Still fuming
No, the expectation was indeed that for this exclusive opportunity for STH to be the first to meet their new coach, they had to first purchase tickets for the Kings Grizzlies game that night. I'm sure we coulda all purchased cheap seat tickets on our own and still gotten to go to the reception, since they told us in the email where the reception was. That to me is beside the point. If they want me to buy Kings tickets, fine I'm cool with that. If they want to give me other exlusive opportunities to go to concerts and events by virtue of the fact that I'm a STH, I'm cool with that too. But there's just something that rubs me COMPLETELY the wrong way about an invite to meet a coach and that invite be tied to buying Kings tickets. Its not extortion, because I don't really have to meet the coach. It's just stupid and insulting to me that they put that little thought into this, seemingly ignoring the fact again, that they still have a pipeline into my bank account that they've had since August. They can do chalk talks for free during the offseason. Those are just as exclusive. They also invite us to participate in the HPL tapings, those don't cost anything either. So why the HELL they thought they needed to package this and think I want to plunk money down for it, an event mind you which I rate a tad bit more important than any of the other events, is beyond my ability to wrap my head around. It could have just as easily have been coupling the m&g with a circus, moto cross happening at ARCO. My question would have been the same, "why did you think this was a good idea" period.
They had a concept in June or whenever it was for an Arden Fair Mall Meet the Monarchs thing, where the STH had exclusive admittance to an area in the California Cafe and exclusive access to the players who rotated in there. How the hell hard would it have been to have done that? No, how the hell hard would it have been to have THOUGHT of that instead of this? Did they think of that and it get discarded? For the actual number of people who go to these offseason events, did they really think the financial gain they got would have been better than the ill will its created? Here's another idea, three words "no host reception"
You wanna also know why I'm mad about this? Because when I approached them last year to see if they were interested in hosting a championship game viewing party at ARCO. I was told me in a gazillion and one ways that they thought it was a great idea, and they'd love to do it, but ARCO was booked and they were busy getting ready for the Kings season. Um..alright. We threw it ourselves (TWICE). THEN, they send an email, similar to this one inviting STHs to go to a Kings/Nuggets pregame before which they would have a meet & greet with an unnamed someone from the Monarchs (Ruthie). Lo and behold they bust out with a house video of title game with radio feed. We had more people at our parties than they had at theirs.
If you think I'm mad now? If the new coach is someone we've already known here and they wanted me to pay for the exclusive opportunity to "meet" Abetamaro, Ambers or Shuman, just in a new capacity. I will unleash a torrent never before seen and it will garner an slew of emails from me to the offices on Sports Parkway. I will be beyond insulted at that point.