General question for Season Ticket holders

Are you having a problem selling your tickets this year??? I couldn't get anyone to buy my tickets for tonights game(Cleveland) and according to the radio it's the "hottest ticket in town". I ended up selling my tickets for $50 for the two($81 face value for the seats).

Anyone else having the problem???
Yes, I am having problems selling tickets too. I ended up selling tickets under $30 face value. I'm having serious thoughts on not renewing next season, especially if there is no trade or if we have the same roster.
IF you have the cash to do it, I wouldn't give up your season tickets. Many season ticket holders have been through thick and thin. That's the ultimate fan right there.

If you give them up, as soon as the team is doing good and you're behind 3000 to get a season ticket you'll be kicking yourself in the *** for ever giving them up.

Just my opinion.
It is an overwhelming buyers market for tickets. I am happy to get $200 for a $230 pair for non-premium games - and have accepted less for some games ($170 for Knicks game via ebay).

I am 90% to opt out... only way I stay is if there is some blockbuster trade/dramatic overhaul, AND I can renew contingent on what I draw for relocation. Otherwise, I am out and will just become partners with some other season ticket holder.

or.... if the Maloofs show some REAL class and discount the ticket prices next year, I might stick it out. Actually they should send out a rebate now. BWHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!

But paying contender ticket prices for this crappy team is not right.
I am also having trouble selling my season tickets. Last year, I was able to get cost, but this year, I am having to sell them at $30 to $50 below face to get them to move. Granted my tickets are lower level center court, so they are $115 each, so it is not suprising that I would have trouble selling them.

Games against good teams sell for cost, but against mediocre or bad teams, you normally will take a loss.
Yes, we're having problems too, but fortunately we sold most of our extra tickets in packs before the season started & people realized how bad they were going to be!:eek: I am worried about next season though, because we can only afford the tickets if we sell a big chunk of them off.
I'm having big time problems selling my tickets. I've lowered probably half my games from the face value of $81/pair to $51 and several games have gone unused even at that price. An HDTV is going to replace my Kings tickets next season, though I do plan to give my ticket partner a chance to keep (and pay for) them under my name.

I just put the Bucks game up for half price, and I won't be surprised if they don't sell.
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I'm having big time problems selling my tickets. I've lowered probably half my games from the face value of $81/pair to $51 and several games have gone unused even at that price. An HDTV is going to replace my Kings tickets next season, though I do plan to give my ticket partner a chance to keep (and pay for) them under my name.

I just put the Bucks game up for half price, and I won't be surprised if they don't sell.

I feel your pain. After being on the season ticket holder list for years we somehow ended up with 1 1/2 sets of season tickets (don't ask, it's a long story! :) ) We sold off lots of packages prior to the start of the season, but we have tried to get rid of others & struggled. We ended up giving some away. Early in the season we thought we had sold two of our Philly tickets so we ended up trading another game for two more tickets so that our whole family could go. Well, turns out the person couldn't take the tickets so we ended up with 6 tickets, and we couldn't sell them. We ended up taking our two kids and two of my 7 year old son's friends, which was a blast for him, but a very expensive playdate for mom and dad!!

I don't know what we'll do with our tickets next year. We will definitely drop some of the tickets, because coordinating two sets of tickets has been nightmare. I'd like to keep at least one season, but that will depend on commitment from our other investors, because we can't afford a whole season.
I feel your pain. After being on the season ticket holder list for years we somehow ended up with 1 1/2 sets of season tickets (don't ask, it's a long story! :) ) We sold off lots of packages prior to the start of the season, but we have tried to get rid of others & struggled. We ended up giving some away. Early in the season we thought we had sold two of our Philly tickets so we ended up trading another game for two more tickets so that our whole family could go. Well, turns out the person couldn't take the tickets so we ended up with 6 tickets, and we couldn't sell them. We ended up taking our two kids and two of my 7 year old son's friends, which was a blast for him, but a very expensive playdate for mom and dad!!

I don't know what we'll do with our tickets next year. We will definitely drop some of the tickets, because coordinating two sets of tickets has been nightmare. I'd like to keep at least one season, but that will depend on commitment from our other investors, because we can't afford a whole season.
A real fan is someone who always supports his/her team. I'm seeing everyone throw this team under the bus. I can bet that most of the people here didn't go through the really bad times when the team struggled to win 20 games. I can't afford season tickets, or I would have them. Win or lose


Super Moderator Emeritus
A real fan is someone who always supports his/her team. I'm seeing everyone throw this team under the bus. I can bet that most of the people here didn't go through the really bad times when the team struggled to win 20 games. I can't afford season tickets, or I would have them. Win or lose
This comment IMHO is totally uncalled for. And you're wrong about the people "throwing the team under the bus"...

