I'm Just Saying
While visiting Israel recently, I met the First Secretary of the Chinese Embassy in Tel Aviv. When I told him that I live in Sacramento, he responded, "Oh! Sacramento Kings!"
The only thing this worldly diplomat knew about Sacramento was that it was the home of the Kings. He knew nothing else about Sacramento, including that it is the capital of California.
Whether or not one is a fan, Sacramentans need to know that the Kings help put us on the map.
While visiting Israel recently, I met the First Secretary of the Chinese Embassy in Tel Aviv. When I told him that I live in Sacramento, he responded, "Oh! Sacramento Kings!"
The only thing this worldly diplomat knew about Sacramento was that it was the home of the Kings. He knew nothing else about Sacramento, including that it is the capital of California.
Whether or not one is a fan, Sacramentans need to know that the Kings help put us on the map.
About the writer:
- Steve Belzer is an eminent domain lawyer and 36-year resident of Sacramento. Send your 100-word essay to scene@sacbee.com. All submissions become property of The Bee.