Congratulations Monarchs!!!

Let me be the first to say "Well Done" to the First Ladies of Sacramento. Though it did not work out the way we all wanted, it was a fantastic season, one that I will not forget. I am not going to break down the tape now (I'll save that for TDOS), but well done, good effort and we will see Detroit again in 2007. Scoot over ladies, it is now the men's turn.




Hey, they all showed up and played. They all worked at their craft. And they did better than every team in the WNBA except for Detroit. And attendance was up this year. And they had to play through the inattention of the coach (did it look like he was really there the last 2 games?), the birth of a baby, the knees of Yo, the loss of a major player to the expansion team. I think they did a damn good job. much better than I ever have in my life. I don't think any fan has grounds for bitching. IMHO, of course.
Im not saying they had a horrible season or anything, but i don't like when teams i like lose. They had a good season and were a few minutes from repeating, but a loss is a loss. You want to tell Griffith "it doesn't matter that you lost in game 5 of the Finals in possibly your last game, but you overcame a troublesome season." Congrats to them for getting to the Finals and going all the way to game 5, but i just wish they won.
I agree with all said, A great season for what the team went through.
They battled. I'd just like to forget about all those 3rd quarters, where we came out flat. I too am a poor loser, but right now I feel sad for the team, not mad. I guess the Shock played better for 40 minutes. It's a tough way to end the season. We always be The 2005 Wnba Champs, for that I am very proud.
Monarchs we got your back...thanks for the memories.
Scholanda Dorrell will develope into a nice player one day, but the loss of Chelsea Newton reared its ugly head today in the form of a Deanna Nolan MVP. we'll never know if she had been there if things would have been different.

nonetheless, keep your heads up girls, it was a great season and i personally am looking forward to next season with everyone on this team back and one year stronger!
Im not saying they had a horrible season or anything, but i don't like when teams i like lose. They had a good season and were a few minutes from repeating, but a loss is a loss. You want to tell Griffith "it doesn't matter that you lost in game 5 of the Finals in possibly your last game, but you overcame a troublesome season." Congrats to them for getting to the Finals and going all the way to game 5, but i just wish they won.
Look. I am a season ticket holder, I traveled to New York this summer to see them play. I invest time, emotion and mostly money into the WNBA and I am a family man. I HATE TO LOSE. But in the big picture, this was a successful season worthy of props that fell short one game. I am very disappointed, but big ups and props for the effort and getting this far. There is no shame in losing the last possible game of the season.
Look. I am a season ticket holder, I traveled to New York this summer to see them play. I invest time, emotion and mostly money into the WNBA and I am a family man. I HATE TO LOSE. But in the big picture, this was a successful season worthy of props that fell short one game. I am very disappointed, but big ups and props for the effort and getting this far. There is no shame in losing the last possible game of the season.
Shame is the furthest thing from my mind and probably the Monarchs as well. I was thinking more along the lines of disappiontment and disbelief. They did have a great season through all the turmoil.
The way the Monarchs loss though may have taken some of the wind out of the Q/R sails.

Had the Monarchs won the finals, I think that would be part of the momentum for the city to eventually pass the measures.


Super Moderator Emeritus
The way they lost? They took the championship to a game 5, which is about as far as you can go. :rolleyes:

I echo PurpleReign's sentiments. I got more caught up in Monarchs basketball this year than ever before and I fully intend to make it my regular summer fare from now on...

No, they didn't win but I'm proud of them for leaving it all out there on the court.
Can someone explain to me the whole deal on Q and R? I don't know much about it(I'm not from the Sactown area) Like what it is, and what happens if it doesn't pass? Thanks!


Homer Fan Since 1985
Well, I drowned my sorrows by going out to the All American Speedway in Roseville, where I watched a fun night of racing. I especially loved watching our own dear SIR HENRY 8 race a modified. BTW - you can all call him "Spinner" from now on. ;)

Purple Reign, thanks for starting this thread. I intended to do the same thing when I got home.

Dear Sacramento Monarchs,

Thanks for another great entertaining summer of basketball. You fought through tremendous adversity this year, and yet you took us to a Finals Game 5. For that, we are proud. I am fine with Back to Back Western Conference Championships. Last year we tasted the ultimate success. We shall taste that sweet nectar again. Anyway, thanks for giving us your all.
The way the Monarchs loss though may have taken some of the wind out of the Q/R sails.

Had the Monarchs won the finals, I think that would be part of the momentum for the city to eventually pass the measures.

Yeah I know Because Making sure the Kings Get Their Arena is all that the Monarchs are good for Huh...:rolleyes:

Scholanda Dorrell will develope into a nice player one day, but the loss of Chelsea Newton reared its ugly head today in the form of a Deanna Nolan MVP. we'll never know if she had been there if things would have been different.

nonetheless, keep your heads up girls, it was a great season and i personally am looking forward to next season with everyone on this team back and one year stronger!
No, that's not where the problem(s) was in this series, Newton wouldn't have guarded Nolan. The defensive matchups would have been the same. Tweety was pretty much unstoppable this entire post season against pretty decent defenders so what she did this series was not unusual. And the Monarchs had won 2 games in this series despite her putting up insane numbers and were in position to have won games 2 and 5 had they played 2 solid halves.

