Bee: Trade talks making two players squirm


By Sam Amick - Bee Staff Writer

Published 12:00 am PST Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Story appeared in SPORTS section, Page C5

[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]When point guard Mike Bibby was asked during the summer whether he wanted to stay with the Kings for years to come, he said one factor would dictate his answer.

Love, of both the financial and emotional sort.

Bibby -- whose contract allows him to become a free agent this summer -- said he wanted to feel wanted, to feel as if the Kings' management had handpicked him to lead the franchise into another era, just as he had before. But Monday afternoon at the Kings' practice facility, Bibby didn't look as if he was feeling the love.

As it has become apparent that the Kings are involved in trade discussions with Philadelphia regarding star guard Allen Iverson, Bibby's name has been the one most often discussed in possible trade scenarios. The mix of his salary and his story in Sacramento have led many to believe his time here might be near an end, leaving Bibby to wonder where he stands with the team for which he has played since 2001.

"I've been traded before," Bibby told reporters with a solemn look, citing his 2001 trade from Vancouver to Sacramento.

Silence ensued, then a question about whether he can tell if his involvement in the AI sweepstakes is rumor or reality.

"No," he said. "You guys will probably know anything before anything happens at all."

More silence, broken by an inquiry about whether this serves as a distraction.

"It's not distracting me at all," he said.

Kings forward Kenny Thomas became the first to make a public plea against a Bibby-Iverson swap. It came as no surprise, considering Thomas -- who played with Iverson from 2002 to 2005 -- is a strong proponent of Bibby's and no huge fan of playing with Iverson.

Thomas is like so many others who have laced it up with the seven-time All-Star, players who may admire his individual talents but regret the way Iverson leaves little offensive room for others by dominating the ball.

"I'd be real sad if Mike left, real sad," Thomas said. "I think it'd be a mistake to trade Mike. ... I like the team that we have.

"I would prefer to play with Mike. Mike's a great passer, and a great player, and he makes us all better."

Since Iverson made a trade demand Friday, the possibilities for his next stop have only grown. But the Kings' possible offer might be as attractive as they come. In Iverson, the Kings would be receiving a player whose contract has two seasons and approximately $40 million remaining beyond this one.

In Philadelphia on Monday, Iverson's nameplate was removed from his locker, which was cleaned out. He was not in the arena for the 76ers' 81-79 loss to Portland, the third consecutive contest he was on the inactive list.

Coach Maurice Cheeks was peppered all day with questions about Iverson but said his only focus was on the players in the locker room and ending the team's skid, which has reached eight games.

"I'm not here to say how this happened, how that happened," Cheeks said. "We're just going forward with the people we have, and we're trying to win games. I think our team has been pretty good through all of this."

Team president Billy King told the Associated Press in an e-mail that he would not comment until a deal was done.

If Iverson were dealt to the Kings, they would, by all indicators, receive the sort of explosive talent who could spark an offense that ranks 14th in scoring and 22nd in field-goal percentage. Iverson, 31, a four-time scoring champion, is leading the league in scoring (31.2 points).

Bibby, meanwhile, would give the 76ers a high-level point guard while being reunited with former Kings forward Chris Webber, who has expressed his own unhappiness of late and likely would be thrilled to play again with his old point guard.

What's more, the Kings have plenty of pieces to make the numbers work, with five expiring contracts and young players to offer. Bibby is owed $12.5 million this season compared to Iverson's $18.5 million, and the salaries returned to Philadelphia would have to come within 125 percent of Iverson's deal.
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I'm not really a Thomas fan, but I'm pleasantly surprised by his candor here.

Not sure how Iverson will feel about it in a few days. :eek:
Kenny needs to stop being a cancer. If it happens, deal with it. If not, then deal with it. But don't say something to stop a trade, especially when KENNY is the guy I would love to see us get rid of.


Hall of Famer
One the one hand, at least Kenny is expressing his feelings. On the other, man, that is not the right thing to say at this time.

Mike Bibby is on the trade block. No if's and's or but's about it.
One the one hand, at least Kenny is expressing his feelings. On the other, man, that is not the right thing to say at this time.

