Latest rumor about Bonzi

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Super Moderator Emeritus
It appears very likely Bonzi Wells will NOT be playing for the Sacramento Kings next season.

That's all I have; take it for whatever you think it's worth...


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
this better not be like the whisenant rumor again! haha ;)
I know you are joking, but VF relays the info from her sources, which have generally been VERY reliable, and don't need to be sharing info with her to begin with. If one of them gives her info that ended up wrong ONCE because a decision was apparently changed at the last minute, maybe we can stop jabbing her with the pointy stick - what do you think? It gets a little old, even to me.

Please involve Nene not finalizing his deal with Denver... Please involve Nene not finalizing his deal with Denver... Please involve Nene not finalizing his deal with Denver... Please involve Nene not finalizing his deal with Denver... Please involve Nene not finalizing his deal with Denver...
Please involve Nene not finalizing his deal with Denver... Please involve Nene not finalizing his deal with Denver... Please involve Nene not finalizing his deal with Denver... Please involve Nene not finalizing his deal with Denver... Please involve Nene not finalizing his deal with Denver...
That would be nice, wouldn't it?
I hope we get Jeff Foster + Sarunas from Pacers for Bonzi....
Ultimately I could live with that. Wouldn't be ideal, but oh well.

I'm still scared that Charlotte HAS to spend money in free agency in order to meet minimum salary requirements and haven't yet done so. This makes me nervous.
Would suck to see Bonzi go, but I'd be fine/good if we get something back for him like:


Nene (I'd really like that)

Foster/Sarunas I'd be mixed on.

At least with this possibly over now we can move on to getting interior defense (even if we get one big for Bonzi, we need another) and a possible replacement for Bonzi on the roster, if we don't get a swingman back.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
You'll know as soon as we do.....

And I am just as anxious to find out what is going on.

C'mon, announce something already!
i just hope we get something for him. Actually, I hope we get *value* for him. Ideally, we would get someone who can contribute as much as Bonzi did- maybe not at the 2, but somewhere we need help. If not, at least a pick?

I still cringe thinking about how we got nothing for Mobley...


Hall of Famer
heard something along the lines of Bonzi to Dallas for Dampier. don't quote me on that my source is an idiot. but it does make sense with Dallas wanting some Post play while Dirk romes the perimeter and Dampier giving us our front court defense but, buyer beware of Damps contract its over 8 mill this year and ends around 13 mil 2010/2011 season.
heard something along the lines of Bonzi to Dallas for Dampier. don't quote me on that my source is an idiot. but it does make sense with Dallas wanting some Post play while Dirk romes the perimeter and Dampier giving us our front court defense but, buyer beware of Damps contract its over 8 mill this year and ends around 13 mil 2010/2011 season.

If that happens I'm gonna jump off my roof on my head.......Dampier is garbage............Bonzi to Dallas makes THEM that much harder to beat in the playoffs or whenever.
I was really hoping that he would stay. If not, I hope that it is at last a S&T. It would be a shame if he just walked.

If nothing else, it will be nice to know something one way or the other.

By the way, thanks for keeping us updates, VF.
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