8 and 7. Cink is done. Woods is sick. If he's ever gonna win grand slam (in one year) this is the year. He is locked in.
And the next year and the next year etc. What I dont' often hear is how this all makes perfect sense if you look at his personal history. Look at this guy's life. He was awesome in 2000. At the top. Setting records. But then he totally renovates his swing because he thinks he can be better, so of course, his game temporarily dips. Then his father dies. This is not just any father-son relationship. It's Earl and Tiger Woods. That was rough. Then he falls in love, get's married, and has a baby. Now he's got his new swing, settling into his new life, has grieved somewhat the loss of his father, and he's about to nuts on the world golf scene. Plus he's through his Saturn return now. The next 15 years is going to be all Tiger, let's hope he stays healthy and safe. And I think he will actually continue to improve for probably the next 9 or ten of those years, and then I think he'll maintain for 5 or 6, and then he may retire at about 47, and become something even bigger, maybe some kind of new world leader. How can you not at least think that that is not at least possible?
People say "oh yeah I think he'll beat Snead's record for total tour victories" Are you on drugs? This guy is going to ANNIHILATE it. I honestly would not be surprised if he finishes with more than 200 total victories. And the crazy part is that there is a part of me that thinks I'm being conservative. 250? Yeah, I do think that's possible. I think Tiger will be the most dominant athelete that has ever played any sport ever. People are already having this debate. AND HE IS ONLY JUST ENTERING THE PRIME AGE FOR GOLFERS! We are lucky to be living in the time of such greatness. Best of all in my opinion: I hear he's a great human being.