Big Brother 8


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We've all seen the "pawns" go home before. IF they're smart, they'll get rid of Dustin while they can. If not, I can easily see him making it to the final two.
Very interesting now that Dustin is up with Dick. There are a bunch of different senarios. If America has Eric vote out Dustin, which I am betting they will, then if everyone votes by alliance, Dustin is gone. If not, Jessica may have to break a tie, which could come down to whether she believes that Dustin is in a seperate alliance with Eric.

It will be fun to see what happens.


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I'm to the point where I think the "America's player" concept has dissolved into nothing more than a "vote for the worst" type situation as in American Idol. I've always enjoyed watching the various HG plan and carry out their strategies. Having someone throw a monkey wrench into the works at every turn just gets to be a bit tiresome. Let the drama play out -

I think this will go down as one of my least favorite seasons. Between the airplane message and the manipulation of Eric, it just isn't the same.
I think the monkey wrenches makes for more interesting shows. It gets very boring when you know what is going to happen.

Eric has already earned second place prize money by completing so many tasks. I was starting to feel bad for him since he couldn't play his game but now that he's making money, I'm over it.


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Then we'll have to agree to disagree. To me, one of the best parts of BB has always been the start-to-finish planning, plotting, etc. the most successful players have done. Having Eric perform a bunch of stupid tasks, like snubbing Jessica, takes away IMHO a lot of the potential for true gamesmanship. It's not about who wins the money - it's about who is able to, in the words of the Survivor slogan, outplay, outwit and outlast the competition.
I'm to the point where I think the "America's player" concept has dissolved into nothing more than a "vote for the worst" type situation as in American Idol. I've always enjoyed watching the various HG plan and carry out their strategies. Having someone throw a monkey wrench into the works at every turn just gets to be a bit tiresome. Let the drama play out -

I think this will go down as one of my least favorite seasons. Between the airplane message and the manipulation of Eric, it just isn't the same.

I agree. I kind of want him to go home next. I really liked him at first, but not so uch anymore. I have NO IDEA who I want to win.


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I'm kind of rooting for Zach, but I think he and Amber might end up on the block this week. If ED holds DD to the deal with Eric and Jessica, that would leave Jameka and Jen to go up if one of them is saved. It's getting more interesting...but I'm still tired of the whole American's player thing.

Gotta give some kind of props to Ed, though. He managed to turn it so people would rather have him in the house than Dustin.


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The alliance of ED/DD and Eric/Jessica is PERFECT!! If they keep it up, they're easily going to make it to the final four.

I agree that Amber has to go.
The alliance of ED/DD and Eric/Jessica is PERFECT!! If they keep it up, they're easily going to make it to the final four.

I agree that Amber has to go.

I wonder if they can hold it together. I missed all but the end of the show. Did they agree to work together? BTW, I am ready for Amber to go as well.


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I think both Eric and ED are smart enough to realize their chances are much, much better if they cooperate instead of going after each other at this point in time.

Daniele has a pretty good grasp of group dynamics and, at the very end of the episode, she let the cat out of the bag that although Amber and Jameka are on the block, her real target is Jen because she still doesn't trust her and hasn't forgotten about Jen's stuff from week 1...

The alliance could be almost indestructible if they keep it together - and I don't see any of the remaining HGs being persuasive enough to break them apart until the final four.
What happens if America tells Eric to vote out Dick or Daniele or Jessica this week or in the near future? That would screw it up.
At some point, Eric has to shift from doing everything America votes for to realizing that he has a real shot to compete for the whole thing. He has already made a lot of it becomes a matter of winning it all. I suspect he has already begun to think this way and we may see him turn down some tasks in the near future.


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I'm not sure of his total, but I remember reading he gets $10,000 for each THREE tasks he completes. I agree the time where shifting to win it all could easily be at hand in the very near future.

I have to admit to really admiring the way Eric has played. I thought he was toast the day the airplane flew over...
I don't think he has a choice in the vote. He's America's player. He gets a card with our vote on it. He had to agree to be AP to make it on the show I think.


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While he's America's player he can refuse to attempt a task or simply fail to do it, as with the shunning of Jessica. He's still playing for the ultimate prize.


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I don't think he has to attempt every task America votes on, which is what I was talking about above when I mentioned shunning Jessica - which he clearly didn't do.

As far as voting for who should be evicted, all I know is what we've seen so far. I don't know if he could tell Julie he was voting for someone other than who America has told him to vote for.


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It might well be they've left that intentionally murky so that if the "votefortheworst" syndrome appears, they have a way out for Eric ... and the show.


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I just contacted a friend of mine who follows BB religiously and she said..
Please see my comment above. I do not recall them specifically stating such a rule. And I'm not about to go to my favorite Big Brother website until after tonight's show. If I went there, the temptation to read the "live feed" updates would be way too great.
My friend adds this..

there is nothing to refuse. he enters the diary room. julie makes some conversation and then says something like "eric, we know who your vote is for..." and he opens the card.

tonight.. when the show is over the vote will be "america, who do you want eric to get evicted from the house, **** or ****?"

whoever america votes for.. thats the name on the card. eric doesnt vote.. he simply is in the house to cover for america's vote.


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I'm well aware of the procedures, nebs. The point I'm making is there could be an "out" that hasn't been mentioned. I'm almost positive I saw something on my favorite Big Brother update site when the America's Player concept was first being announced that mentioned options. As I said, however, I'm not going to go looking for it now.

If he is, in fact, totally bound by America's vote I just hope it doesn't end up in a situation where a bunch of jerks ruin it.
Well I guess I'm referring to your
The alliance could be almost indestructible if they keep it together - and I don't see any of the remaining HGs being persuasive enough to break them apart until the final four.
Because the jerks could prevent whatever they want.


Super Moderator Emeritus
We're talking about two different things. I was simply saying the alliance could be almost destructible from inside the house. I honestly wasn't even thinking about Eric's "America's Player" status.

And bottom line is America only votes for which nominee they want evicted. They don't control who's nominated or put up in replacement. So it's still feasible for the alliance to knock out Jen, Zack, Amber and Jameka before they have to start gunning at each other.

Regardless, though, I'm liking the show more now that some of the deadwood is gone. Take Amber out and I'll be one very happy viewer.



Super Moderator Emeritus
I just went to the website and copied the following:


For the first time, YOU, America, will be in the Big Brother house! This season, ERIC, the 27-year-old talent management assistant from New York, will be representing all of you.


At the conclusion of every episode, you will have a chance to vote on an important assignment that Eric must complete - five tasks from the strategic, like whom to target for eviction, to the personal, even including whom to make out with in the house!

Eric can never tell anyone in the house that he is working on behalf of the viewers, so he'll have to be a devious player. But he needs to be careful ... for just like his housemates, he can be voted out at any time.

If Eric successfully accomplishes these assignments, he will be financially rewarded. For every five tasks he completes, he will be awarded $10,000. Will America and Eric be able to go all the way to the finish line?
So, it looks like he has options on some stuff but not the voting...
