They go through great lengths contractually with their affiliate stations to make sure they don't spoil results on local broadcasts, the least they could do is set up an online area for those of us that can't figure out what time an event runs when all we're given is an 11-11 time window.
Now this I totally agree with. I made sure I didn't watch any TV this morning before the basketball game just to keep from seeing the score by accident.
Unfortunately, NBC - and most other media, for that matter - is still trying to figure out the best way to utilize the Internet to complement their broadcasts.
My semi-serious rant was totally personal in nature. I came to the thread expecting to see some good conversation about what's happened in the games so far, especially since it appeared fairly active, and was honestly a little disappointed to see most of the comments about the coverage. But I guess that's just me.
I'm absolutely loving the Olympics so far. The opening ceremonies set a tone of joy in the celebration that seems to be continuing throughout every event. Even things like air rifle shooting have been fun because the crowds are so very appreciative.
No, the coverage isn't perfect and some things that might be important to us might not receive as much live coverage as we would like, but they're still there somewhere. We just have to find them. That is such an improvement from back in the days of yore, when NOTHING was shown live.