Video: Kings vs Houston 1985/86 Playoffs

On the matchups screen Eddie Johnson was matched up against Olajuwan. :eek:

I remember going to Arco I a few times as a kid. I think it used to be a hospital before they turned it into that arena? Only held something like 10k people.
Hahaha...I didn't even remember that the Kings were in the playoffs in 85/86. I was a kid growing up in Daly City. I actually grew up a Lakers fan, so right about then I was a Lakers fan still.

My family moved here in 87, and I ddin't really start paying attention to the Kings until 93-94. That was a little while after the old guard of the Lakers had gone away and the new thug team started to be built, and I didn't really respect or like them, so I turned my attention to the Kings.

Looking back, I would have been filled with a lot more Joy staying a Lakers fan in all those Kings and Lakers battles haha.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Fantastic! Talk about memories. The noise meter was lit up and I think it stayed that way. This 1st playoff game in Sacramento Kings History. Remember the painted wooden stairs and the wooden floors?

1985.....what a great year in Sacramento history. I never sat in the lower level of ARCO until there was an ARCO II.


Homer Fan Since 1985
That looks about right, WVF. I know it was on North Market Blvd. We used to get there by taking Northgate off of I-80. There was no Truxel Rd originally.
I think it used to be a hospital before they turned it into that arena? Only held something like 10k people.
Arco I was an arena first, it held 10,333. When Arco II was built in '88, Arco I then was bought by Foundation Health, gutted, re-designed, and served as a medical facility until Sprint bought it.