This was indeed a wonderful season overall considering the uncertainty that hovered over this team from the start of the year. The precision with which they played in the Houston series was by far the most remarkable basketball I'd ever seen played by this team in all the years I've watched them. Game 1 of the WCF was as exciting as they come. And thanks also for taking the fight to the very end on Saturday.

Thank you Monarchs, see you next season!!

Thanks too to all the fine fans who continue to share the ups and downs and highs and lows with me here and in person. You all made this season a very special one as well. We'll certainly need to stick together to get through our own dreaded off season.

I'm still drained and emotionally banged up, but hey nobody thought they'd get this far when they were struggling in June. So yeah, a loss in game 5 while it does hurt (I ain't even going to pretend it doesn't, hell, I'm still not over how games 2 and 4 played out) it also is a tremendous accomplishment for this team and a testament to their character and their fans collective faith.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Thanks too to all the fine fans who continue to share the ups and downs and highs and lows with me here and in person. You all made this season a very special one as well. We'll certainly need to stick together to get through our own dreaded off season.

I'm still drained and emotionally banged up, but hey nobody thought they'd get this far when they were struggling in June. So yeah, a loss in game 5 while it does hurt (I ain't even going to pretend it doesn't, hell, I'm still not over how games 2 and 4 played out) it also is a tremendous accomplishment for this team and a testament to their character and their fans collective faith.


Well said, my friend.
You do realize if a new arena isn't built and the Kings move, the Monarchs will move right with them, don't you?
Not to speak for Luv, but I understand completely where she's coming from in her post. Monarchs fans get the implication of Q/R not passing, if we didn't we certainly were reminded of it every game day at ARCO since the measures made the ballot. We were discussing it post game at dinner last night as well.

But one could perceive from the post she was responding to that the "thank you" Monarchs sentiment was essentially "thank you Monarchs for blowing Q/R" by losing" Which is not I think the direction the author of this thread intended.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I have thoughts on this, but I'll save them for another day. This is, as you've pointed out MBF, not the appropriate thread.
You do realize if a new arena isn't built and the Kings move, the Monarchs will move right with them, don't you?
Yes I realize it.
I also realize that the Monarchs faithful are hurting. Do you guys? We labored with this team when they we were 8-7 and were pretty much written off.

I realize thru all the major distraction between Zachara birth, Mama Whiz dying, the coaching mess, this team managed to hold it together.

And it wasn't until the Monarchs began the play-off run that the Maloofs come on throwing Q&R in our faces. Because that is what is really important. Not the Monarchs. While I am sure that it may not be true, It sure feels Like. Where were they when we were fighting for our lives. I was there, where were they?

We get to the Final, come within literally 6 points of winning game 5, and do we get congrats??? No... We get The Monarchs Hurt the chances of Q&R passing. Yeah Because the Kings certainly help the cause with their championship runs huh.

Sorry... Our girls Did us good.

And if I seem a little bitter you will have to excuse me.

Our Team Did us well. Q & R is for another thread.

Can we Please Muster a Little Love for them.




Super Moderator Emeritus
"you guys"? I have been a loyal supporter of the Monarchs, even though I am not a devout fan of the WNBA. I think if you'll look through the Monarchs forum, you'll see this.

Personally, I would have totally ignored Shattered Vision's comments, since they were clearly from someone who doesn't follow the WNBA. If you ever read the New Arena forum, you'll see he's pretty negative about it anyway so it's not just the Monarchs he's picking on...

Anyway, as I said to MBF above, I'm aware this is supposed to be a Congratulations Monarchs thread. I posted a response to Shattered Vision, which was an attempt to stop the stuff about Q & R. It was another WNBA fan, I believe, who continued the questions...

I'd recommend simply letting it go. Don't let yourselves be sidetracked. BE PROUD of what your team was able to accomplish despite all kind of major barriers thrown in their paths.
Back to the Monarchs, please. Let's keep this thread on topic here and leave the Q&R measure talk for the Arena forum in that particular thread.
I didn't even want to come here for a couple of days. That's how bummed I was after Saturday's game. With a little perspective, I know that up until the All-Star break, I thought this team was in danger of not even making the play-offs.

Then they started to get it together as a team and made one he** of a run at another championship. Could they have played better in this series. I'd like to think so, but it is what it is.

In the end, though, it was an amazing and improbable season. I couldn't be prouder of being represented by this team. I think they are great atheletes, great role models and Sacramento is lucky to have them. So....

Congratulations on a great year Monarchs! Let's do it again next year, only better. :D
Let me just say that I am glad i randomly came acrosss this forum, because quite frankly this is the outlet I've needed the past couple of days. I was at Game 4 and the Game 5 viewing. Dissapointed? sad? of course, but that'll wear off. I am sure without a doubt that the monarchs will be back in the finals in 07. Im not saying this because im biased....i just kno that those ladies will never want to get that close and end up feeling the way they did when game 5 was over, ever again. And yes no one likes it when fans sugarcoat everything, but even tho we didnt win the 'ship...the monarchs shouldnt take any shame in that. To everyone who's quick to jump onto the fan bandwagon when times are goin good and equally as fast to point fingers when we make it the the finals is a win in itself especially when it would have been so much easier for them to just give up with all the adversity the team faced. Im not sure any other team could have done what they did. so yes CONGRATULATIONS MONARCHS!