Beno $


Hall of Famer
So how much should the Kings pay Beno? Less than the mid-level exception, all of the MLE, or should Petrie clear more cap space to give him higher than the MLE, which is now about $5.3 million (any expert know what it might be for next year?)

I think he's in the $5 million to $6 million range. I don't want Petrie doing a "Bibby" with Beno and pay him more than he's worth. I hope that the MLE is all that's available so Petrie can't overspend on him.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
So how much should the Kings pay Beno? Less than the mid-level exception, all of the MLE, or should Petrie clear more cap space to give him higher than the MLE, which is now about $5.3 million (any expert know what it might be for next year?)

I think he's in the $5 million to $6 million range. I don't want Petrie doing a "Bibby" with Beno and pay him more than he's worth. I hope that the MLE is all that's available so Petrie can't overspend on him.
The Beno situation is both interesting and dangerous for the Kings. The guy just fell in our lap to begin the season, and now looks like he could be a solid starter in the league. That's a gift for the franchise. But now you come to the dangerous part: as a pure FA, keeping him, and getting his price right, is going to be a task. Underpay, and he leaves you. Overpay for a few months of good work, and you risk this being a contract push or the league catching up to him, and finding yourself paying a part time starter $6 or $7 mil a year for a bunch of years, which could be crippling.

Given his gift status, I think you just have to keep him, but damn it would be nice to have another year to look at him before dropping what could be a $20-$30 million contract on the guy.


Super Moderator Emeritus
But I don't think we have the luxury of another year so I think we give him the MLE and take our chances. We've paid more for less.
a few months isnt enough time. and personally i wouldnt want a starter that couldnt produce just as well coming off the bench. it just doesnt say much about your game. he's a good guy, but if i were gm i would pay the minimum. if its not enough let him go and start quincy. he's younger, he can play.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
But I don't think we have the luxury of another year so I think we give him the MLE and take our chances. We've paid more for less.

You have to hope the MLE is enough, but there's no guarantee of that. Problem is that every team can offer that MLE, and while I would like to think he has goodwill towards us for taking the chance on him, its been a chaotic year and we are a long way from contention. If an elite team like the Lakers or Boston or Houston or Cleveland or somebody comes and maxes out the MLE with the promise of a strating job and a deep playoff push + shot at a title (or even a Dallas or Phoenix promising him the job as heir apparent to their aging points) it could get dicey. We can offer the extra year, but all the perks will be on the other side.

Personally, I go that extra mile and exceed the a little. I like Beno a lot, and think he might actually be the leader this team has lacked. The real leader. Not based on stats or woofing. But while I would do it, there is a risk there.
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I don't think there are many teams that can offer more than the MLE, and certainly not a lot that will give him a starting spot. I think he will accept the MLE and return for the Kings next year.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Brick - Considering the OP was asking what we thought we should pay him, I didn't worry about the stuff we have no control over.

Beno has found a home in Sacramento, much like others before him. I think if the offer is fair and legitimate, he'll stay. He KNOWS he's appreciated, he knows he'll be utilized and I think that will count for something.
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The MLE is the absolute MAX you'd pay him and you'd only do that to match another offer. I'd say he's worth more like 4-5 million a year.

4 years 18million.
a few months isnt enough time. and personally i wouldnt want a starter that couldnt produce just as well coming off the bench. it just doesnt say much about your game. he's a good guy, but if i were gm i would pay the minimum. if its not enough let him go and start quincy. he's younger, he can play.
Man, you really have no clue, do you? Quincy Douby looks like a scared deer in the headlights on the court. Beno is playing as good a PG in any NBA starter besides Nash, Chris Paul, and Williams on the Jazz.

He won the game for us last night and 'saved' our season, as I declared about 20 games into the season. And by saved I mean without him we'd have about 11 wins. And please spare me saying that'd be a good thing because it'd mean more lotto balls.
I don't think there are many teams that can offer more than the MLE, and certainly not a lot that will give him a starting spot. I think he will accept the MLE and return for the Kings next year.

i agree. on top of that he's not starting anywhere else. we suck just enough right now.

and as far as the pg talk VF21, we've already seen quincy in some limited minutes. why dont you send me a mixtape and ill make an evaluation. :)


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I don't think there are many teams that can offer more than the MLE, and certainly not a lot that will give him a starting spot. I think he will accept the MLE and return for the Kings next year.
I can name over a dozen teams off the top of my head that could easily look to Beno as a possible starter, some of them elite teams:

Denver (and A.I. to the 2)
New York
Charlotte (since they seem to want Felton at the 2)

And I mean, that was just off the top of my head. And it doesn't mean that all of those teams would offer, or that Beno is clearly ahead of what those teams have in every case -- but in every case he's right there and if they are unhappy with what they've got, a young guy who has averaged 15 and 5 as a starter this year might have a real attraction at MLE numbers. That's before we get to the Dallas and Phoenix situations where they need an heir to the current aging guys.

