Kings @ Knicks Game Thread

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Hall of Famer
Someone pull the plug please !
January 15th is a great day for Kings to play basketball in the recent history. Well, at least until tomorrow when this group of players will ruin it. Since 1998 Kings are 5-0 on this day and the most memorable win came on January 15th 2003 when the Kings trashed the Mavs who had a best record in the NBA at that point in time. Kings won at ARCO 123-94 to improve to 29-10 for the season. Kings won all 4 quarters (even the 3rd), shot 55% had 34 assists, Webber had tripple double and the Mavs didn't know what hit them. Webber lead Kings with 29/15/11/2 bl, Pedja had 23/4/2/2st, DC had 18/2/6/2se, Mike had 16/4/6/4st, Vlade had 11/8/4. Clark came of the bench with 13/5/3bl.

For the second time in a week, the Sacramento Kings wasted no time turning a contenderinto a pretender.Chris Webber had a triple-double and combined with Peja Stojakovic for 20 points in an awesome first quarter as the Kings sent a meaningful message with a 123-94 victory over the league-leading Dallas Mavericks, who had a six-game winning streak abruptly stopped.

We just passed a test," Webber said. We know we're good and we were confident we could win here. It's been four to five years in the making. We let everybody else talk and build the game up. We just come out and calmly play the game."

We played at a very high level, Kings coach Rick Adelman added. We've shown in a couple games now where we're playing two of the better teams that we have the ability to reach a level of play. Now the key for us is how often we get to that level. How consistent can we be?

This game doesn't say anything about where we are,Dallas coach Don Nelson said. We're having a great year. I think it says more about who they are. We never said we were better than Sacramento.

After a disastereous back to back set Kings dropped tp 14-20 securing the 9th worst record in the race for the good lottery pick. Kings increased the losing streak to 5 and home losing streak to 4 games respectivelly. Considering the amount of road games coming up Kings are more tham capable of improving their position in the lottery race and if Mo taylor continues to start - we might even catch Sixers and Grizzlies. All other numbers are too depressive to be mentioned including 10-11 at home.
Time to say goodbye to any asspirations that where even left as the season progressed. Kings are at the point where there is no reason or purpose of winning games (except the Lakers). What for ? We aren't going to make playoffs and we sure don't need to be "good enough" for the 10th pick. it is time for a "yard sale" where everything older than Kevin Martin must go for expiring contracts and draft picks. Any first round pick is "better" than what we have on the roster. There is just one small problem - which is finding takers for what we have to give. The expiring date on our merchendise passed a while ago
Taking a couple days away from NBA and the Kings proved to be very relaxing especially considering that I "missed" the game in Portland. Unfortunately I came back too early from the trip and I was stupid enough to turn on the TV set and catch the 2nd half of the Rockets game. Only positive thing is the fact that we are rapidly improving our chances of a very good draft pick.
Going back about 18 months here. Kings decided to build around the "core" of Pedja, Brad and Mike. That was funny or at least I am laughing to hide my tears. Those three might have the talent but everything else left with Vlade, Chris,Doug and Bobby. Swapping Pedja for Ron was a fool's gold. That decision ended up being complete desaster and it is going in the direction of a never ending nightmare of going from one mistake to the other and so on. It is time to cut our severe losses and start over.
Anyways - I am not doing this another year. I am not getting a league pass to watch Kings losing without purpose. Would be waste of time and nerves. Put a young team with a perspective together and I will support it despite losing and struggling. I can live with that. I can't live with watching Kings lose and embarras themselves by having to start Mo Taylor as a center. Watching old overpaid guys telling me how season is long and how they have to play defense and play as a team and how they had a great practice and whole lot of the other crap. Enough of that already.
Speaking of that historical moment last night at ARCO when Kings started legendary Mo Taylor as a center. We should have seen it coming. I am just wondering whether Muss is supplying Mo or is it other way around because they are both on something. Obviouslt, it didn't work since there is no position in any sports that Mo could start at except weed smoking. I am strting to miss the time where he was suspended for 5 games. The best part is - I had no clue that that was the case.
Commitment to winning - wasn't that something that Kings organization was emphesizing in the recent past. Turned in the commitment to losing very quickly without them noticing. It doesn't take much. You replace a good coach with a clueless amateur, do trades to aquire flexible pieces, aquire players with questionable character and with no understanding of a team concept and you go from contender to not even close to pretender in just couple years. It is so hard to build and so easy to destruct. Moreover it is even much harder to rise up again and get back to the "glory" And it takes time.
As a fan - I can't really root for my team to lose and for a long time I have refused to think this way but since the Laker loss it became clear that the best things that can happen to the Kings now is losing as many games as possible. I will still refuse to hope for more losses but I will see them as something positives that can eventually lead this franchise out of lethargy and mediocricy. It is time to focus on the big picture.
As the first things are starting to leak out of Kings lockeroom - we can only imagine how bad things are in there because whatever the "sources" give up is usually only the tip of the iceberg. The players don't like the coach and they probably don't like each other too much either. When teams are losing personal agendas and egos take over the team spirit and the team is pretty much dead. It requires a very strong leadership to overcome something like this and we sure as hell don't have it.
Hard to find a positives in the "Kingdom" these days especially since Kevin Martin "slowed down" Corliss Williamson has been more than that. Easily our best player off the bench this season. Playing for the new contract he is clearly showing that he isn't done just yet. By far our best center this season even if the competition for that spot is more than pathetic. He is also the only one who provides some kind of leadership which isn't enough but Corliss isn't to blame for that. I would extend his contract for the reasonable price. Keep it up !
Rockets won because it mattered to them. All they needed to do was wait for the 3rd quarter and then turn the things around. We kept it close and put us in position to almost win it again an we sure did by losing the 3rd straight OT in the last 5 games. Our pathetic frontline allowed the 327 years old Mutombo to gather 18 rebounds we shot 50% but they shot better from downtown and Kings missed 9 FTs losing it on the FT line yet again.