Just because someone is hard-pressed to pay contender prices for their season tickets does not make them any less of a fan.

People who have two $115 tickets pay over $9,000 a year. That's not chump change. And that doesn't include the playoff tickets. To make it worse, they're required to renew their season tickets before the current season is even over. Talk about buying a pig in a poke.

I have the utmost respect for the season ticket holders, ESPECIALLY those who post on this board. If they have decided to show their disapproval for the Maloofs and the front office and the current state of the team, more power to them. It doesn't mean they're no longer fans by any stretch of the imagination. It sends a message loud and clear to MANAGEMENT that if they (MS&E) hope to continue to get people to pony up close to 10 grand for a pair of tickets they're going to have to do better at putting a quality product on the floor.

And I know some of the season tickets holders personally who are seriously questioning whether they can afford to buy tickets that they can't even resell if they cannot attend all the games. These aren't bandwagon fans. These are, in most cases, people who have been around for a very long time and have held on to their season tickets over the years because of their love for the team. They still love the team. I think they have every right to dissapprove of what is happening to the team and personally I'd much rather they didn't renew their tickets then do what some fans have done - go to the games and boo.
This comment IMHO is totally uncalled for. And you're wrong about the people "throwing the team under the bus"...

Just because someone is hard-pressed to pay contender prices for their season tickets does not make them any less of a fan.

People who have two $115 tickets pay over $9,000 a year. That's not chump change. And that doesn't include the playoff tickets. To make it worse, they're required to renew their season tickets before the current season is even over. Talk about buying a pig in a poke.

I have the utmost respect for the season ticket holders, ESPECIALLY those who post on this board. If they have decided to show their disapproval for the Maloofs and the front office and the current state of the team, more power to them. It doesn't mean they're no longer fans by any stretch of the imagination. It sends a message loud and clear to MANAGEMENT that if they (MS&E) hope to continue to get people to pony up close to 10 grand for a pair of tickets they're going to have to do better at putting a quality product on the floor.

And I know some of the season tickets holders personally who are seriously questioning whether they can afford to buy tickets that they can't even resell if they cannot attend all the games. These aren't bandwagon fans. These are, in most cases, people who have been around for a very long time and have held on to their season tickets over the years because of their love for the team. They still love the team. I think they have every right to dissapprove of what is happening to the team and personally I'd much rather they didn't renew their tickets then do what some fans have done - go to the games and boo.
Thanks for understanding! :) That's the situation we are in. We love the Kings & would love to go to every game. But, even with cheaper season tickets in the 2nd deck we can't afford to buy even a half a season. When you add in babysitting, parking & food, it is not a cheap night. So, we will get our season tickets if we can make it work, and for us, that means getting commitments from others to buy a good chunk of the tickets. We can't afford to just pay several thousands of dollars and HOPE that we'll be able to sell them, because that would put us in a bad situation if the team is still struggling & no one wants the tickets.
And I know some of the season tickets holders personally who are seriously questioning whether they can afford to buy tickets that they can't even resell if they cannot attend all the games. These aren't bandwagon fans. These are, in most cases, people who have been around for a very long time and have held on to their season tickets over the years because of their love for the team. They still love the team. I think they have every right to dissapprove of what is happening to the team and personally I'd much rather they didn't renew their tickets then do what some fans have done - go to the games and boo.
This is exactly the situation I am in, although I only have a share of season tickets (can't afford all 41 home games).
Check this out....I get a call yesterday from my season ticket rep asking me how things are going. I say the tickets are fine but the product has pretty much sucked. She then asks if I will be going to the game on Sunday and when I say yes she offers me 2 tickets on Kings Row :eek: . Obviously I took them and will be going but are they getting that desperate??

Section 110 Kings Row 2 seats 3 & 4!! Right next to the visitors bench. I actually got to sit in the seats the Maloofs sit in once this year so this should be pretty cool.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Check this out....I get a call yesterday from my season ticket rep asking me how things are going. I say the tickets are fine but the product has pretty much sucked. She then asks if I will be going to the game on Sunday and when I say yes she offers me 2 tickets on Kings Row :eek: . Obviously I took them and will be going but are they getting that desperate??

