KT again

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Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
Tonight for KT:

32 min
0 pts
3 reb
3 TO
6 fouls
0-2 FT's

Boy do we need to find a young 4 who can at least score and rebound a bit and develop into a 4 we really need.


Hall of Famer
Something is wrong here. Kenny seems like he doesn't want to even be out there. He went to the bench after the 6th foul like it was no big deal and played like it out on the court too.

Something strange is going on.
Something is wrong here. Kenny seems like he doesn't want to even be out there. He went to the bench after the 6th foul like it was no big deal and played like it out on the court too.

Something strange is going on.
agreed. Something is very strange. Seems like the team is tuning him out or something... He needs to get going


Disgruntled Kings Fan
But he plays such good defense and we need his rebound!! He Doesn't need the ball to be effective!

Because he is ineffective with or without the ball anyways.


Seriously though, what happened to his jumpshot and seemingly decent? freethrowshooting
I stand by what I said in preseason, I still think the best lineup for this team is:


I don't like KT at all, but Miller and SAR don't seem to operate well together. I saw it last year and I still see it now. Miller makes it hard to get post position and get mismatches in the post.


Disgruntled Kings Fan
Brian Skinner had 6 points 6 rebounds 1 assist and 1 blocked shot with 1 turnover today against the Raptors, in 18 mins.

Damn. :(
Brian Skinner had 6 points 6 rebounds 1 assist and 1 blocked shot with 1 turnover today against the Raptors, in 18 mins.
Skinner will never be the man Loren Woods is!

Did you see the way Loren Woods didn't have a turnover tonight?!
Loren Woods didn't miss a shot!
Loren Woods didn't miss a foul shot!
Woods couldn't be stopped tonight!
No one even dared attack the lane when Loren Woods was in the game!
He played an error free game!

People need to recognize the power and give credit where credit is due!


Hall of Famer
yeah KT starts because of his rebounding. He had 3 in 31 min. if you aren't going to rebound KT you are going to lose your starting job. I would rather have those numbers with him coming off the bench. I think Musselman is seeing his need for something at the PF spot he has to right??


Hall of Famer
I stand by what I said in preseason, I still think the best lineup for this team is:


I don't like KT at all, but Miller and SAR don't seem to operate well together. I saw it last year and I still see it now. Miller makes it hard to get post position and get mismatches in the post.
Believe it or not, when Brad's not on the court there seems to be an open lane to the basket. He is rebounding and playing very sold D down low.
Believe it or not, when Brad's not on the court there seems to be an open lane to the basket. He is rebounding and playing very sold D down low.
I don't see it as an open lane either way. I think Brad has played decent defense though and I am quite impressed.

What I'm not impressed with is how stagnant our offense is when he's in and how congested the lane is.
KT is KT... very up and down and I think we will see our season go with that. Luckily tonight he didn't get us the loss.

BTW I agree we need a real 4.
BTW I agree we need a real 4.
I'm not so sure we don't have one.

We just don't use him. I know it sounds like I'm the guys agent right now, but SAR is a good player. Looking at his stats, last years rebounding was a fluke. Based on this years performance, it seems like last year's rebounding was a fluke also. He's not a monster, and would be up and down I'm sure. 6 one night, 10 another .. but it would even out. He's not a 10 a night guy like KG.

Is he ideal? No. Better yet, HELL NO.

But, I hate that we keep saying we don't have a real PF. I think we do. I think we've got a good one that is being severely underutilized to our detriment.

Not all PFs block shots. Not all PFs are rebounding monsters.

We've got a guy that could probably get us 20/8-9 and he's just sitting there getting cobwebs. He's solid defensively, won't win a DPY or anything, but he's not going to get torched nightly. We wouldn't have to give him 20 shots a night either to produce (like some players). I don't think any one person on this team should be hogging all these shots ... there has to be 14-16 left over shots for a 20PPG guy. There has to be.
I hear ya Roman.. but I just have a personal dislike for SAR's game... So I will never agree with that point. However I put that on the table that I dont like him... and will try to be objective about it.
I hear ya Roman.. but I just have a personal dislike for SAR's game... So I will never agree with that point. However I put that on the table that I dont like him... and will try to be objective about it.
He's definitely an aquired taste.

He's very finesse. Finesse to the point that you want to strangle him. Like tonight, he could have had an "and 1" if he dunked it, but instead he did his little layup thing. Drives me nuts!

His lack of aggression drives me nuts. If we took 1/10th of Artest's desire to shoot the ball ... Reef might average 50. Heh. Well, not really, but he'd be twice the player he is right now.
I stand by what I said in preseason, I still think the best lineup for this team is:


I don't like KT at all, but Miller and SAR don't seem to operate well together. I saw it last year and I still see it now. Miller makes it hard to get post position and get mismatches in the post.
That lineup is too small for my tastes. It would get eaten on the defensive end. Like it or not, Miller's our only true center on this team. I really think that if Miller is hitting his jumper, then it opens up the lane for our other guys. That is, if he's hitting his jumper.

And I don't exactly see how Miller makes it hard for SAR to post up unless Miller isn't hitting anything and his man plays off of him.
And I don't exactly see how Miller makes it hard for SAR to post up unless Miller isn't hitting anything and his man plays off of him.
The reason Miller clogs the lane is that the concept only works in theory.

