Kevin Martin Sighting

That's unreal, did you get a picture or autograph? Or just say hi? I wouldn't be able to let an opportunity like that go by without talking to my favourite player and gettin' a quick pic on my phone!
It was the Jack's in Natomas. I work near there, so I frequent Jack's, because Jack's does rock. I saw Shareef there not to long ago, and a couple of the Monarch's Players. Being near the Arena it's common to see them there.

I choose to treat them like any other person and let them have their privacy. He's just there grabbing a salad and running out, so I didn't bother him.
Ya, the Kings players go to Jack's often after practice. I've seen Brad there a couple times over the summer with the strength and conditioning coach. I've also seen Ron over there numerous times.
Here in LA i've done pretty well for a big city. Bynum lives down the street from my university with his mom, roommate got his autograph. I just gave him a dirty look with my Kings hat on. Ronnie Turiaf (sp?) was at a Chipotle obviously not working on a diet. Tim Thomas stopped in front of my apartment building today to say hi to some of his friends. And I saw Garnett shooting around in Santa Monica where I play pick up games (that guy's a beast).
Here in LA i've done pretty well for a big city. Bynum lives down the street from my university with his mom, roommate got his autograph. I just gave him a dirty look with my Kings hat on. Ronnie Turiaf (sp?) was at a Chipotle obviously not working on a diet. Tim Thomas stopped in front of my apartment building today to say hi to some of his friends. And I saw Garnett shooting around in Santa Monica where I play pick up games (that guy's a beast).
i always see Kenny Thomas at the chipotle in Natomas. :D


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I saw a whole slew of 49ers walk into an Outback Steakhouse in Stockton when a friend and I were grabbing some dinner. This was a few years ago when they used to hold camp at UOP, I think. Now those were some BIG dudes.
I saw a whole slew of 49ers walk into an Outback Steakhouse in Stockton when a friend and I were grabbing some dinner. This was a few years ago when they used to hold camp at UOP, I think. Now those were some BIG dudes.
It is always fun to see these guys in person because it gives you a totally different perspective of what freaks of nature they are.

So not to derail this thread to much but:

Years ago I was working out at a gym. I had just got done with a set of weights and turned around to see this tall African-American dude with his back to me. He had very blond hair a lot of ink. I thought to myself "ah man, somebody is trying to be just like Dennis Rodman." I had no more than completed this thought when the guy turned around - it, of course, was Dennis Rodman.

He worked-out there for about an hour and not a single person bothered him.
I used to run into the players all the time when I was still in Sac.

Bibby, his posse, Vlade, Webber, and Tyra at Frys (on different occasions).

Nick Anderson at Bel Air supermark (sharp dresser, btw).

Olden Polynice at Big 5 (dude is much, much bigger in person).

Brent Price at Mackie Ds (he's not as big as I thought).

Lionel Simmons in Sharis.

Duane Caswell and Brian Grant at Arden Mall (nice guys).

LaBradford Smith at Home Express (remember that store?).

Charles Barkely at a Manhattan intersection. Me and a large group of pedestrians were crossing the street at rush hour Time Square, then came Barkley in a dark benz speeding like a maniac, made a right turn, and slammed on the brakes when he noticed the street crossers. Everyone froze, people cleared out for him even though pedestrians had the right of way; not because he's Charles Barkely, but because you don't mess with a reckless driver operating a two-tons vehicle. Barkely rolled his eyes, shooked his head, uttered what seemed like an expletive and sped off.
I saw Jerome James back when he had his surgery. He was w/ two hot ladies, one on each side, and he was there to see Blair Witch Project. He sat right in front of me so I had to move. Dude is pretty big :)

And then the other guy was Corey Feldman lol.. He is best friends with a good friend/former roomate of mine who lives in Lakeside. Corey is a drunk now.. At least he doesn't use illegal drugs anymore eh? :)
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