Section 110 Kings Row 2 seats 3 & 4!! Right next to the visitors bench. I actually got to sit in the seats the Maloofs sit in once this year so this should be pretty cool.

Now, that's what I'm talkin' about, Ryle. Have a GREAT time!!
Check this out....I get a call yesterday from my season ticket rep asking me how things are going. I say the tickets are fine but the product has pretty much sucked. She then asks if I will be going to the game on Sunday and when I say yes she offers me 2 tickets on Kings Row :eek: . Obviously I took them and will be going but are they getting that desperate??

Section 110 Kings Row 2 seats 3 & 4!! Right next to the visitors bench. I actually got to sit in the seats the Maloofs sit in once this year so this should be pretty cool.
Good on you Ryle! That is cool! I am glad to see the organization step up and woo the customers a bit. Lucky you picked up that phone call huh?

I hope you had a great time. I had the same situation, my rep called me last Monday, and offered the Kings row 1 tickets for this past Thursday's Bulls game, 109 KR 1 Seats 4 and 5.

They must be kissing up to season ticket holders, but I don't mind being the beneficiary, and I had a fantastic time sitting on the floor for the first time ever.
For several years (prior to this one) we went to almost every home game and some playoff games. Almost all of the people we bought our tickets from did not go to many, if any, of the games themselves and were very open about keeping their season tickets and making money by inflating the prices. So, it goes. We have our own season tickets this year--sold a couple of games when we had to be out of town at face value with no trouble at all. Annie.
season ticket holder party on March 10.

anyone going to the event this Saturday? A season tix holder friend gave me two tix to the event which allow up to 4 ppl to attend. I plan to take my kids with me.

What is this event about? anything fun for the kids?

anyone going to the event this Saturday? A season tix holder friend gave me two tix to the event which allow up to 4 ppl to attend. I plan to take my kids with me.

What is this event about? anything fun for the kids?


We haven't been before, but we are planning on going & taking the kids. WE weren't sure if kids were invited or not, so I had my husband write our account manager & ask and he said "children are more than welcome. We will be entertaining guests of all ages" so, we will see?? Our kids are 5 and 7. How old are yours?
mine are 13, 11, and 7...not sure if the 13 yr old girl wants to go or not....she might not be interested in it. nobody seems to talk about the event here. also KHTK 1140 does not appear to promote it by giving awy free passes, etc, so I figure it must be a very private event. you can't even find this event on calendar!!!!
Anyone receive their season ticket package in the mail yesterday? Will you be renewing? I haven't decided yet. This season is too painful to watch even when going to the games (I didn't want to waste $81.00 for 2 tickets). I feel like I wasted several thousands of dollars this season with the way this team played. I can't afford to keep doing this if this is how the team is going to be in the future along with the same coach. I certainly do hope their is some major changes next season. Too bad I can't renew my season tickets a week before the next season starts.
I'm still on the fence but I think I'm going to renew simply because they have to do something this off season....I think I'm going to wait until the last minute though.
Anyone receive their season ticket package in the mail yesterday? Will you be renewing? I haven't decided yet. This season is too painful to watch even when going to the games (I didn't want to waste $81.00 for 2 tickets). I feel like I wasted several thousands of dollars this season with the way this team played. I can't afford to keep doing this if this is how the team is going to be in the future along with the same coach. I certainly do hope their is some major changes next season. Too bad I can't renew my season tickets a week before the next season starts.
The only way I would renew is if it was contingent on being able to relocate to my satisfaction.

Unfortunately when I put the question to a season ticket rep at a recent game I was told "although we've been liberal about it in the past - the contract calls for no refund of paid funds if you change your mind and want out". I took his tone to be a "try it at your own risk" warning.

Nah, I'm going to plan a trip to Alaska and a roof for my house. Sorry MSE.... you don't have a good policy here, and after this turd of a season you really should have offered a discount. Or at the very very least.... let us off the hook for the preseason games.

But, MSE is betting that somehow they will put butts in these seats at these prices next year. I bet not.
renewing and relocation...

i'm up for relocating, but i asked if I don't like my new seats cna I go back to my old ones....was told sure no prob....and on the subj of renewing...

this is the first year, in like 7 that they didn't call the day after your renewal was due to 'threaten' u with if u didn't renew we have others that are waiting....I didn't renew until May 1st, a full month....and i probably could have pushed it longer had it not been for this renew crap..........soooooooo what does that tell you? I've had my seats in the same spot since we moved to Arco.....andwe were an original holder in the old arena.....I wonder how I get my name on a chair and on the kings wall of fame....wth?