Dan Patrick leaving ESPN!!


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
Just saw on ESPN that Dan Patrick is leaving ESPN after 18 years. Fifteen or 16 or 17 years ago Keith Olberman got me into ESPN and a more daily diet of sports with his irreverant, humorous and informative style of sports broadcasting on ESPN. Dan Patrick became the Frack to his Frick, the Yang to his Ying, and provided a perfect pair from which to get deeper into sports.

The Kings in 89-90-91 were mired in mediocraty so I needed another fix in sports. KO kick started it but it was DP over the years whose delivery style, sly humor and fearlessness on any subject that kept me going all these years.

In the past 6-7 years I found myself scheduling my business driving in the day time around the Dan Patrick Show on ESPN (I listen on Sirius Satellite Radio) from 10am to 1pm on the west coast. So many times over the years I'd pass on tidbits using his unique sports delivery style to my wife. Sometimes even pushing her to listen during her lunch hour from the satellite radio in her car.

His last show will be August 17, a Friday. I'll miss him. There has been no one quite like him in the past 15-20 years. A bit of Vin Scully story telling with a bit of KO sniping but in an oh so smooth and painless style.

I only hope he and KO get back together for awhile. That will be a sports talk show to top them all based on their learning experiences.

Have not peeked at ESPN web site yet. I want to enjoy this all by myself for a minute before you all realize what a radio and TV talent we are losing.

Dan, thanks for the memories, the chuckles, the insight and the sports tidbits I'll remember always. I'll miss you on ESPN radio and on TV too. Unless........., oh well, we can always hope. :)
I've always found Dan Patrick to be annoying and overly full of himself.

This "resignation" is probably due to the fact that he has been rumored to be the new host of the Price is Right....
...This "resignation" is probably due to the fact that he [Dan Patrick] has been rumored to be the new host of "The Price Is Right".
Somehow, I just cannot picture him replacing Bob Barker!

But at least I'd rather see him in that role instead of Rosie O'Donnell! :eek:
I've always found Dan Patrick to be annoying and overly full of himself.

This "resignation" is probably due to the fact that he has been rumored to be the new host of the Price is Right....
He has admitted numerous times that he declined the Price is Right job. I doubt he is gonna go all Nick Saban on us.

Anyhow, I stream DP's show everyday at work. He's great. His segments with Reggie and Keith Olbermann are always great and I will miss listening to him on the radio.
Always enjoyed that ESPN commercial he was in where he was out on a driveway shootin hoops. It looked like he had some game. Nice lookin shot.