In reality, the center doesn't typically close out on Miller. Even when his shot is working. Miller needs to go 8-11 before people start to leave the lane to cover him (don't know why, but that's the way it works). The center stays home and plays safety. Which makes the post players contend with their man and the free-roaming center.

Further, when Miller is in his high post mode, and the center IS guarding him, it's easy to switch down and double from that position. The guy gets stuck in there and there is no where to kick the ball out to. Miller is the open man, but a fat lot of good it does because you can't swing it to him.

Whereas in a traditional set, where the center plays on the opposite side, the man who doubles usually comes from the perimeter. That means that if the man kicks the ball out of the double, a simple pass gets the ball to an open man for a deep open look.

If the double comes from the center side, then the man is left with two options: continuing the move and going up strong, kicking it out because the double would be weak, or if it's open - passing it for a dunk to the center. (KT/SAR do this quite often)

Miller playing outside does nothing for anyone except cutters. If you slice into the lane, there is a good chance the roaming center will pick off your defender and you'll get an opposite side layup. Plus it's easy to find cutters from that position. If the center is guarding Miller than it's even easier to cut in.

But, for pure post up ... the idea of a center who hits outside shots seems only to work in theory.
The reason Miller clogs the lane is that the concept only works in theory.

In reality, the center doesn't typically close out on Miller. Even when his shot is working. Miller needs to go 8-11 before people start to leave the lane to cover him (don't know why, but that's the way it works). The center stays home and plays safety. Which makes the post players contend with their man and the free-roaming center.

Further, when Miller is in his high post mode, and the center IS guarding him, it's easy to switch down and double from that position. The guy gets stuck in there and there is no where to kick the ball out to. Miller is the open man, but a fat lot of good it does because you can't swing it to him.

Whereas in a traditional set, where the center plays on the opposite side, the man who doubles usually comes from the perimeter. That means that if the man kicks the ball out of the double, a simple pass gets the ball to an open man for a deep open look.

If the double comes from the center side, then the man is left with two options: continuing the move and going up strong, kicking it out because the double would be weak, or if it's open - passing it for a dunk to the center. (KT/SAR do this quite often)

Miller playing outside does nothing for anyone except cutters. If you slice into the lane, there is a good chance the roaming center will pick off your defender and you'll get an opposite side layup. Plus it's easy to find cutters from that position. If the center is guarding Miller than it's even easier to cut in.

But, for pure post up ... the idea of a center who hits outside shots seems only to work in theory.
That's when you have the open man cut to the basket from the weak side. Every time you have a double team, the defense is forced to react. The double-teamed man passes out to a wing player who hits Miller on his way to a layup.

There are two factors that determine this. First, there must be crisp passes and Miller must be hitting his open shots. It's a team chemistry thing that comes when the feel for the team in the context of the system works.
That's when you have the open man cut to the basket from the weak side. Every time you have a double team, the defense is forced to react. The double-teamed man passes out to a wing player who hits Miller on his way to a layup.
Wonderful concept, but in reality when the double comes from up top, the player is pretty trapped with little room to move. Even if the double isn't strong, the outside man still has to be open enough to receive the exit pass.

The next part is that when Miller rolls into the paint, the center doesn't have to move to be there in defense.

It's not an effective play, unless you've got a player like Webber who is comfortable outside the lane rather than inside. When we're working with a "true" post player that prefers his back to the basket it doesn't work as well because the double can come hard and strong and the double-man can rotate back quickly.
This is Kenny's second straight game fouling out... Which leads the NBA. He basically got his sixth, and just walked straight off to the bench. He didn't even look like he cared, didn't get frustrated, just walked to the bench like nothing happened. I'm tired of him and his antics. I couldn't care less if he was benched for the season.
Wonderful concept, but in reality when the double comes from up top, the player is pretty trapped with little room to move. Even if the double isn't strong, the outside man still has to be open enough to receive the exit pass.

The next part is that when Miller rolls into the paint, the center doesn't have to move to be there in defense.

It's not an effective play, unless you've got a player like Webber who is comfortable outside the lane rather than inside. When we're working with a "true" post player that prefers his back to the basket it doesn't work as well because the double can come hard and strong and the double-man can rotate back quickly.
It doesn't work because Brad can't roll hard to the paint. He likes to spot up and catch, then fake and drive, but he's been drifting further and further out on the perimeter lately. He acts surprised and confused when defenders leave him open, and then ends up taking a rushed shot or is hesitant to shoot messing up his rhythm.

If he could get 8-11 points shooting a good percentage off that jumper, the past two games would’ve been played differently.
This is Kenny's second straight game fouling out... Which leads the NBA. He basically got his sixth, and just walked straight off to the bench. He didn't even look like he cared, didn't get frustrated, just walked to the bench like nothing happened. I'm tired of him and his antics. I couldn't care less if he was benched for the season.
Me too, i bet Mo could get more done than KT has.
KT's production makes me ill to my stomach. I had been optimistic that he could contribute here but it doesn't look like his heart is in it. Still early, things can change. I still wanna move him though.


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
KT is starting to remind me of a shorter OP, in attitude and performance. Gawd, that would be awful..... whoops, wait a minute, he IS awful!!
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