Luther Head gets the TDM award. He has won it last season too.
LW-VC award went to Douby who used his 10 minuter to do absolutely nothing
JHA award went yet again to our starting center Mo Taylor. Selfexplanatory by defoult.
We start our road trip with Knicks. Due to the Holiday the game is at 1pm ET or 10 am pacific. Some of You might be lucky enough to oversleep it. Kings still suck but we do to. We will probably need another monster game by Ron to have a chance. I can only imagine what will Eddie Curry do to our centers. David Lee will have lots of space to be effective too. At this point Kings can only win if they lose this game anyways
Mike - at least the practice was good.
Ron - can You please ask for a trade more drectly
Kevin - just hold on for a little bit longer
Brad - whatever it is - I hope it works out for the best
Corliss - incredible
the rest - keep sucking
Muss - shouldn't even be coaching preschool
Knicks have no reason to win and neither do we. That will make the game painfully interesting. Curry will dominate. Freye sucked last time which makes him the leading candidate for TDM award. Lee will be in the mix too. LW-VC award is reserved for a Kings "big man" JHA probably also. No big deal really because we need to lose this.
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Disgruntled Kings Fan
Someone pull the plug please !
January 15th is a great day for Kings to play basketball in the recent history. Well, at least until tomorrow when this group of players will ruin it. Since 1998 Kings are 5-0 on this day and the most memorable win came on January 15th 2003 when the Kings trashed the Mavs who had a best record in the NBA at that point in time. Kings won at ARCO 123-94 to improve to 29-10 for the season. Kings won all 4 quarters (even the 3rd), shot 55% had 34 assists, Webber had tripple double and the Mavs didn't know what hit them. Webber lead Kings with 29/15/11/2 bl, Pedja had 23/4/2/2st, DC had 18/2/6/2se, Mike had 16/4/6/4st, Vlade had 11/8/4. Clark came of the bench with 135/3bl.

For the second time in a week, the Sacramento Kings wasted no time turning a contenderinto a pretender.Chris Webber had a triple-double and combined with Peja Stojakovic for 20 points in an awesome first quarter as the Kings sent a meaningful message with a 123-94 victory over the league-leading Dallas Mavericks, who had a six-game winning streak abruptly stopped.

We just passed a test," Webber said. We know we're good and we were confident we could win here. It's been four to five years in the making. We let everybody else talk and build the game up. We just come out and calmly play the game."

We played at a very high level," Kings coach Rick Adelman added. We've shown in a couple games now where we're playing two of the better teams that we have the ability to reach a level of play. Now the key for us is how often we get to that level. How consistent can we be?

This game doesn't say anything about where we are,Dallas coach Don Nelson said. We're having a great year. I think it says more about who they are. We never said we were better than Sacramento.

to be continued ...

This game doesn't say anything about where we are,Dallas coach Don Nelson said. We're having a great year. I think it says more about who they are. We never said we were better than Sacramento.

to be continued ...
Wow, that's awesome. I really miss quotes like that. I'm really torn here on what I want to happen. A win is always nice, but what does it really do for us at this point? And there are just so many talented big men in the draft this year (especially 1-3)...
Someone pull the plug please !

This game doesn't say anything about where we are,Dallas coach Don Nelson said. We're having a great year. I think it says more about who they are. We never said we were better than Sacramento.

to be continued ...

Wow. Like everyone else, this just blew me away! Somewhere in the last couple/three years, I forgot what it was like to be that good...


Hall of Famer
1: Ron Artest will have another great game...Its in New York, so he's bound to have his head into it.

2: SAR and Kenny Thomas will continue to make me want to puke as they are continually schooled by the likes of every single person in the New York frontcourt.

3: Does Mr. Thomas give some PT to Jerome James, he of 14 games played in and 5 minutes per, so he can have a 25pt/20reb night and make himself feel smart for making the signing in the first place?

4: With Brad maybe out will Justin get some PT when Curry and Frye and Lee and everyone else is making our SAR/K9/Corliss frontline look stupid?...Pff, who am I kidding...No he won't!

5: Will Mo Taylor take his revenge on NY for cutting him?..Pff...Again, no he won't! Silly me for even thinking it.

