Where is blame on the fans in this whole steroid issue? I see the players getting raked over coals and to a lesser extent the commissioner, the owners and the player’s association. Meanwhile, the fans are made out to be the innocent victims.
This is backwards in my opinion. I feel that it is “we” fans that are the heart of this matter. We are the ones who make this situation, not only possible, but likely. We are guiltier than the rest and when I hear fans become all indignant about the issue I just shake my head.
Who is it that makes being a professional athlete so lucrative? Us. Who is it that makes being a professional athlete so prestigious? Us. Who is it that demands championships be won or else we stop going to games, watching the team on TV, or buying t-shirts etc? Us. Who is it that practically worships record breakers? Us.
We demand and worship all these things, but once a player uses a PED we become all indignant? Give me a break. Further, we ask these guys to play 162 games in addition to spring training and play-offs. After doing this for a few years, guess what, a body starts to break down. This schedule is not natural, or even close to be healthy. The schedule itself is probably far more harmful than using PED, so don't preach about the harmful side-effects of PED.
The consequences of over-the-top schedules are that careers are put at stake for this over-extension. Players are faced with the loss of a livelihood and a career they love. They will probably be replaced by someone who has decided to use a PED. If a player uses some “medicine” to help themselves through a grueling career – guess what? You receive the wrath of the fans - the biggest hypocrites of all.
The steroid era will never end as long as we place the extreme value upon winning and record breaking that currently exists. This is not only true for baseball, but for all sports. Athletes and their trainers will just become sneakier and more sophisticated.
Today, it is about baseball, but next week it could be any other sport. It may even be basketball in the near future. Has any tried to play 82 games a year in addition to training camp, pre-season and post season? Do it for a few years and get back to us on how your body responds. See what kind of break-downs happens. See how a career can be threatened. Also, be careful when you talk about how a young NBA player needs to get stronger or an “NBA body.” Ask yourself how a young player is supposed to accomplish this while playing a NBA season. Are they supposed to do this during a 4-5 month off-season? How can that be accomplished?
I do not think that taking steroids is right. But I sure as heck understand it and believe that “we” fans are the biggest part of the problem.
This is backwards in my opinion. I feel that it is “we” fans that are the heart of this matter. We are the ones who make this situation, not only possible, but likely. We are guiltier than the rest and when I hear fans become all indignant about the issue I just shake my head.
Who is it that makes being a professional athlete so lucrative? Us. Who is it that makes being a professional athlete so prestigious? Us. Who is it that demands championships be won or else we stop going to games, watching the team on TV, or buying t-shirts etc? Us. Who is it that practically worships record breakers? Us.
We demand and worship all these things, but once a player uses a PED we become all indignant? Give me a break. Further, we ask these guys to play 162 games in addition to spring training and play-offs. After doing this for a few years, guess what, a body starts to break down. This schedule is not natural, or even close to be healthy. The schedule itself is probably far more harmful than using PED, so don't preach about the harmful side-effects of PED.
The consequences of over-the-top schedules are that careers are put at stake for this over-extension. Players are faced with the loss of a livelihood and a career they love. They will probably be replaced by someone who has decided to use a PED. If a player uses some “medicine” to help themselves through a grueling career – guess what? You receive the wrath of the fans - the biggest hypocrites of all.
The steroid era will never end as long as we place the extreme value upon winning and record breaking that currently exists. This is not only true for baseball, but for all sports. Athletes and their trainers will just become sneakier and more sophisticated.
Today, it is about baseball, but next week it could be any other sport. It may even be basketball in the near future. Has any tried to play 82 games a year in addition to training camp, pre-season and post season? Do it for a few years and get back to us on how your body responds. See what kind of break-downs happens. See how a career can be threatened. Also, be careful when you talk about how a young NBA player needs to get stronger or an “NBA body.” Ask yourself how a young player is supposed to accomplish this while playing a NBA season. Are they supposed to do this during a 4-5 month off-season? How can that be accomplished?
I do not think that taking steroids is right. But I sure as heck understand it and believe that “we” fans are the biggest part of the problem.