RE is gone from the Bee.

Graswich is leaving the Bee!!!!

Just heard on KHTK. Hes leaving the Bee to focus on being an author and an consultant. He sort of hinted that he was going to help the anti arena crowd. Said the oppertunity came when the Bee announced budget cuts and said since hes the highest paid there that he thought it would best if he moved on.

Last article will be next week.....

ITS PARTY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOO HOOOOO!!!


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
OK, time to celebrate!

RE Graswich is leaving the Bee! He was on the Rise Guys this morning and I only caught the very end of his interview, but it sounds like he's been there 35 years and is calling it quits. Sounds like he is retiring. If anyone heard the whole thing, please add to this for detail and accuracy.

Too bad he didn't do this a year ago. Bah.

Edit - someone must have merged threads - didn't see slugking50's earlier post somewhere.
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Writing was on the wall....Bee is going to announce quit a few "cutbacks" next week and RE is trying to save face and tell people he went to them first instead of the true story that is he got canned. Good Riddance!!!
Long overdue. He should have been sacked years ago. He should go write fiction novels since that is what he has the most experience writing.
It's great that his views won't have a major channel to go through like the Bee, but it's no win for me since you said he's going to help the anti arena crowd.
I went and read his column today to see if he had any parting words of trash. But what I read instead makes me a bit nervous. A soundbite that David Jones might be interested in running for Mayor of Sac.
...A soundbite that David Jones might be interested in running for Mayor of Sac.
With Heather Fargo having said that she will run again (the election is on June 2008), I guess David Jones is tempted to run, especially when you consider that he was a major player in the anti-arena campaign.


Super Moderator Emeritus

I suspect if Stern can get an arena deal in place before the campaigning begins big time for 2008, David Jones won't have much to say...

I know the Bee is making cutbacks - virtually all print media are facing revenue losses because of the Internet - BUT if Graswich was a real asset, he wouldn't have been facing a problem. The real story, IMHO, is that he's become more of a liability and I think his quote of a comment allegedly made by Joe Benvenuti that JB later vehemently denied may have had a lot to do with it.

Good riddance...
It's sad that a politician can make their bones by doing nothing but being against something. Both Jones and Cohn are going to be in this and they have no vision of the future. They get nothing done and make themselves a career.
Glad to see you go RE! I am hoping you read this thread. You sir are a fat slob that can't write your way out of a corner let alone write a book. hah! Can't wait to see what you try to put together. Probally worse than the garbage you spew in the Bee.

Hate ya!


ps, good luck on the anti arena crowd. The very fact that you will be on that side will probally scare people into coming over to our side. Thanks!
Ditto that. Kreidler is the best, hands down.
Yeah, Mark will be missed at the Bee. I just hope that Voisin can do this city good as a columnist. Sam Amick is cool, I like him with the Kings. Howard-Cooper is cool, too. Marty Mac is always entertaining to read, as well. The next year or so will be VERY interesting in alot of ways, I think...arena-wise, AND team-wise, as well. Anyways...hit the road R.E.!!!:D