7 tips for enjoying the 2006/07 season

I'm not much for preaching, or posting, in general but after reading many of the posts today the advice below may help many of you...

  1. Bad shooting nights happen, what is critical is if they choose to battling through and attempt to win or roll over and play dead. The Kings will not quit on each other or their coach, they have heart.
  2. No athlete, especially professional athlete in the modern sports era, wants to play poorly. There is no incentive to miss a shot, make a turnover or lose a game.
  3. No single player in the NBA shuts down a true superstar one on one, NO ONE. The best you can hope for is a good individual and team effort, limited touches or an off night… Maybe food poisoning if you eat the wrong burger.
  4. Try to judge players based on how the play and the effort the give. Stats are a good way to measure the tangible output but they are not the end all/be all for sports like basketball where hustle and intangibles play an integral part in the result of every game.
  5. Attitude is a perception when you don’t know the individual. Not everyone wears a smile all the time or any of the time. Try to judge players by their actions when the game clock is running and the ball is in play.
  6. Reasonable expectations for a team cannot be based on the success of previous teams with different rosters. What the Kings had a few years ago was special, not good enough to win a championship and long gone. Enjoy the team you have, even on off nights.
  7. Fans take regular season losses harder and extract more joy from wins then the players & coaches do, by necessity players and coaches are forced to move forward and focus on next game while fans have the opportunity to harp or rejoice on the recent past. If you can’t let the results of the game go after 24 hours see a professional. Permit a week of the loss results in a player injury or the arrival of TDOS…
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Very nice recommendations.

I guess you could add #8, "when you feel very frustrated, just blame K9 for the Kings shortcomings and you will feel better."

Just kidding, your tips are very good.
I'm not much for preaching, or posting, in general but after reading many of the posts today the advice below may help many of you...

  1. Bad shooting nights happen, what is critical is if they choose to battling through and attempt to win or roll over and play dead. The Kings will not quit on each other or their coach, they have heart.
  2. No athlete, especially professional athlete in the modern sports era, wants to play poorly. There is no incentive to miss a shot, make a turnover or lose a game.
  3. No single player in the NBA shuts down a true superstar one on one, NO ONE. The best you can hope for is a good individual and team effort, limited touches or an off night… Maybe food poisoning if you eat the wrong burger.
  4. Try to judge players based on how the play and the effort the give. Stats are a good way to measure the tangible output but they are not the end all/be all for sports like basketball where hustle and intangibles play an integral part in the result of every game.
  5. Attitude is a perception when you don’t know the individual. Not everyone wears a smile all the time or any of the time. Try to judge players by their actions when the game clock is running and the ball is in play.
  6. Reasonable expectations for a team cannot be based on the success of previous teams with different rosters. What the Kings had a few years ago was special, not good enough to win a championship and long gone. Enjoy the team you have, even on off nights.
  7. Fans take regular season losses harder and extract more joy from wins then the players & coaches do, by necessity players and coaches are forced to move forward and focus on next game while fans have the opportunity to harp or rejoice on the recent past. If you can’t let the results of the game go after 24 hours see a professional. Permit a week of the loss results in a player injury or the arrival of TDOS…
dunkondem........................................................ you ARE DA Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do not make judgements on peoples character unless you have personal experience. We are FANS having season tickets does not make us a Kings teamate! Have fun with your team! Knocking people is not fun! If you think it is fun to trash peoples character seek the advise of the man above "see a professional"
While I like the philosophy, I have to say that everyone is a fan in their own way. Just like real life, some people just aren't happy without drama, angst, anger, complaining, criticizing......

So just because they are not as mellow or calm doesn't mean they aren't having the time of their lives. ;)

Kings fans come in all ages, sexes, races, geographical locations, and temperment. There's room for all; we all bleed purple. (Well, most of us. ;) )