LA Times - Artest Deal Could be Done Soon

I'm all for this deal. Hopefully they can sneak a first out of it too. Like Brick said, if nothing else Maggette, Salmons, and Martin will be fun to watch while losing. I also predict that Maggette's trade value will blow up when he becomes a starter and #1 option. This could turn out to be one of Petrie's great "Buy low, sell high" moves. Artest is a white elephant. The Clippers will have a brief resurgence, then descend into the morass, just like every other team that has ever traded for Artest.
Grant & Mike just interviewed Jason Reid of the LA Times (article at the beginning of the thread). It was intersting. He said the Kings called last Friday and asked if the Clippers might be interested in Ron. They definitely are interested, but GP has not discussed it with them any further. (Maybe GP doesn't want a Maggette for Ron deal?)

Grant said he called the VP of Media Relations for the King, who said this deal was not likely to happen, no chance.

What was interesting, altho take it with a large grain of salt, is Grant says GP has been a the phone with a lot of GMs over the last 4 weeks about various Kings players.

Jason Reid pointed out and Grant agreed, that Bibby is being shopped, as well.

At the very least, it doesn't sound like GP is just sitting on his hands.

Another take it for what its worth: Reid says he's talked to several people close to Ron that say he is unhappy in Sacramento and wants out of here.
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Grant & Mike just interviewed Jason Reid of the LA Times (article at the beginning of the thread). It was intersting. He said the Kings called last Friday and asked if the Clippers might be interested in Ron. They definitely are interested, but GP has not discussed it with them any further. (Maybe GP doesn't want a Maggette for Ron deal?)

Grant said he called the VP of Media Relations for the King, who said this deal was not likely to happen, no chance.

What was interesting, altho take it with a large grain of salt, is Grant says GP has been a the phone with a lot of GMs over the last 4 weeks about various Kings players.

Jason Reid pointed out and Grant agreed, that Bibby is being shopped, as well.

At the very least, it doesn't sound like GP is just sitting on his hands.

I like this(and I know this isn't going to be a popular comment). I think we can go in a defensive direction if we trade Bibby. I would rather see if we could get a distributing PG like Andre Miller.


Super Moderator Emeritus
A distributing PG? That's just not right...

Bibby can and does distribute the ball and rack up the assists when there's someone there to get the ball to. It's a TEAM effort and I'm just really tired of people buying into the theory that our woes are because Bibby is a ball hog.

I didn't say he was a ball hog. But Andre Miller is 3rd in the league in assists, he is a great passer. Bibby is a good passer but he's not an Andre Miller.
A distributing PG? That's just not right...

Bibby can and does distribute the ball and rack up the assists when there's someone there to get the ball to. It's a TEAM effort and I'm just really tired of people buying into the theory that our woes are because Bibby is a ball hog.

It is a bit hard to rack up assists when teammates too often are standing around and when they do get passed the ball, they can't make the bucket.;)


Super Moderator Emeritus
I didn't say he was a ball hog. But Andre Miller is 3rd in the league in assists, he is a great passer. Bibby is a good passer but he's not an Andre Miller.
You can only rack up the assists IF the people you pass the ball to actually make the basket.


How quickly people forget.

Bibby can and does distribute the ball and rack up the assists when there's someone there to get the ball to. It's a TEAM effort and I'm just really tired of people buying into the theory that our woes are because Bibby is a ball hog.
Bibby is a bit of a ball hog, but that's not the real issue.

It's that he doesn't distribute or "rack of the assists". He may get numbers, but all in all they are really hollow. He's rarely creating for others. His assists usually have to do with handling the ball so much and being in the swing position. If you really believe Bibby is giving everyone better looks by his precise passing, I guess we're on different frequencies.

The other big issue with Bibby is that you need an interior monster or amazing team defense to cover for his defensive mishaps. We have neither.
A distributing PG? That's just not right...

Bibby can and does distribute the ball and rack up the assists when there's someone there to get the ball to. It's a TEAM effort and I'm just really tired of people buying into the theory that our woes are because Bibby is a ball hog.

