Big Brother 8


Super Moderator Emeritus
Really looking forward to it. Not sure I'm going to like the second twist, however. Just a request now, right at the beginning:

NO SPOILERS!!! That means you BB fans back east have to wait until the show has aired on the West Coast before you can talk about it.

Thanks all.

Really looking forward to it. Not sure I'm going to like the second twist, however. Just a request now, right at the beginning:

NO SPOILERS!!! That means you BB fans back east have to wait until the show has aired on the West Coast before you can talk about it.

Thanks all.

And...remember that a lot of us on the West Coast don't get it until save YOUR spoilers, Sacramento residents!


Super Moderator Emeritus
Don't worry, D-Mass. I'll watch out for you. I was guilty of that at least once last year, so I promise not to make the same mistake again.



Super Moderator Emeritus
Okay, I think I can post my initial reactions to the houseguests without giving anything away to those who are watching it right now:

Dustin - I like him. He's not anything like Joe painted him to be and could actually go pretty far in the house if he doesn't take his game down to Joe's level.
Dick - Evil dropped more names than the phone book. He reminds me A LOT of Tommy Lee and he just doesn't seem to fit in very well.
Daniele - I don't like the dynamic with her and her dad at all. I don't see her as a major player here.
Amber - Oh, good grief. I hate, detest and abhor weepy people, especially at the beginning. It's only gonna get worse..
Carol - Not the sharpest knife in the drawer. The whole thing with Jessica is just yucky. Who bleeping cares, you know?
Nick - He's got the ability, I think, to be in the house a long time as long as he doesn't become too obvious a threat too soon.
Kail - I think her alliance will tire of her very quickly. She reminds me of one of the Brady Bunch - and I hated that show.
Mike - I don't think he'll be around that long. He's already trying to tell Kail what to do and how to do it and I think he's trying too hard to be a major manipulator.
Zack- Kind of still on the fence about him.
Eric - Good selection for America's player. Love his sense of humor.
Jessica - Barbie lives! Well, at least their IQs are about the same.
Jen - Crying over her bleeping picture? Could she be any more shallow?
Joe - I think I'm going to be ill. I'd love to see Marcellus come back, just to slap the crap out of Joe.
Jameka - Just not much personality shown so far. Could easily get lost in the shuffle.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I won't say anything about tonight's show, but my reaction carryover from last week is that Jen should be taken out and left in the forest with a pork chop fastened around her neck.

After last week's nominations, I realized I don't quite dislike Evil Dick as much as I thought I did.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I cannot believe how ridiculous Jen is. I almost wish BB would bring back Chilltown just to teach her a thing or two about manipulation and house dynamics. She has just taken over the top spot in my Houseguests I've Hated the Most list and it's not even close...

With either Evil Dick or Joe going home this week, Jen had best hope she wins the golden power of veto next week because I cannot imagine anyone not putting her on the block.
I cannot believe how ridiculous Jen is. I almost wish BB would bring back Chilltown just to teach her a thing or two about manipulation and house dynamics. She has just taken over the top spot in my Houseguests I've Hated the Most list and it's not even close...

With either Evil Dick or Joe going home this week, Jen had best hope she wins the golden power of veto next week because I cannot imagine anyone not putting her on the block.

She is AWFUL!!!! I really do not think that she realizes that NOBODY likes her! I want Joe to go this week. But really I want her gone the most! I hope that whomever wins HOH sends her home next week.
I totally agree. I would love to see Joe get the boot this week, and then Jen the next. She is driving me nuts, and I'm not even in the house.
I agree, I don't like Jen at all but if she's going to be wearing these type of outfits I'd like her to stay longer...

Okay, I got my pervy moment out of the way.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
Was that before or after she sobbed in hysterics because the picture on the Houseguest wall wasn't as "good" as she thought it should/could be?

I seriously believe Joe is gone this week and then Jen will be one of the two people nominated, regardless of who the new HoH is. And unless she actually wins the power of veto herself, I think the remaining "Jen"-uine time for her in the house is about over.

I dislike her more than any other houseguest I think they've ever had and it's primarily because she's so totally self-absorbed she simply cannot think of anything else.
That photo was today when she had 1-hour to take house guest photos and video.

I got the live feeds trial, 14-days for free, and I canceled them, which runs out tomorrow. I don't have enough time to pay $ to follow this stuff. I watched maybe two hours of feeds in 2 weeks.

I'm hoping Dick stays but I'm not real sure where the house is at on that. I'm also hoping Eric lasts a while because he really reminds me of my friend, almost to the look, height, personality, works for MTV, from NY etc.