The problem is that many of those teams offer things along with the money that we cannot -- winning, big cities, HOF players or coaches etc. So we may have to overpay to counter that and "show" Beno's agent how much we love him.
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Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
I think he'll walk if we go MLE or lower. He's also a player that would add definite depth to a playoff team. I'm with Brick, we need to go slightly over. He's proven that he's worth the risk at this point in time. He's had a couple of clunkers, but he's been a consisent and reliable player.
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Man, you really have no clue, do you? Quincy Douby looks like a scared deer in the headlights on the court. Beno is playing as good a PG in any NBA starter besides Nash, Chris Paul, and Williams on the Jazz.

He won the game for us last night and 'saved' our season, as I declared about 20 games into the season. And by saved I mean without him we'd have about 11 wins. And please spare me saying that'd be a good thing because it'd mean more lotto balls.

itll be a good thing because we'd have a better pick in the draft! :confused:

let me ask you my friend, are you familiar with john salmons? you know, the guy that was starting for us at the beginning of the season? scoring big. and is now posting goose eggs coming off the bench? how simple can some people be? it took most of yall 6/7 years to learn that we were overpaying mike bibby. you think petrie is gona lay down another fat contract to keep beno? no. beno is playing well right now. and we're one of the few teams that he would start for in this league.
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The MLE is the absolute MAX you'd pay him and you'd only do that to match another offer. I'd say he's worth more like 4-5 million a year.

4 years 18million.
If you consider him your starting PG, and therefore one of the top players in your rotation, 8 to 9 deep, then, as a rule of thumb you can take the total salary cap and divide it by 8 or 9 to arrive at a ballpark salary. That's more than 4-5 million. Of course you also account for paying your star player (Martin) well above the median.

I think he has earned himself 6 to 6.5 million a year. After playing for the minimum, finding a home here, getting minutes where he didn't get elsewhere, I like the chances of him signing a long term deal. Probably 75%.
Luckily for us we don't have any options besides the MLE as far as I know. Give him the full MLE for 3 years with an option. PG who score 15+, 2.15 A/TO, 1+ Stl, 47.5 FG% and 41.5 3% when starting are worth the whole MLE. Beno is 10th among PG in scoring this year, and that is with those 12 games he came off the bench for Bibby. We just have to hope no one steals him in a very thin Free Agent pool.
I love Beno, has been maybe my favorite King to watch this year along with Martin.

We need to sign him, if we don't we have NO my opinion he's the pg of the future.

This is his first year starting and never really got consistent minutes with the Spurs, he's still learning and growing, I expect good things from him.
itll be a good thing because we'd have a better pick in the draft! :confused:

let me ask you my friend, are you familiar with john salmons? you know, the guy that was starting for us at the beginning of the season scoring big and is now posting goose eggs coming off the bench? how simple can some people be? it took most of yall 6/7 years to learn that we were overpaying mike bibby. you think petrie is gona lay down another fat contract to keep beno? no. beno is playing well right now. and we're one of the few teams that he would start for in this league.
Salmons is a swing player. Those players are readily replaceable. Beno plays the most important position on the court. So you cannot draw an analogy between the two.

And, in retrospect, even though Salmons has been mediocre off the bench, he was still a good signing. I'd like to see him be a better team player, more unselfish, but the bottom line is the guy has game. His contract is not exorbinant, so it is a non-issue.

If the Kings had 11 wins, Arco would empty, players would be revolting, the coach would be on his way out the door, team and fan morale would be at all-time low, a new arena at Cal Expo would be an impossibility. I would not trade that scary reality for more lotto balls. Dwight Howard is not in this year's draft, my friend.
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Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
I think he'll walk if we go MLE or lower. He's also a player that would add definite depth to a playoff team. I'm with Brick, we need to go slightly over. He's proven that he's worth the risk at this point in time. He's had a couple of clunkers, but he's been a consisent and reliable player.
Agreed. I have no problem at all paying the MLE or slightly more to a Beno. The dude is running the team well, scoring, and keeping his TOs pretty low. I think this year he has started to show what he can really do if given consistent time. Put more pieces in there that are not head cases and I think this team has found a backcourt for a few years in Beno and Kevin.
Salmons is a swing player. Those players are readily replaceable. Beno plays the most important position on the court. So you cannot draw an analogy between the two.