EXacctly, I don't understand the Bibby ball hog theory myself.

I heard that interview Kenna. The entire time I was thinking Grant is wrong about 99% of the time, so that means this deal is done HAHA

Brick is right as well. If Ron is dealt it will most likely not be a move to get better. It would be possibly trading ron at his highest value with us, especially if he is showing signs of cracking. If he goes nuts we are not going to get anything for him.

Worst case is next week he comes out and says he wants to be traded, destroying his value when you consider his past.
It is a bit hard to rack up assists when teammates too often are standing around and when they do get passed the ball, they can't make the bucket.;)
So, wait, we can call out SAR for not passing out of the double teams even though no one is moving and thus making it near impossible to get them the ball ... yet, we don't use the same barometer on Mike Bibby whose job it is to make the right passes?
Oh goody. Another Bibby bashing thread.
No one is "bashing" Bibby. Just stating opinions.

For Bibby to be his absolute best right now - he requires the offense to be geared towards him getting the right shots. That means picks and screens after which he shoots the ball. None of this involves getting teammates the ball or keeping them involved. It's partly the reason we've devolved into a one-on-one team.
I heard that interview Kenna. The entire time I was thinking Grant is wrong about 99% of the time, so that means this deal is done HAHA

Brick is right as well. If Ron is dealt it will most likely not be a move to get better. It would be possibly trading ron at his highest value with us, especially if he is showing signs of cracking. If he goes nuts we are not going to get anything for him.
Exactly why I said to take the interview with a large grain of salt, altho I still found it interesting. And I agree with Brick, too. It doesn't matter how talented Ron is, if he can't get his head screwed on straight and think beyond what he wants and his fantasy vision of himself, he's no good for our team. And I still think there's no way Ron will be shopped or traded, unless he is being a problem.
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News10 said there is no deal, that their source within the Kings said "why would we trade RA to the Clippers"


Someone is going to be traded before the deadline, just don't know if its going to be Ron :confused:
News10 said there is no deal, that their source within the Kings said "why would we trade RA to the Clippers"


Someone is going to be traded before the deadline, just don't know if its going to be Ron :confused:
Intersting, I am not upset that no trade in this case will/or appears not to be going forward. It's all about timing with Artest. GP has the pulse of the team better then we do.


Super Moderator Emeritus
News10 said there is no deal, that their source within the Kings said "why would we trade RA to the Clippers"


Someone is going to be traded before the deadline, just don't know if its going to be Ron :confused:
Ah, the tricky answering a question with a question...

IF anything is being worked on, you can bet that any leaks won't come from within the Kings. And they're certainly not going to let the cat out of the bag to News10 or Grant Napear, etc. What does Bryan May expect? "Why, yes, Bryan, we're shipping Artest to the Clippers but it's not finalized yet so don't tell him, okay?"

Ah, the tricky answering a question with a question...

IF anything is being worked on, you can bet that any leaks won't come from within the Kings. And they're certainly not going to let the cat out of the bag to News10 or Grant Napear, etc. What does Bryan May expect? "Why, yes, Bryan, we're shipping Artest to the Clippers but it's not finalized yet so don't tell him, okay?"

Hey at least May spells his name right! Gotta give him credit for that...
AKA I am a bryan not a brian.
Ah, the tricky answering a question with a question...

IF anything is being worked on, you can bet that any leaks won't come from within the Kings. And they're certainly not going to let the cat out of the bag to News10 or Grant Napear, etc. What does Bryan May expect? "Why, yes, Bryan, we're shipping Artest to the Clippers but it's not finalized yet so don't tell him, okay?"

Ah, but Bryan May it was not! It was Brian, or Ryan whatever his name is Yokomoto. Maybe News10 should have sent BM instead.;)
I have spent some time thinking about these "trade Bibby" and "trade Artest" theories and arguments. Before any player loyalties, I am KINGS fan. Being as objective as possible, these are my thoughts.