Super Moderator Emeritus
My guess is that Joe is history. People, I think, like Evil Dick more now than ever before because he's the only one who really tells Jen off every single chance he gets. I think it would be wonderful if he (ED) could win the next HoH.

I like Eric, too. He's got a wonderful sense of humor and as long as he keeps people laughing and maintains a somewhat low profile, he'll probably be safe for quite a while.
I like Eric too, and ED (as you so poetically put it!). I won't spoil tonight's episode, but I have to admit that sadly, this is the first time I have ever actively followed BB. Don't know why I never took the time to watch it before....I think it was the overpopulation of "reality TV" shows that came on about the time BB started. Just kinda turned me off, but I like it now!


Super Moderator Emeritus
Yes! Balance has been restored to the universe. Talk about having a bad day... This had to be Jen's biggest nightmare. And I'm loving it!!!

It was great to see Joe leave, and get voted out by the 9-1 margain. The nominees this week are pretty obvious, I would think. Jen and Kail. Kail went from under the radar to being in big trouble by trying to get Evil Dick voted out. She should have just kept her mouth shut, and she would have been fine.
Jen the Black Hole

Haven't we seen every shirt she has in the house? I am Jen-uinely concerned she's able to be employed as an assistant to anything. Don't know if she's self-absorbed or just stupid.

Good. Evil Dick called out Kail and won HOH. Let some good non-lying person win for once. His daughter's advice was good, and he had enough good sense to use it.

I'll miss Joe. More to him than we got to see.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Karyn Dufrane said:
Don't know if she's self-absorbed or just stupid.
In Jen's case I don't think they're mutually exclusive.

I won't miss Joe, for the simple reason there are already enough wannabe manipulators in there.

My hope is that at some point they'll actually have Boogie and Will show up for a couple of days, just to stir things up.



Super Moderator Emeritus
I really enjoyed last night's show - especially when Kial tried to "explain" her actions to Evil.


I don't like the idea of having Eric vandalize one of the HG's things, however. That's the type of thing that could get him evicted from the house and I want to see him stay...
I really enjoyed last night's show - especially when Kial tried to "explain" her actions to Evil.


I don't like the idea of having Eric vandalize one of the HG's things, however. That's the type of thing that could get him evicted from the house and I want to see him stay...
I know. I hope that he decides to not do that one. Maybe if he does it to Jen's body suit or something of Jessica's. If he just hides it or something. I hope that the person chosen was one of those 2. I really hope that he just does not do it.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I really LIKE Eric! He found a way to vandalize something without really doing any real damage.

Interesting that the whole house turned on Mike. Should be very interesting to see who Dustin puts up for eviction. Almost a shame Joe is already gone.


I'm guessing Jen is going to be one of the nominees again - and every week she's not HoH until she's actually gone. The other nominee, however, could be interesting as I don't really know who Dustin might consider a threat to himself or the house.

I try and stay away from the live feed threads over at bigbrotherupdates, but it's sure tempting to go peek.

If I do give in to the temptation, however, I promise NOT to post any spoilers.

No doubt about it...Amber has some issues.

These people make for good TV, but they are a train wreck as players of BB. I like the America's Player has added an interesting element.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I can't believe the producers didn't take precautions to ensure something like the plane with the banner wouldn't happen. I hate the idea that some jerk with more money than brains decided to ruin the whole dynamic of the show simply because Nick was voted out.

Wasn't this a problem in season 2? or 3? I'm betting they'll do something to make sure that doesn't happen again.

As far as the remaining houseguests go, I think Dustin and Jen could go a long way if they made a secret alliance. First off, they have to get rid of Evil Dick. He's totally out of control and has ceased being of any interest to me at all. In fact, I think he's done more to hurt Danielle than help her.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Wow. Some interesting stuff going on...

I was THRILLED to see Jameka finally flat go off on Evel Dick. That guy is worse than useless. I seriously hope the HG vote Danielle out and leave him without anyone/anything to cling to.

I like the nomination of DD/DD (Dad Dick/Daughter Danielle) by Jessica. If one of them gets taken off, she can either backdoor Jen or put someone up who won't garner any votes.

And pretty incredible that they've forgiven Eric for his transgressions.
I almost feel bad for Eric. I REALLY hope that he decides against trying to get Dustin put up if DD/DD (thanks VF) get the veto power. Danielle has gotten on my nerves since Nick left, But Dick infuriates me. I'll be glad to see either go.