Mike Bibby is on the trade block. No if's and's or but's about it.
Yea, I read earlier about the KINGS not saying anything because they did'nt want to upset Bibby. But I am pretty sure that he can read and/or he knows someone who can. With all of these blogs and the different sports channels talking about it, don't you think he would know what's going on? Then I just saw where Bibby said "I've been traded before". So, where does that leave us now? Seems like we have to trade him now.


Hall of Famer
Ugh...If Kenny said something in favor of the trade people would be bashing him.

When has Kenny even been a cancer this season?

...I'm hoping KT gets traded just so people stop whining about him. I mean, he's not even one of my favorite players (although he ranks ahead of SAR in my book) but every time someone gets in a cheap shot I feel like defending him just on principle.

The guys been doing his job this season (rebounding, hussle plays)...Give him a break.

As far as I'm concerned the only thing wrong with Kenny is that he's overpaid, but you could say that about every NBA player and pro athlete in general. And as far as attitude problems....I've been hearing more complaining from Artest then Thomas this season.
I think it's pretty clear that Bibby will be gone before the trade deadline. He has taken the Kings as far as he can and he now will want big money and the Maloof's don't want to give it to him(I wouldn't either).
I don't like some of Thomas' off-court behavior in the past, but I have no problem with this at all. It is perfectly normal for a player to say that they like playing with a current teammate, that the player's is good/valuable etc., and that they would be disappointed if that player leaves; in fact, it is a gesture of loyalty. Bibby clearly recognizes that basketball's a business, and that sometimes it's hard to distinguish between rumors and reality, so try as he might to ignore what's swirling around him, it's understandable that he would be unsettled by what's going on--you would think that he would appreciate someone publicly stepping up to bat for him.

That's the way I would look at it. But here's another perspective: Kenny is actually improving the Kings' bargaining position, if any is actually going on at all. After all, given hearing statements like this, anyone would increase their educated guess of the level of risk Kings would take in any Bibby-AI trade, which has the dual effects of (1) making a trade more difficult to happen (which may or may not be a good thing), and (2) if a trade happens, the expected level of how much the Sixers have to give has increased (which is certainly a good thing for the Kings).
Ugh...If Kenny said something in favor of the trade people would be bashing him.
He didn't. Try reading it again.

...I'm hoping KT gets traded just so people stop whining about him. I mean, he's not even one of my favorite players (although he ranks ahead of SAR in my book) but every time someone gets in a cheap shot I feel like defending him just on principle.
Please don't do that.

The guys been doing his job this season (rebounding, hussle plays)...Give him a break.
And letting bigger, stronger PF's destroy us inside.

As far as I'm concerned the only thing wrong with Kenny is that he's overpaid, but you could say that about every NBA player and pro athlete in general. And as far as attitude problems....I've been hearing more complaining from Artest then Thomas this season.
There is much more wrong with Kenny. And Artest hasn't been complaining...he has been speaking the truth.
He didn't. Try reading it again.

Please don't do that.

And letting bigger, stronger PF's destroy us inside.

There is much more wrong with Kenny. And Artest hasn't been complaining...he has been speaking the truth.
Exactly! There's a big difference between having a 6'7 small forward that plays big for his size...and having an only 6'7 POWER forward that can't play small forward, and get's eaten up in the middle trying to play power forward with every team he's been on.
We need to get bigger, dammit! SIZE DOES MATTER!
K9 supports a teammate. K9 states that he likes his other teammates and the team in general. However, people jump on this and call him a cancer. Nice.

If there is any cancer to be found, it would have to be the anti-K9 sentiment of many on this board.
Kenny needs to stop being a cancer. If it happens, deal with it. If not, then deal with it. But don't say something to stop a trade, especially when KENNY is the guy I would love to see us get rid of.

Now Kt is a Cancer??????????????? The line on him was "he is a bad teamate" and now when he trys to get the back of one of his teamates he's a "cancer"??? What happened to rule #9 am I the only one who abides by the rule. Shame on you moderators for not enforcing the rules shame on you for participating in breaking the rules!!!!!!
Now Kt is a Cancer??????????????? The line on him was "he is a bad teamate" and now when he trys to get the back of one of his teamates he's a "cancer"??? What happened to rule #9 am I the only one who abides by the rule. Shame on you moderators for not enforcing the rules shame on you for participating in breaking the rules!!!!!!
Shame on you for over-defending someone who is not worth it.
Shame on you for over-defending someone who is not worth it.
He is the team's leading rebounder. He shows a lot of hustle and desire on the court. Oh yeah - he's got a teammate's back when that teammate is mentioned in trade rumors.