1. How many games has Bibby won for us? How many has Artest?
2. How many seasons has Bibby carried us? How many has Ron?
3. Who has been more professional on and off the court?
4. Who has changed his game to give us what we needed to win?
5. Who has been more dependable for us?
6. Who has been more of a distraction to the team?
7. Who has helped to destroy a team?
8. Ron is without a doubt a better defender and awesome player.
9. Until this season, Bibby has been a cornerstone of our offense.
10. Neither has helped us mich this year.

Given all those thoughts, If I had to trade one or the other, it would be Ron. I would make that decision EVERY TIME without reservation. Just my thoughts for whatever there worth.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Ah, but Bryan May it was not! It was Brian, or Ryan whatever his name is Yokomoto. Maybe News10 should have sent BM instead.;)
Ryan Yamamoto, who used to be with Ch. 3... Well that cinches it. Anything they tell him is likely to be on a par with Bibby telling the USA Today guy that the team nickname for Kevin is "Prince."



So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I have spent some time thinking about these "trade Bibby" and "trade Artest" theories and arguments. Before any player loyalties, I am KINGS fan. Being as objective as possible, these are my thoughts.

1. How many games has Bibby won for us? How many has Artest?
2. How many seasons has Bibby carried us? How many has Ron?
3. Who has been more professional on and off the court?
4. Who has changed his game to give us what we needed to win?
5. Who has been more dependable for us?
6. Who has been more of a distraction to the team?
7. Who has helped to destroy a team?
8. Ron is without a doubt a better defender and awesome player.
9. Until this season, Bibby has been a cornerstone of our offense.
10. Neither has helped us mich this year.

Given all those thoughts, If I had to trade one or the other, it would be Ron. I would make that decision EVERY TIME without reservation. Just my thoughts for whatever there worth.
I agree that if you based your decision making criteria on the above Bibby is the player to keep. But I'd also argue that kind of criteria is going to dig us into a deeper hole. Players don't play on one team for their entire career anymore and there's no reason for us to live in the past. Yes you do need to factor in Ron's history but Bibby's history is irrelevant if his game is declining. For the future I think Artest is a better and more unique talent to build around but I'd be fine with trading him for the right players back. On the other hand Bibby is likely gone at the end of the year, I think figuring out what to do with him is more urgent.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Again people are missing the obvious. IF the Kings are talking about trading Artest, it's because something has gone wrong. If that is the case, it's definitely more urgent than any possibility of Bibby exercising his ETO at the end of the season which is purely conjecture at this point...


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Again people are missing the obvious. IF the Kings are talking about trading Artest, it's because something has gone wrong.
Unless that "something" is Bibby and Artest's relationship. Which has been widely speculated for a few weeks now and to a certain extent that speculation dates back to the day we acquired Artest.
I don't know what to feel about this one.. maggette is obviously not the answer, but it's becoming more apparent that artest could lose it at any time now, which puts us in a bind. I wish we could get another team in on this that could offer a more valuable piece. Moving an impact type player makes it much harder to get equal value in return, but I just have to think there is something better than corey friggin maggette out there.

Either way, I hope this doesn't turn into another A.I fiasco and leave us with 2 disgruntled players who know they are being shopped on this team. :(
Unless that "something" is Bibby and Artest's relationship. Which has been widely speculated for a few weeks now and to a certain extent that speculation dates back to the day we acquired Artest.
And who has a better track record of getting along with his teammates? IF, big IF, there is a problem between Ron and Mike, I'd be more likely to think Ron is the source of the problem. However, we really have no idea what is going on.
this could quite possibly be the WORST trade idea ive ever seen in my life... L.A., you guys are pathetic for trying to stir things up and make up bogus claims... maggete sucked before, he sucks now, and he will ALWAYS suck.... ive seen him play millions of times, he has all the tools and size and god-given built to be one of the best 2 guards/SF in this league but hes an underachiever and just an overall weak talent... this trade would be a massive mistake on many accounts.