New Uniforms? No black ... for now

Haha, thanks man. Just something I did for fun. I figured nobody'd want me to expand on those ideas... but I just did one more red to see how it worked. It's a little sketchy, but what does it matter, eh? I'll try to post it.
Its different, but its something I would love for us to go after.
I know purple is the color of the kings, and I think it will be for a long time. But sometimes teams throw a curve ball, so I thought I'd do something a little different. I highly doubt that Sacramento will ever adopt red


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Staff member
Only for the last 10-15 years or something. That's not long enough for it to be permanent.

Um from wiki:

The actual color of Tyrian purple, the original color purple from which the name purple is derived, is the color of a dye made from a mollusk that, because of its incredible expense (many times more expensive than gold), in classical antiquity became a symbol of royalty because only the very wealthy could afford it. Therefore, Tyrian purple is also called imperial purple.
Tyrian purple may have been discovered as early as the time of the Minoan civilization. Alexander the Great (when giving imperial audiences as the emperor of the Macedonian Empire), the emperors of the Seleucid Empire, and the kings of Ptolemaic Egypt wore Tyrian purple. The imperial robes of Roman emperors were Tyrian purple trimmed in metallic gold thread. The badge of office of a Roman Senator was a stripe of Tyrian purple on their white toga.[6] Tyrian purple was continued in use by the emperors of the Eastern Roman Empire until its final collapse in 1453.

In medieval Europe, blue dyes were rare and expensive,[7] so only the most wealthy or the aristocracy could afford to wear them. (The working class wore mainly green and brown.) Because of this (and also because Tyrian purple had gone out of use in western Europe after the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in AD 476), Europeans' idea of purple shifted towards this more bluish purple known as royal purple because of its similarity to the royal blue worn by the aristocracy. This was the shade of purple worn by kings in medieval Europe.
The color purple has been used for kings/royalty a *bit* longer than 10-15 years. ;) :D
New Kings Jerseys?

I was at the Kings official website and I saw the link to buy this years draft jersey. I clicked on the picture to enlarge it and I noticed that the numbers on all 3 jerseys were much different than before. It also appears that, if this are indeed next years' upgrades, the gold jersey will be back. Again, this is just speculation, but I couldnt' help but notice that the numbers were different, the name font was different and that the gold jersey was still up for sale.



Super Moderator Emeritus
I don't think the gold jerseys are going to be back. And I wouldn't put too much stock into the design being currently shown on the Kings website. They haven't released the information about the new jerseys yet so they wouldn't show pictures of them.
I was at the Kings official website and I saw the link to buy this years draft jersey. I clicked on the picture to enlarge it and I noticed that the numbers on all 3 jerseys were much different than before. It also appears that, if this are indeed next years' upgrades, the gold jersey will be back. Again, this is just speculation, but I couldnt' help but notice that the numbers were different, the name font was different and that the gold jersey was still up for sale.
horrible photoshop

those are not the new uniforms


Super Moderator Emeritus
And once again, an article on is fraught with errors. Notice how Singletary and Ewing are both listed in the article as choosing #7, while the picture shows Ewing with #0?

And no, I don't think those are the new jerseys. They look like the jerseys you can get made outside the team store. They may be "new" to Thompson, Singletary and Ewing, but I don't think they're the "2008 jerseys"...


Super Moderator Emeritus
What I think creAtivefth was saying was that the person who did the Photoshop for the Kings team store ad didn't do a very good job. Those are clearly last year's uniforms - from the ongoing ads - with just "08" put in.

Again, I'm really pretty sure the gold lamé jerseys are out, gone, finished, done, over with.
yes the team store has people who put those types of things together and it was clearly done very quickly.

As for the gold uni's they are gone as far as i know
How close to the season do teams usually announce or unveil new uniforms. I'm trying to get an idea of when we can expect some actual news on this.
None of the rookies are sporting any new jerseys. Not even players on other teams.

However I'd like to show a concept jersey I made. So far only an away jersey, but I will have the home jersey finished soon with a two tone color like the old Kings two tone alternate jersey, but for home.

Name above the number version.

Name below the number version.

I'm much more fond of the name below the number version like the old jerseys way back when.
None of the rookies are sporting any new jerseys. Not even players on other teams.

However I'd like to show a concept jersey I made. So far only an away jersey, but I will have the home jersey finished soon with a two tone color like the old Kings two tone alternate jersey, but for home.

Name above the number version.

Name below the number version.

I'm much more fond of the name below the number version like the old jerseys way back when.
Very nice!
None of the rookies are sporting any new jerseys. Not even players on other teams.

However I'd like to show a concept jersey I made. So far only an away jersey, but I will have the home jersey finished soon with a two tone color like the old Kings two tone alternate jersey, but for home.

Name above the number version.

Name below the number version.

I'm much more fond of the name below the number version like the old jerseys way back when.
Wow, i think i just fell in love, those are way sick!