K9 is worth defending as long as he is a King.
Exactly! There's a big difference between having a 6'7 small forward that plays big for his size...and having an only 6'7 POWER forward that can't play small forward, and get's eaten up in the middle trying to play power forward with every team he's been on.
We need to get bigger, dammit! SIZE DOES MATTER!

What games are you watching? Know what you are talking about! Scroll back on some posts and look what KT has done defensivly early in the season. Then think for a moment and remember what the 4 does to us when KT is on him then when KT is rotated away. ie last game against Phoenix 1st quarter when KT was on Amare 2 point, 1 rebound, 2 turnovers, 2 fouls while KT was guarding him! Amare finished with 18 and 18 or somthing like that, which by the way KT was never put back on him. Remember the wolves game? KG? ring a bell? I don't have the time others do around here but i'm sure someone can find a site that will show you what the opposing 4 does against KT vs. when Kt is out late in games or on his normal rotation? Check it out you might be suprised, or actually you will be suprised.
He is the team's leading rebounder.
On a team where our starting Center can't jump over 3 inches. And our starting SF is right behind him in rebs.

He shows a lot of hustle and desire on the court.
Unfortunately that won't make him taller or bigger.

Oh yeah - he's got a teammate's back when that teammate is mentioned in trade rumors.
Only because he is afraid of the suspected return player of that trade.

K9 is worth defending as long as he is a King.
Can't wait until he isn't.

I won't labor the points that other people have for so long now. And I think you've chimed in your points on many occassions. So the only question I have for you is will you be willing to let it go when he is finally gone, either soon or the second his contract is up?
So the only question I have for you is will you be willing to let it go when he is finally gone, either soon or the second his contract is up?
Absolutely. You do not find me talking about ex-Kings around here much. Once they leave and go somewhere else they become the "enemy" to me. This is true for some of my all-time favorite ex-Kings such as Peja and B-Jack.

You may see me in some C-Webb threads, but it is only in defense of GP who remains a King.
Only because he is afraid of the suspected return player of that trade.
Is that why AI showed up at KT's basketball camp in Albuquerque, dude don't believe everything the press puts in front of your nose! Be an independent thinker if it shows up in a newspaper does not make it true. You wonder why these guys get tired of the press they take bits and pieces and manipulate it to fit their story and agenda.
Is that why AI showed up at KT's basketball camp in Albuquerque, dude don't believe everything the press puts in front of your nose! Be an independent thinker if it shows up in a newspaper does not make it true. You wonder why these guys get tired of the press they take bits and pieces and manipulate it to fit their story and agenda.
A fair point. And BTW I am an independent thinker, thank you very much dad. :p
this KT stuff really needs to stop. its aggravating. normally i don't complain about this kind of stuff, but every thread that even bears mention of the initials "KT" degenerates into a senseless debate over his value to the team. i've never seen people get so riled up over so mediocre a player. it baffles me...
And one more thing.

I feel bad for Mike. You know he's someone who isn't gonna show much emotion and tries to be levelheaded but I'm sure he feels bad about this. To spend 6 yrs with one team and establish your family there, it's tough to leave.


Hall of Famer
And one more thing.

I feel bad for Mike. You know he's someone who isn't gonna show much emotion and tries to be levelheaded but I'm sure he feels bad about this. To spend 6 yrs with one team and establish your family there, it's tough to leave.
I am going to disagree here because if he opts out and someone offers him more money he sure wouldn't feel that bad to leave or do Ypu think thst he loves Kings so much to take a lesser offer ?
I am going to disagree here because if he opts out and someone offers him more money he sure wouldn't feel that bad to leave or do Ypu think thst he loves Kings so much to take a lesser offer ?
You never know what he's gonna do.

All I'm saying is, it's tough to all of a sudden get kicked out of your "home."