Why is Kevin Martin playing so poorly?

Does anyone have the answer for me? It seems like last month he could get any shot he wanted to.... and now he cant even score 20+ 2 games in a row...


Super Moderator Emeritus
I'm sure Reggie Theus would be really interested in the answer to this, too. It's pretty much inexplicable. But I object to the "like a bum" term. It's not that he's not trying. He is. His shots simply aren't falling. If I had to guess, I would almost think he's got some kind of vision problem that is distorting his perception or something because shots he never misses are off by just a bit, as are his free throws. But that's merely a guess, of course, and not any kind of diagnosis.

And no matter how puzzled we are, I can only imagine how troubling it is to Martin. He does not like to play poorly. It's not as he's going onto the court with the intention of missing almost all his shots.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Kevin likes to take a passive role and let other people get their shots.... it pisses me off!
Letting other people get their shots isn't necessarily a bad thing. In fact, on a team that actually trusts each other and plays TEAM basketball it can be a very good thing. Unfortunately, this current assemblage of players is not that team. And, quite frankly, won't be until/unless we get rid of #93. The team we saw earlier in the season of Udrih, Martin, Salmons/Garcia, Moore, Miller is a much better "team"... A team of Udrih, Martin, Salmons/Garcia, Hawes/Shelden, Miller/Hawes would be even better.
I don't see how it could be since he rested 17 games right in the middle.
You're right. I forgot about that. This makes his play vacillating between a near AllStar level and a benchwarmer level all the more confounding. Is he carrying any injury that we're unaware of or is Salmonitis contagious?
Letting other people get their shots isn't necessarily a bad thing. In fact, on a team that actually trusts each other and plays TEAM basketball it can be a very good thing. Unfortunately, this current assemblage of players is not that team. And, quite frankly, won't be until/unless we get rid of #93. The team we saw earlier in the season of Udrih, Martin, Salmons/Garcia, Moore, Miller is a much better "team"... A team of Udrih, Martin, Salmons/Garcia, Hawes/Shelden, Miller/Hawes would be even better.
What about getting rid of another player who seems to hold on to the ball for dear life whenever he touches it?
I don't think Martin likes to be passive, he just feels that he needs to, especially with Artest on the floor with him. During his current slump he has spent 95% of the time standing in the corner or running aimlessly around screens, moving for the sake of moving but not getting open. When he gets the ball up top he gets rid of it just as quickly.

This is not Martin's game, he is not best playing off of others like Peja or Bibby were. He is much better at making his own plays, controlling the ball, having the offense set up around his strengths. Right now the offense is set up exactly the opposite of Martin's style of play. Artest and Mikki and their defenders clog the lane preventing Martin from driving. The floor spacing is poor preventing him from shooting open threes. Also when he comes off of screens it's always on the opposite side of the key as to where the ball is. That is a bad thing on a team when the ball movement is slow and sometimes nonexistant.

As a result of all of this his confidence is shaken and as we know he isn't the mentally strongest player.


Hall of Famer
So its Artest's fault Kevin is sucking it up??? Because Artest has the ball to much?? Lets me get this straight we all agreed that Martin is not a franchise player that he is a good second option. Now Artest isn't a franchise player as well but, Lets say we do get that player does this mean Martin is going to shoot poorly because the better player gets to many shots?

Stop blaming Artest for everything. He is the best player on this team like it or not and any argument against that is mis-guided at best.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I don't think Martin likes to be passive, he just feels that he needs to, especially with Artest on the floor with him. During his current slump he has spent 95% of the time standing in the corner or running aimlessly around screens, moving for the sake of moving but not getting open. When he gets the ball up top he gets rid of it just as quickly.

This is not Martin's game, he is not best playing off of others like Peja or Bibby were. He is much better at making his own plays, controlling the ball, having the offense set up around his strengths. Right now the offense is set up exactly the opposite of Martin's style of play. Artest and Mikki and their defenders clog the lane preventing Martin from driving. The floor spacing is poor preventing him from shooting open threes. Also when he comes off of screens it's always on the opposite side of the key as to where the ball is. That is a bad thing on a team when the ball movement is slow and sometimes nonexistant.

