by defense....check
She can rebound very well from the guard spot...check
She is a big guard...check
She can distribute the ball to others when necessary...check
She can create off the dribble....check
She can score posting up smaller guards...check
She can score attacking the basket...check
She can score from the perimeter....check
She shoots/scores well in ARCO...check
She she shoots/scores well period...check
She comes with her own neoprene body wrap so we won't have to buy one or loan her Ticha's or Kara's or the one Chelsea used to have...check

If I didn't have to give up Powell or Lawson but could give them all my draft picks and maybe Franklin/Allen I'd do it. Powell is useful because of her size and well, we like to break our post players here for some reason.
I am 100 percent way ahead of you on Beard, MBF. Everytime she steps into Arco, I dream about her in the Purple, Red and White. But I just don't think she can be had, without giving up one of the big four (Ticha, Powell, Lawson or Brunson), and right now I am inclined to let that group play another season or two healthy. And if I had to part with one player, right now it would be Ticha. But after the year she had, I don't know if I am ready to part with her, where I was the last several seasons.

If there is any way we can part with a combination of Robinson, Harper, Allen, 1st Round, 2nd Round, and yes maybe even Kelly:eek:, I would do it. I just don't know if any of that is enough.
I'm not sure I would trade a young post for a guard when two of the ones projected to start for us have had recurring injuries of various severity that have cost them effectiveness or games. And we might want to actually have some size. They may want Harper if they move Sanford and whoever else of legitimate size they have there to play post now - otherwise DC is as small or perhaps smaller than we are in the post.

From the Wash Post article from a week or so ago, the Mystics CLEAAAAAAAAAAARLY wanted Ticha last year, perhaps have been marking runs at her even longer before that.

If I'm DC, I want a young vet I can build around if I'm going to give Beard up. Which may put us out of the running. Unless they get one via free agency (and can convince them their organization is not the career black hole as it has appeared to be from the outside or even to those on the inside).

Before we get caught up in this discussion, perhaps this segment of conversation does warrant its own thread?

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
Sheesh; Indiana's getting crushed right now. I was hoping, if the Monarchs didn't make it, that we'd see some new blood.

Is Catchings becoming the Kevin Garnett of the WNBA? Or, worse yet, the T-Mac? :eek:


Homer Fan Since 1985
While I could not cheer for LA, I sure liked seeing Seattle go down. :D

So it will be an LA/SA series in the West and a NY/Det series in the East
Congrats to NY & LA...

YO...It's time to come home;)
Come home and do what:confused: I think it is time for us fans to turn the page, and for Yo (as much as I admire her) to think about going on with the next phase in her life. I was hoping to see the Yolanda Griffith I saw at Arco two weeks ago. That Griffith never showed up in this series.
A few thoughts:

1. "YES" to Alana Beard. She's the missing piece we need to compete for a championship. I'd be willing to part ways with the following players to make such a deal work:

Nicole Powell (too inconsistent)
Scholanda Robinson (get a jump shot)
Laura Harper (love her spirit, but...)
Trade Fodder (Franklin and Allen, aka "Singletary and Ewing, Jr.")

I didn't include Kim Smith or AWS because, well, nobody should have to put up with those two...not even the Sparks. :rolleyes:

Players we must try to retain at all costs:

K-Law (maybe)

We're kinda stuck with Newton and Walker, so I didn't add them to either list.

2. Yo needs to "come home", if by "come home" you mean "return to Chicago to retire from WNBA basketball". She just doesn't have "it" anymore. Leslie shouldn't be too happy, though. She just saw what she'll look like next season.

3. We need to acquire a better (full-sized and athletic) center and to keep auditioning PGs. Truth be told, Aqua was even worse than Haynie in the latter's worst WNBA season--and I didn't think that was even possible (and no, I don't want Haynie back). Anyone okay with us making a push for Sancho Lyttle or Kara Braxton for that center spot? Braxton's a bit of a head case, but at least she's better than Williams-Strong.
Lyttle, YES!! Since Karleen Thompson had perhaps slightly more use for her than she had for Crystal Kelly and we saw how that played out. Between Lyttle and Brunson we would get STUPID athletic in the paint.

Braxton...hell to the no....AWS at least tries consistently and plays like she gives a crap and I'd rather watch somebody get paid to do that than get paid to waste talent like Braxton does.

Let's pry FA Tina Thompson out of Houston as a plan B.
A few thoughts:

1. "YES" to Alana Beard. She's the missing piece we need to compete for a championship. I'd be willing to part ways with the following players to make such a deal work:

Nicole Powell (too inconsistent)

No way do we let Nicole Powell go. She was team leader in scoring, improved her defensive skills--both steals and rebounding--and was consistent throughout the playoffs. I did not find myself yelling at the television for Nicole to "move" and not just stand still like others were at key moments...

Still, super PROUD of this team!!!


Homer Fan Since 1985
I agree with Den-Den. You do not let your #1 scorer go, especially when she has grown on defense, rebounding, steals, and blocked shots.

I would not let the following players go: Ticha, Nicole, Bekkah. Anyone else is expendable, if necessary, to get a talent like Alana Beard. While I would prefer not to give up Kelly or Lawson, even they would be expendable in my mind.
I agree with Den-Den. You do not let your #1 scorer go, especially when she has grown on defense, rebounding, steals, and blocked shots.

I would not let the following players go: Ticha, Nicole, Bekkah. Anyone else is expendable, if necessary, to get a talent like Alana Beard. While I would prefer not to give up Kelly or Lawson, even they would be expendable in my mind.
So, you're telling me that we shouldn't give up our #1 scorer to pursue the #1 scorer of another team? Please tell me how this makes any bit of sense. :confused:

To get what we "want", we have to give up something of value. While Powell is the #1 scorer, she is far from being the best player on the team (that honor goes to Brunson). OTOH, Alana IS the best player on her team and also happens to be the #1 scorer. I think giving up Powell for her is appropriate. They're the same age, but it's clear that Beard is and, barring injury, will always be the better talent.


Homer Fan Since 1985
In my mind, the idea is to add Beard's talent to Powell's. Why do addition by subtraction when we could just ADD?

Why give up your #1 scorer to get someone else's #1 scorer? If you can make a good trade without giving up Nicole, you do it. They play different positions. Give up a guard and a pick if you can.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
Hrmm... I find myself inclined to agree with creative one; if you presume, for the sake of argument, that all parties are healthy, then Powell is the fifth-best player on the team, in my opinion, and she'd be the second player I'd try to trade to get back a star player (the first being Walker, because of the age factor). I'd trade Powell for Beard without thinking about it, and run a three-guard offense. Like I told MBF in chat last week, I'm utterly lukewarm on Powell; to me, she's, like, the John Starks of the WNBA.
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