Why Thomas should be the starter instead of Abdur-Rahim

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Super Moderator Emeritus
kupman said:
Oh, my bad........the reason that I am came here was to cheer and offer support for the Kings while second guessing the moderators.

Maybe I have it bass akwards.
Nah, your way works, too.

The only reason KT is starting and not SAR is...

NOT because KT is a better team player, but BECAUSE KT is NOT a better team player. What I mean is, SAR might not be too happy to be the 6th man, but he will bear it if it is necessary. KT, on the other hand, whine his butt off in and out of the locker room if he doesn't get to start. Coach Muss, being the new guy, can't really force his will on the team quite yet. So for the time being, KT will be starting, but NOT because he is a better team player, but because he is a better WHINER.
does any one here have a stat on our +/- with KT on the floor? that may give an answer to "why KT should/should not start.

anyway, if Rodman was available, why not get him? even for the fun of simply having artest and rodman on the same team. lol.

besides, rodman might still be better than either KT or SAR.


Super Moderator Emeritus
NOT because KT is a better team player, but BECAUSE KT is NOT a better team player. What I mean is, SAR might not be too happy to be the 6th man, but he will bear it if it is necessary. KT, on the other hand, whine his butt off in and out of the locker room if he doesn't get to start. Coach Muss, being the new guy, can't really force his will on the team quite yet. So for the time being, KT will be starting, but NOT because he is a better team player, but because he is a better WHINER.
That's not quite right. Coach Musselman may be new, but he's the boss. Don't think that he's bowing to any kind of pressure from the players. If KT is still starting, it's not because he's the better whiner. It's because - for better or worse - the coaching staff think that's the better way to go.


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That's not quite right. Coach Musselman may be new, but he's the boss. Don't think that he's bowing to any kind of pressure from the players. If KT is still starting, it's not because he's the better whiner. It's because - for better or worse - the coaching staff think that's the better way to go.
Maybe they are hooping he can play himself into a trade? Unfortunately, he's not obliging....
We're struggling to break 90 points in these games and someone likes Kenny starting because he won't shoot? He needs all that energy to get torched by the opposing power forwards. We keep playing like this and we'll have an outside shot at Greg Oden.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
We're struggling to break 90 points in these games and someone likes Kenny starting because he won't shoot? He needs all that energy to get torched by the opposing power forwards. We keep playing like this and we'll have an outside shot at Greg Oden.
We're struggling to break 90 pts because our three best players are collectively shooting under 30% (Brad: .286, Mike .304, Ron .283) and because we are turning it over like mad: 19.0 per game. Not because Kenny Thomas is in the lineup.

P.S. as for the apologists on the other side (we should have an apologist war on here, would be great) making excuse #1948 for the OTHER not terribly "power" forward, no Andrew Bogut does not score 15pts per quarter against just everyone. In fact you would have to look no further than the first half when our noted non-stopper Brad was in the game to find a quarter/half where Bogut was largely irrelevant and maybe even hurting his team with turnovers. It was not until he realized he was being guarded by the JV team and started walking in to wihtin 3 ft of the hoop to just drop it in that he exploded. Kid is getting better and is no scrub, but he's hardly unguardable and I doubt his career high is anything like 60pts, whihc is what he would have scored had he kept up the pace from the third.
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There isn't a player on our roster I wouldn't trade to get Rodman in his prime.

A better defender than Artest. A smarter player than Artest. A better rebounder than everyone. And just a bit loonier than Artest too.
Rodman was awesome. I was lucky enough to watch him when he was in the Bulls with Jordan and Co. He was a very entertaining player both on and off the court, but the guy brought it and would fight his heart out for the team. It was also interesting to see what color his hair was going to be because it changed pretty much game to game. Very good times. :)
Rodman was awesome. I was lucky enough to watch him when he was in the Bulls with Jordan and Co. He was a very entertaining player both on and off the court, but the guy brought it and would fight his heart out for the team. It was also interesting to see what color his hair was going to be because it changed pretty much game to game. Very good times. :)
The guy was a stud! Any player that can average 18 rebounds in the modern era is a complete monster!
We're struggling to break 90 pts because our three best players are collectively shooting under 30% (Brad: .286, Mike .304, Ron .283) and because we are turning it over like mad: 19.0 per game. Not because Kenny Thomas is in the lineup.
There's more to the struggling offense than just missed shots. The Kings also aren't getting good shots. Brad's percentage is flukey because he's been taking (and missing) the shots he normally makes, but Ron and Mike are really forcing the issue. Partly this is just bad shot selection (especially on Ron's part), partly it's that the offense just isn't generating good shots. So far the only high percentage shots the Kings have been able to generate are when the ball goes to SAR in the post or when Kevin gets it on the wing. Other than that it's been mostly outside shots and this isn't a particularly good outside shooting team.

And so while I don't think Kenny is by any means the primary cause of offensive woes, he is a contributing factor. Anytime you're playing 4 on 5 on offense it puts more pressure on the other guys. I'm sure it will be resolved since Kenny has been a more than competent offensive player, but if he is just going to be a nonshooting roleplayer it's going to be a problem if the offense continues to struggle.
P.S. as for the apologists on the other side (we should have an apologist war on here, would be great) making excuse #1948 for the OTHER not terribly "power" forward,........

#1949.......... A lot has been said about KT as a "team player" if you ask me he's the most popular guy in the locker room. KT is taking all the heat and Bibby, Miller, and Artest are getting a free pass on their less than stellar performances. Well maybe not a free pass but you know what I mean. If you ask me KT is being the ultimate "team player" gives new meaning to a "garbage man player"
KT is being the ultimate "team player" gives new meaning to a "garbage man player"
The "ultimate" team player would do this on and off the bench. Not just pout when he's not the starter.

The definition of being a player is putting the team and the team's goals ahead of yours. KT doesn't do this.

Playing "garbage man" when all you have the skill to do is play "garbage man" doesn't mean you're a team player. It means you're doing the only role suited to you.

If he did this is "less than ideal" situations (ie. coming off the bench) than I'd say he's being a good teammate.
The "ultimate" team player would do this on and off the bench. Not just pout when he's not the starter.

The definition of being a player is putting the team and the team's goals ahead of yours. KT doesn't do this.

Playing "garbage man" when all you have the skill to do is play "garbage man" doesn't mean you're a team player. It means you're doing the only role suited to you.

If he did this is "less than ideal" situations (ie. coming off the bench) than I'd say he's being a good teammate.

agh................. Nope, no respose see VF I'm learning!!!
agh................. Nope, no respose see VF I'm learning!!!

The post above was not an attack on you. It's an observation and expression of my view of KT.

You have your view, I have mine and everyone else on the board has their own. No one is right or wrong ... except in the eye of the beholder. That's what you can't seem to get.

I disagree with you. Fine. Good. But, it's not anything to start a fight over. Defend your stance, but just know - anything I say is not a verbal stab or anything.

Feel free to respond to the above post, but just leave the personal insults and feelings out of it. You aren't KT. I'm talking about KT and how I view him and my opinion on team players. Don't take it to heart, brah. It's just conversations.
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