As a result of all of this his confidence is shaken and as we know he isn't the mentally strongest player.
Good assessment.


Super Moderator Emeritus
It's not just the shooting, Entity. It's things like holding the ball for 20 seconds and then kicking it out, forcing your teammate into an impossible shot. But continue to blindly make excuses for everything Artest does. I'm sure he'll have another good game here shortly and that'll just add more fuel for your little bonfire.

The point is STILL that with him on the court at least three players suffer. And we're still not a winning team.


Hall of Famer
That is what post players do. I know we haven't seen great post play here in Sacramento in like forever but, We all want this ficticious PF that can post up and dominate the paint. Well Artest is filling that roll. So lets say we get that guy for Artest it is going to be the same thing. When you got the ball just outside the paint in the post and are doubled and a third is cheating and the rest are filling passing lanes and you have the power to bull through that, that is exactly what you do. You don't try to force a pass over 3 ppl to somebody standing in the opposite corner.

So basically you guys are only happy with a smallball freeflowing offense not capable of doinating the paint and playing power ball. you can't have your cake and eat it to.


Super Moderator Emeritus
That is what post players do. I know we haven't seen great post play here in Sacramento in like forever but, We all want this ficticious PF that can post up and dominate the paint. Well Artest is filling that roll. So lets say we get that guy for Artest it is going to be the same thing. When you got the ball just outside the paint in the post and are doubled and a third is cheating and the rest are filling passing lanes and you have the power to bull through that, that is exactly what you do. You don't try to force a pass over 3 ppl to somebody standing in the opposite corner.

So basically you guys are only happy with a smallball freeflowing offense not capable of doinating the paint and playing power ball. you can't have your cake and eat it to.
Okay, You're right. Artest is the future of the Kings and the NBA. And I believe...

Thank you so much for helping me see the light. I've been in the darkness so long I was blinded at first, but now I see.


Hall of Famer
Check the assist numbers of Martin and Artest and the attempts and fg%. same % same attempts but Artest is averaging 2 more assist than is Martin. Sooooo who is the ball hog??? Martin also averages 3 more FT's than Artest so Martin actually is going for a shot more than Artest is.


Hall of Famer
Okay, You're right. Artest is the future of the Kings and the NBA. And I believe...

Thank you so much for helping me see the light. I've been in the darkness so long I was blinded at first, but now I see.
Not saying Artest is the future. But Martin is more suited for a Golden State or Phoenix style play. Martin can't play in a slowed down offense and that involves post play and you can't win Championships without somebody dominating in the post.

All I am saying is Artest is not to blame for Martins shortcomings. Martin got his numbers with Artest here and nothing has changed except Martins game. He isn't driving he is looking for the foul CONSTANLY and isn't moving without the ball like he was earlier in the year. when was the last time he got an easy layup coming through the lane from Brad Miller??? he was doing it with Artest here all year this year and last year. Martin is not asserting himself as we have grown accustomed to and we are all looking for someone to blame besides him.
The team's chemistry was awesome when Ron and Mike were out, while Kevin was coming off the bench. The team was fun and exciting and I enjoyed the way we played Together. So even though Ron's a beast when he plays or whatever you want to call his game, I prefer what we had before. I had more fun watching us play rather than this type of game.

Aren't we talking about the same person?
Besides Artest, John has bugged me a lot in the way he hogs the ball.


Hall of Famer

I think he's frustrated. Defenses congregate around him, so he drives and kicks - nobody knocks down the shot. He moves without the ball and they don't get it to him. He listens to coach about how to play the right way, but it's not satisfying for him to play that way. His defense goes down the tubes because his offense goes down the tubes and that doesn't make coach happy. He's sitting far too much on the bench next to Salmons.:p I really think his attitude can be summed up with one word right now: WHATEVER. I wish he would say - SCREW IT - and play with some freaking passion. I don't care if he plays the right way - at least for a few games - just play like you mean it, like you want to cram it down your opponents throat. This laughing on the bench when your team is behind against Atlanta in the 4th quarter has got to go. It reminds me waaay to much of the jaded veteran BS that the NBA is known for.