Geoff Petrie Jumped the Shark When...

Huge Buffy fan. Jumped on board late but became after the musical episode and purchased every DVD available. Fantastic show. I actually like the Spuffy, Brick. Buffy/Angel/Firefly-Some of the best writing in TV history. If you have not had a chance to watch the short lived Firefly series, run and get it now. Incredibly good.

Now, Geoff jumped that great white IMHO when he picked up KT, SKinner and Williamson(even though I love the guy). I can't say it was the trade of Webber. It was what we got for him. That is my opinion.
Huge Buffy fan. Jumped on board late but became after the musical episode and purchased every DVD available. Fantastic show. I actually like the Spuffy, Brick. Buffy/Angel/Firefly-Some of the best writing in TV history. If you have not had a chance to watch the short lived Firefly series, run and get it now. Incredibly good.

Now, Geoff jumped that great white IMHO when he picked up KT, SKinner and Williamson(even though I love the guy). I can't say it was the trade of Webber. It was what we got for him. That is my opinion.
i vaguely recall firefly; if so good, why was it short-lived?


Hall of Famer
i vaguely recall firefly; if so good, why was it short-lived?
Fox undermined the series. They did not show the 2hr piolt film that set a lot of the stage for this Western in space (kinda important) and then showed the episiodes out of order. ONly 14 episodes were made and 2 or 3 never even aired. Jos revived the serise a bit with his film Serenity but who knows if there will b more films or a return of the series. If you have not seen it or all of it check out the compleete series on DVD, really worth a look.

BTW it never had a chacn to "jump the shark."
Is the "Petrie Show" slated for syndication? Maybe. But at the end of the day you rarely take a franchise back to the heights of title contention without a top tier superstar. The problem is that they are very difficult to acquire -especially without drafting consistently in the lottery.

I think that Petrie is doing about all that can be done without that type of talent...treading water until the stars align and you can acquire that superstar.

That being sad, is Petrie too timid and could he have acquired Garnett or made moves for another big name? -who knows. I guess what I'm saying is that you can't criticize many of the moves he's made, just (and only maybe) the one's he hasn't.