And, in retrospect, even though Salmons has been mediocre off the bench, he was still a good signing. I'd like to see him be a better team player, more unselfish, but the bottom line is the guy has game. His contract is not exorbinant, so it is a non-issue.

If the Kings had 11 wins, Arco would empty, players would be revolting, the coach would be on his way out the door, team and fan morale would be at all-time low, a new arena at Cal Expo would be an impossibility. I would not trade that scary reality for more lotto balls. Dwight Howard is not in this year's draft, my friend.

sorry, i dont agree. moving on


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
We're not talking about maxing out Beno. We're talking about a fair and reasonable offer. Anyone can offer the MLE. If Sacto and the Lakers BOTH offer the MLE, where would you go? That is why we need to offer more. If another team THEN offers more than what the Kings offer, I say "have a nice day, it's been nice."


Hall of Famer
I wonder how his injury history fits into the picture? Supposedly, he was injured a lot when in San Antonio. Also, when has Petrie underpayed anybody? Webber? Bibby? Bonzi (holy cow! - we lucked out there)? I'd rather not be desperate. And if Petrie is going to err, I'd rather him err on underpaying for once; it might be habit forming and be good for the long-term health of the franchise.
sorry, i think underpaying is just as bad of a gamble as overpaying. think of the owners that are habitual penny pinchers; they NEVER win. Clippers only started winning when the owner started spending on players. Mind you, it has to be smart spending, but if you make underpaying a habit, agents, players, will not want to deal with you.

the long term health of a franchise relies on multiyear contracts, max contracts, just as much as getting that one guy who ends up being a bargain. but unless its the last contract he signs, or unless you dont want him anymore, sooner or later, market value will come up, and THEN what do you do?
Agreed. I have no problem at all paying the MLE or slightly more to a Beno. The dude is running the team well, scoring, and keeping his TOs pretty low. I think this year he has started to show what he can really do if given consistent time. Put more pieces in there that are not head cases and I think this team has found a backcourt for a few years in Beno and Kevin.

ill fix that for you. you meant to say....if we add a few more pieces who aren't headcases this team will be pretty good. and with the way beno has been playing the kings have found a backcourt with him and kevin for a few years
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Hall of Famer
It IS possible to pay MLE for 2 years with an understanding that when cap space becomes avaliable an extension can/will be offered. On the other hand it is also looking more and more likley that Ron will not be comming back next season, Im not sure how much money that frees up but it could seal the deal. Also small amounts of cash might be freed up through buy outs of Kenny and/or Reef.

In the end it seems that Reggie and likely GP ARE committed to the future of the team, playing the Kids more and more with decent results. When you have a young PG high performing PG in hand it just does not make sense to let him if there is anything you can do to keep him.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
ill fix that for you. you meant to say....if we add a few more pieces who aren't headcases this team will be pretty good. and with the way beno has been playing the kings have found a backcourt with him and kevin for a few years
Yeah, you are right. My brain was moving a lot faster than my fingers again. ;)
It IS possible to pay MLE for 2 years with an understanding that when cap space becomes avaliable an extension can/will be offered. On the other hand it is also looking more and more likley that Ron will not be comming back next season, Im not sure how much money that frees up but it could seal the deal. Also small amounts of cash might be freed up through buy outs of Kenny and/or Reef.

In the end it seems that Reggie and likely GP ARE committed to the future of the team, playing the Kids more and more with decent results. When you have a young PG high performing PG in hand it just does not make sense to let him if there is anything you can do to keep him.
It would take alot more salary dump than Ron and buyouts to have more than the MLE.

Beno has his ring from being the backup. He wants playing time. That's a big factor. Would the Lakers guarantee a starting spot with Farmar, Fisher etc already on the team or would they trade one?

The biggest factor in resigning Beno maybe the draft. Where the Kings end up and who they draft may impact being able to resign Beno. Would he still be in the plans if they Kings draft a PG? The draft is before free agency.


Hall of Famer
In general I agree, and it IS worth noting that this draft is a little top heavy in the PG department, but I still take the bird in the hand posiion when a 26 year old guy is playing this well and the team has so many other needs. It may not be possible o keep Beno but I would have to try everything to make it happe even if I DID draft a great PG (we still need a good back up anyway)