It's New York though...So this is our one win of the trip.
Well, I'll be going in a few minutes to catch a couple trains(takes about an hour just to get to NYC).

Since this is my daughter's 1st Kings game it will be worth it no matter what this .... team does.
1: Ron Artest will have another great game...Its in New York, so he's bound to have his head into it.

2: SAR and Kenny Thomas will continue to make me want to puke as they are continually schooled by the likes of every single person in the New York frontcourt.

3: Does Mr. Thomas give some PT to Jerome James, he of 14 games played in and 5 minutes per, so he can have a 25pt/20reb night and make himself feel smart for making the signing in the first place?

4: With Brad maybe out will Justin get some PT when Curry and Frye and Lee and everyone else is making our SAR/K9/Corliss frontline look stupid?...Pff, who am I kidding...No he won't!

5: Will Mo Taylor take his revenge on NY for cutting him?..Pff...Again, no he won't! Silly me for even thinking it.

It's New York though...So this is our one win of the trip.

BRad Might Be Their He Caught A Different Plane
wow i remember where i was when that mavs game was on, things change a lot in 4 years, myself included... and it scares me that that was 4 years ago.

and with that mind = blown moment, i hope i can see my kings that good again... that really was something special.
Pittsburgh Kings Fan's Keys to the Game

1.) Ron Artest back in New York. The last time the Kings played the Knicks, they beat them 112-100. Ron Artest went for a career high 39 points. He added 8 rebounds and 5 steals. New York is Ron's home town. Maybe the home town atmosphere will get him going. I could put Maurice Taylor in this category too, but I'm not going to because I do not thing he will be part of the game today.

2.) Inside Offensive Prescense? The Kings need someone inside to score. Kenny Thomas, Shareef Abdur-Rahim, and Maurice Taylor need to step it up Offensivley in order for the Kings to win the game.

3.) Defense and Rebounding Inside. The Kings are one of the worst defensive and rebounding teams. Kenny Thomas, Shareef Abdur-Rahim, and Maurice Taylor need to step it up Defensivley as well in order for the Kings to win. Maybe even Justin Williams will get some playing time with Brad Miller out of the game.

4.) Scoring Averages. The Kings are averaging 101.5 points per game, which is good enough for 7th in the league. The bad, they are 21st in the league in defense, giving up 101.8 points per game. The Knicks give up 102.5 points per game, 25th in the league, and score 99.9 points per game, 9th in the league. The Kings should win this game based on averages.

5.) Get off to a good start. The Kings are on a 5 game losing streak. Their last win was against the Knicks. In that game, They started off hot scoring 33 points to 26 in the first quarter. From there, they didn't look back.
Pittsburgh Kings Fan's Keys to the Game

1.) Ron Artest back in New York. The last time the Kings played the Knicks, they beat them 112-100. Ron Artest went for a career high 39 points. He added 8 rebounds and 5 steals. New York is Ron's home town. Maybe the home town atmosphere will get him going. I could put Maurice Taylor in this category too, but I'm not going to because I do not thing he will be part of the game today.

2.) Inside Offensive Prescense? The Kings need someone inside to score. Kenny Thomas, Shareef Abdur-Rahim, and Maurice Taylor need to step it up Offensivley in order for the Kings to win the game.

3.) Defense and Rebounding Inside. The Kings are one of the worst defensive and rebounding teams. Kenny Thomas, Shareef Abdur-Rahim, and Maurice Taylor need to step it up Defensivley as well in order for the Kings to win. Maybe even Justin Williams will get some playing time with Brad Miller out of the game.

4.) Scoring Averages. The Kings are averaging 101.5 points per game, which is good enough for 7th in the league. The bad, they are 21st in the league in defense, giving up 101.8 points per game. The Knicks give up 102.5 points per game, 25th in the league, and score 99.9 points per game, 9th in the league. The Kings should win this game based on averages.

5.) Get off to a good start. The Kings are on a 5 game losing streak. Their last win was against the Knicks. In that game, They started off hot scoring 33 points to 26 in the first quarter. From there, they didn't look back.
Decent 1st quarter. Sloppy start by both teams but some guys are doing pretty well. Starters are doing fine save for Mike. Kevin and SAR are off to a nice start. Even Mo Taylor showed up that quarter.
Still no KT sighting. Not that I care about giving KT minutes but it's interesting.

I know Mike didn't start well (missed 1 shot + 2 TOs) but I think you have to put him back in there now Muss. The Knicks just took the lead.


Hall of Famer
Still no KT sighting. Not that I care about giving KT minutes but it's interesting.

I know Mike didn't start well (missed 1 shot + 2 TOs) but I think you have to put him back in there now Muss. The Knicks just took the lead.
he came right back in just in time to turn it over again


Hall of Famer
And Lee dominating the boards continues....

...Maybe Muss should put in a guy over 6'7 to play the 5 for us (*cough* Williams *cough*)...

Kevin! nice.

Watching these steals are actually fun! Not fun when the Knicks get the steal, but the activity on the defensive end is refreshing. :)
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