SLAM - Sacramento Kings Preview

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The postseason is definitely in Kings fans’ future if the last three months of the 2005-06 campaign are any indication. Sacramento was among the best teams in the league during that time. Yeah, they lost Bonzi Wells, but he only played half of that period anyway because of a bum groin. Replacing Rick Adelman, who was effectively a mute when it came to Mike Bibby and Brad Miller, with fiery Eric Musselman makes up that difference. And if some young guys like John Salmons and Francisco Garcia and Loren Woods play well, this could be a pretty deep roster.
Yo Brick. Just to clear the air, these guys email me and ask me to contribute, not vice versa. So you know.

And if being a smidge positive and hopeful before the season starts instead of beating everyone I run across over the brain with the hammer of "OMG this sucks!" everyday is being a homer with purple-tinted glasses, well then I'm your spade.

Take a freaking Paxil, damn.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Yo Brick. Just to clear the air, these guys email me and ask me to contribute, not vice versa. So you know.

And if being a smidge positive and hopeful before the season starts instead of beating everyone I run across over the brain with the hammer of "OMG this sucks!" everyday is being a homer with purple-tinted glasses, well then I'm your spade.

Take a freaking Paxil, damn.

Oh don't get me wrong -- if they asked me, I would likely contribute too. So congrats on that front and on becoming kind of the face of Kings fans on a national level. Nor is it necessarily a question of basketball acumen -- indeed local fans often have a better knowledge of their local teams than national people. It is, however, a question of agenda. You are a fan, and desperately want the team to win. Hence there is going to be an inherent slant to any analysis you undertake based on hope, and also possibly based on just wacthing your own team so much more closely than others. In addition you are writing for a larger audience and presumably trying to spin things to put us in a positive light at that level (I suspect I would at least). Therefore when you write an article about the Kings, the author is of paramount importance, and should be noted (as I did above) the same way a Lakers fan writing about the Kobes quest to win 55 should be noted.
"Therefore when you write an article about the Kings, the author is of paramount importance, and should be noted (as I did above) the same way a Lakers fan writing about the Kobes quest to win 55 should be noted."

Agreed, and wholeheartedly.

But is it necessary to be so derogatory ("homer," "that guy must have some connections") in pointing that out? I won't tell you how to word your postings as I know you wouldn't tell me the same, but I will defend myself when disparaged rather plainly.


Super Moderator Emeritus
???? That's awfully defensive, isn't it?

Dude, you're on a message board...and ours is actually one of (if not the most) civil around. You made your point about your comments. Let's not turn this into a battle over something like this, okay?

For the record, Bricklayer's comments may have seemed a little harsh, but they're pretty much right on target. You're not a Stephen Smith, or a Marc Stein or a Chad Ford. You're a Kings fan, and as such your bias in some things is and should be pretty apparent. You're taking offense where none was meant.
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